how would the green, white, and pink birds be used in space?
  • I think that, if the pink, white, and green birds were in Angry birds space (which they aren't) then they would be used as follows:

    White bird: you could aim where the egg bomb falls (like the laser bird).

    Green bird: I actually don't see the point of a green bird, with the laser bird and all.

    Pink bird: The pink bird would probably only be useful in gravity fields.

    How do you think they would b used?
  • I think the egg bomb is the replacement for the White Bird in Space.

    Maybe Green could dip into hyperspace for a bit when triggered so he could miss obsticals?

    Pink is too new to even try to guess how she might be used in an alternate universe.
  • Pink birds bubble could be mini-blackholes in space. Although I'm not sure how useful that would be.
  • I don't like pink bird mostly because I don't know how to use her abilities to the full power. I hope she wouldn't be "send" to space.
  • I have an idea for all of them:
    White Bird: Same, but when she drops it, her body goes straight up and not to the right.
    Green Bird: Same, but as he opens his mouth, anything around him will automatically become almost become completely broken.
    Pink Bird: Her new power is that when tapped, any bubbles around her will pop, so she can kill pigs in the process

    Like them?
  • Wow, these are some good ideas.
  • Maybe rovio could actually bring these ideas to the game (although I think its a bit late for that). And white bird's ability to go straight up probably would be good for zero gravity, @bbinmiami
  • The green bird would be obsolete in Space. I don't see why they can't add the white bird, they would just have to make it flip over so that it would always drop the egg into the gravity field. The pink bird could be just like it is in ABSW by triggering a tractor beam where you tap the screen.
  • Matilda: tap on certain location and it's egg will be launched at that place, while the bird will still move straight.

    Al: when tapped or hit something, bird will start spinning around in a circle, destroying nearby objects, similar to ABR

    Stella: when tapped or hit something, small bubbles will come out from bird and deal damage to objects that get hit by bubbles.
  • White: Shoot egg where you tapped and she flies in the exact opposite direction. Alternatively instead of an egg she could be a robot and split in half. Both halves would explode on contact.

    Green: Could teleport where you tap and contine on the way he was going. The wormhole he creates could stay open and become like the portals in Seasons.

    Pink: Uses bubbles like normal but instead of raising up she pushes them away from her.
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