Found some level change after update ABO 2.1.0
  • Those levels have not changed nor do they start with a score.
    The points you see are due to small impacts between blocks and pigs.
    You'll notice that on GE 23, the bottom left pig drops slightly at the start of the level, giving you a score of 40.

  • GE-23 I've seen different values than just 40, but I don't recall seeing anything as high as 200.
    GE-24 is actually a self-destructing level sometimes, so I don't think that's a good benchmark. If you wait long enough, you can occasionally clear the level with no birds fired.
  • Plus, Level 17-5 has a glitch. Jewel in middle breaks without any action to give me 3410 points.
  • I know GE23 pig on below got small impact, got 40. But why 2.1.0 get more.
    GE24 i know is zero bird level, but that screen shoot is just starting level.
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