Our strategy for Angry Birds Surf and Turf level 6 is to use the yellow bird to knock down the pile of boulders on the far right hand side of the level. That should destroy most of the right side. Now aim the blue bird low and expand soon to destroy as much glass as possible while taking down the tower. And no, from what we can tall destroying the barrel inside the cave doesn’t do anything…yet. The score in the video below is 103,530.
Version 2022:
Has anyone been able to break the barrel on the far right?
Spent a fair bit of time nailing it, just points unfortunately so it’s the same as the FB version.
Would love to know…..are these wonderful scores a result of a 1-bird shot??
I was able to do a 1 bird shot, but the total was a disappointing 92000. Nothing unusual about it, just the normal first shot and luck.
I one-birdied it too but only got 89270. There must be a way to improve on that!
Yes, but if you zoom out there is a rubber ducky thing on top of a trophy a few inches to the right of the barrel. Has anyone been able to hit that?
I don’t see a rubber duck.
@bluestar_127, @amslimfordy https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/members/bangry-ird/album/picture/11112/
Here is the rubber duck. A bit late :-) But better late then never ;-)
Greetzzz, @bangry-ird :-)
the only way is to use the strategy then use the yellow bird to break the barrel
I have broke the barrel on the facebook app. it only gets you 100 pts… not worth doing.
I did the same thing on Android. That was before i joined and i though that there might be a golden egg, but nothing…
Nice, topscore! I’ll enjoy it until it’s gone.. ;-)
For some reason I just can’t seem to get above average on this one…keep getting low scores?
I am stuck at 99,990. I don’t know what else to try.
Brutal…that’s it for me.
I’m in the same boat as AA, I have been trying your tips, but cannot get past 102240. Did you have a one bird for the score that you have? I see if the boulders hit just right how that can happen, the tower has rocked for me, but not fallen.
@rdnzlrips82 yay!!! Ty ty i finally got it.i think y the new stylus helped with accuracy on the second shot:) woo hoo
Good job, @kathy!!
AA: The key to the first shot is that you need to hit the wood as high up as you can (this gives you a score of 1660 from impact.) You also have to make sure the whole right side collapses. If it does not, restart level until you get a full collapse. You should end up with about 45k. Pull the blue bird back completely horizontal. Now pull up about 1 bird to where the bird is pointing in a downward angle and split as soon as you release. The tower will fall to the left and some of what is left of the tower will fall right resulting in an above average score. Just did the level this way and ended up with 102,990, which is currently above average.
If you hit the wood on the VERY top it gives you even 1770…..
Thanks for that little tidbit, emider! I will give it a shot.
sunshine: I just saw that you beat average on this level! Awesome job!! I knew you could do it.
Thanks, your tips and encouragement helped!! :)
On the other hand-if you overshoot and hit the first boulder on the left, you will score 570 just about every time :). Believe me, I’ve done it about 50 times!
wanda: I just caught this post and it made me chuckle. That’s about how I felt trying to get PB 1-13.
@wanda that comment was so funny it just got to my tickle bones! And each time I hit that boulder to get the 570 points made me bust out laughing so hard it scared my dog! Thanks for the chuckles.
Thanks rdn! Key to your advice is restarting if 1st shot doesn’t clear the right side. The boulders just are so random, if you don’t get the right destruction, just try again. Gotta be patient and lucky with this level.
Not a problem, PourPete! I and all the others are here to help.
Thanks for the tips! I’ll work on it. :)
Thank you rd! You’re the greatest! :)
Man, oh man! If everyone keeps beating my scores by using my tips, I’m gonna have to stop sharing information. ;) Just kidding, Kartflyer. I’m always glad to help a fellow Nestmate.
Your tips helped me improve by 3k or so, thanks! I think that maybe the yellow bird hitting higher helps it bounce back and start the shifting of the middle to the left-which can cause the boulders to do more damage. The boulders do seem rather random, so maybe it’s just a coincidence :). Either way, thanks again for the pointers.
