Angry Birds Friends
  • Do you know which two levels it was? I assume the first two. Probably enter scores as close to the Average as possible.
  • Yeah, was probably the first two levels. I'll just do that and make sure they appropriately low for each. Thanks for the guidance.

    On a related note, has there been any rumor/word/innuendo that these levels might make a reappearance at some point?

    Edit: Scores posted, lowest for each, way to go me!
  • haha. No, no signs that these will appear elsewhere.
  • So as to not create another thread, as I do my daily review of my boards, I noticed that in the Week #1 of the tournament levels, my score went below average. Now, with the scores for the prior levels not being available, I would just caution that we probably need to be careful of what is put into those now "expired" levels.
  • We plan on doing something like that. We originally "disabled entry" but that's not what we truly want. We need to create a new option that simply "closes entry", but it's not operational at this time.
  • Why would it? We plan on adding a close entry function soon, so nothing should be effected.
  • Consider this my personal Q&A thread with Slim!

    New one, though I may have posted this on one of the blog entries, but can't find it. Would it be possible, or maybe it is but extremely difficult, to implement totals for each week of the tournament? The leaderboard would look like the Seasons Golden egg levels.
  • Unfortunately no, the system doesn't allow another level in the hierarchy.
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