Thanks rd for this post…I would love to give you credit for my MUCH improved score but I actually just got it a little while ago when the website was down, “under construction” (I guess the pigs didn’t get to you Slim). I just kept hitting the wood at various angles and happened upon a high shot which gave me alot of destruction with first shot, then I aimed bb’s low and I just got lucky, but thank you anyway for your guidance and words of encouragement ;-)
I’m just glad to see improvement from everyone when they finally hit everything just right. Congrats!!
@rdnzlrips82 Thanks RD for the tips and techniques. The first Yellow Bird was fine and could obtain 45k all day if the stones fell in the correct manner. But the could not break enough debris with the Blue Bird to get into the 108-110k range.
Twice I broke the stone plank that supports the stones (hit it direct once and it broke and the second time from underneath whgere it lifted and broke) and when the stones rolled, they destroyed eventhing below. Twice I blew my second bird…go figure. Will call this level “As the Stone Turns”. Gained a few points and will move on to the 15 new levels.
@wrw01 I had the same..no matter where I hit it I couldn’t even break 98k finally I got a lucky hit and got above average..it hit on the lower side of plank so go figure ..lots of luck involved in this episode ;
Ty all for tips and strats..I’m actually moving through pretty quickly :)
Thanks for the tips @Ripsy, don’t think you have to worry about me beating your score any time soon! But I appreciate being able to get above avg! :)
@rdnzlrips82 Hey Ripsy looks like we’re going to be spending some time at the beach together, I’m working through S&T to get my scores up & it’s nice to see all your detailed strats from so long ago. Your tips here certainly helped. I got a crazy 1st shot that somehow gave me 54k – never saw it go that high before, then 2nd like you described, aiming down. While the tower falls left, some of the base of it needs to fall right to add to the destuction on that side. Doesn’t happen too often though, but I got my higher scores when it did. Thank you :)
@Karen68 awesome score!! I’ve come back to try to improve but no luck yet i ve been following Ripsy.’s tips but i think someone has coveted the ‘L’ factor and forgot to return it..any tips?
Also block your ears! Need the WWWwwwhhhiiinneee factor…
Thanks @kathy, just got this score this morning! I’ve been hoarding the L-factor on level 10 but it’s not helping me at all so you might as well have it back. Ripsy’s strat for this above is the way to go, but it took a whole lot of tries & some luck. So much depends on how the boulders fall & the destruction you get. Most of my decent scores were in the low 100s. Good luck :)
Thanks @Karen68 :) ,i guess Patience is the key
*applying ‘L’ factor..
Incredible score @karen68. I’m revisiting these levels & doing well on some, not so well on others. So far with @rdnzlrips82 suggestions manged to improve 4k to 108920. I only had 48k on 1st shot & need lots of practice on #2 to get more rolling over to the right. I’m not quite in Top 100, but there are so many more levels to improve.
Also I would like to add…it’s so weird coming back to “Earth” once you’ve been in Space so long, lol!!! I know I’ve said it before but it’s crazy how differnt everything is. I didn’t realize how much I missed the yellow bird…have to get back in the swing of things with the angles and such!!!
I know exactly what you mean! It’s interesting having to adjust your though processes when jumping back and forth. The good news is, some of the tricks we learned in space might be able to translate back to earth and vice versa.
I just finished getting into the top 100 on each level of Pig Bang. Now, I’m heading back to Cold Cuts to do the same. I will then hit Danger Zone after that.
I can consistently get the initial 1660ish with initial impact, but no matter how many times those boulders fall down and take out the stuff on right, I never get 50K total with first shot. My highest is 104. How do you get higher?? What am I missing?
You are missing luck. My score was complete luck of the fall.
Different way to donthis one
First bird – up top rocks came down and hit middle tower and took out bird on it 70,000+
Second bird – took out as much glass as possible and brough down the rest of the tower
Lucky first bird
Power ups – 2 methods to try:
1. super seed and king sling first bird to help bring more crushing ability onto the bridge.
2. wait for second bird to super seed, that way you know you can get a little more of the ice.
Either way, if you already have 110k like RD, you may find little to no improvement. But using the power ups will help increase your chances of getting there at least by a little. Is it worth it? Maybe a few tries, but I wouldn’t spend more than 10 power ups to find out.
Just followed the video, used the second bird a little low to break glass.
I hope the barrel will contain a golden egg by the time the third portion of the episode comes out!
Sorry, no Golden Eggs in Surf & Turf.
Yes there is an golden egg in level 6 in Surf and Turf, but if you hit it you don’t get an golden egg, so it’s there, maybe it’s a glitch, cause though you hit it, you get nothing for it cept points
There’s one in the Facebook version but not the full version.
Ok I keep reading over and over that this level takes luck. Which means I must be the worlds most unlucky bird! I just can’t break 101k. Even getting 50k on my first bird hasn’t helped. Whine,whine,whine (starting to sound like a swine) but hopefully my whine will work some ABN magic for me. If not, I’ll have to get out some wine and see if that doesn’t help me kill swine. That’s one technique I haven’t tried yet!
Finally above average! and I didn’t have to resort to wine…my earlier whine worked it’s ABN magic. I tried using the slingshot power up but my yb took off like a rocket. I think he has “high” hopes of joining his friends in space. Guess I have a lot of power up practice to do.
There once was an angry bird addict
Her whining was rather emphatic
She tried instead
A bottle of red
And now she scores better – automatic!
Hang in there @bird-addict – a better score is just around the corner. If not, a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay is never a bad idea. Aloha.
Thanks @Surfcow! LOVE LOVE LOVE the poem! It put a big smile on my bird face and my wings are all aflutter. You really know how to lighten the mood and cheer a bird up. Meet me in the BP some time and we’ll share some Chardonnay AND Cabernet Sauvignon. (Attempted to respond to this earlier but my computer hiccuped and I lost it all.)
Roflmao great poem @surfcow and wine gives me hiccups also @bird-addict
Ooohh my to funny..
Finally! Got past my score of 107+. I had over 50 on the first bird with the right side pretty well one and a couple boulders too. So on the second I aimed a little lower to take out a bit more glass being sure to catch the middle block so as not to hang up the tower. So random this one!
2 Birds, just like the video, this one was kind of fun. I love the rumbling sound the boulders make, my neighbors aren’t too happy about it though, I use a pair of Klipsch speakers with a 12″ subwoofer, and they think it’s an earthquake or the Castros invading Miami.
Regarding this statement: “And, no,from what we can tell, breaking the barrel on the far right in the cave does not do anything…yet.”. Is it gonna do something eventually? I thought they encased a Golden Egg in the barrel. Also, I do not see the rubber duck on top of a trophy thing.
We doubt anything will ever be added.
Anybody ever knock over the rubber ducky??
Has anyone noticed the spelling error?
116020/2. Not much to add. Launched, activated soon after launch, then hit the top of the wooden board and watched the cascade with widely varying results. On this run, I had 56K after the first shot. Anything over 50K is pretty good, and 56K is about the best I ever got. Went a bit low on the second shot, hitting the bottom of the topmost glass brick with the top bird, clearing out the pit as much as possible.
hmm no strategy here, just get a lucky crazy over 50k first shot and you got it
How to get over 50k anyways? It never happens to me yet I break nearly everything possible to break on the right side and normally get around 43k
Following the walkthrough to try and get above average
Two bird score in Classics for 117k. For the first bird, it seems best to break the slanted wood support close to the top. Then as soon as the wood breaks, I tried to quickly launch the blue bird on a slightly downward trajectory and released almost immediately, so that the birds break the glass column supporting the left deck and damage the “sea.”
Score proof: https://angrybir.de/3FXgdRN