Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic Level 1-29 Walkthrough

Summer Pignic level 29 is quite difficult. Our strategy is to fire the first Yellow bird horizontally into the hollow wooden square, being careful not to break the bridge. Repeat this shot with the second Yellow bird, this time breaking the bridge and continuing onward into the right pit. Lob the next Yellow bird, speeding into the TNT in the right pit. Drop the bomb from two White birds into the left pit to clear the level, using the Blue bird if necessary. The score in the video below is 145,270.

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Comments (114)

By joey

149,498. Attack the first pit first with yellow birds. While doing so the structure will topple leaving the second pit open to attack with the white birds and clean up with the last bird.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1700 points
By DanBarth (@danbarth)Score: 148,450

Same method. I got 148450.

By Munky

3-stars, 147,560. Used all the birds, just kept chipping away. I’m sure there’s a better method, I’ll try again in a bit.

By Dan

159,130 with two birds left over.

By Dan

I would like to add that what I did here was sheer luck. I sent the first yellow bird into the first pit. The next two yellow birds into the second pit, the explosive boxes do all the damage there. Then one white bird dropping it’s egg into the first pit killing the final pigs. This left me with two birds left over.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 155,290

Only quickly glanced at this level in the hope I would see some Black Bomb birds for
a very welcome change. But, sadly just more of those Fat White Dumpling Birds lined
up. I really think they need a holiday… :-(

By Camilla

hehe.. love your comment ;) I just commented here yesterday that I really wanted some black bomber birds at the end of summer pignic, and apparently i am not the only one!

By Angry Bird Addict

I Love the Black Bomb birds, they are my favorite……:)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1930 points
By anniesussie (@anniesussie)Score: 154,520

Basically the same method as mentioned above. But the structure on the second pit was still intact, and two pigs in the first pit was still alive, so I shot the white bird low dropping the bomb on the remaining pigs in the first pit and bouncing onto the second structure. And then the second white bird finished off the remaining pigs. I got lucky and a piece of stone fell on the TNT setting it off. 154,520.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By madmonty (@petergee1)Score: 152,800

Indeed, I think the only way to have 150k+ is to use 5 birds only. First two yellows to clear as much wood as possible (aim for the bottom plates), leaving at least the second pit exposed. Third yellow in a high lob to “dig a hole” in the first pit (and take out any remaining wood in the process). First white bird in the hole you just dug to clear out the first pit. And then the shot requiring the most luck: second white bird to clear the second pit, hopefully triggering the TNT.

This strategy only worked once for me so far, got 149k but more is possible.

By Joe

Morning, everyone.

*rolls eyes* Truthfully speaking, this level is kind of boring because it’s obviously the level that you have to use most of the birds to destroy everything. Basically a Mighty Eagle’s 100% Destruction except using many small birds.

Note to Rovio: C’mon, we’re down to only one more level left in ABS Summer Pignic and this is what y’all have up your sleeves for us? *grumbles*

160,550 using five birds.

Bird #1 (Yellow Rocket): Aim for the first small pig in a square wooden block just upper left of the center black platform. Tap for speed boost as soon as released from slingshot. Once hit, the long wooden plank below will shatter, allowing most of the debris fall into the first “bowl” on the left. Only one pig will be killed in the process. This will clear the way for the next bird.

Bird #2 (Yellow Rocket): Aim the SAME direction as Bird #1 to drill through the wooden block that is on the right of now-gone square wooden block. This will bring the whole structure down and set the TNT off. The tower will collapse into the second “bowl” on the right, killing a total of 5 pigs [two on upper part of the second “bowl” (when the tower falls on them) and three stationed within the tower].

Bird #3 (Yellow Rocket): Aim the SAME direction as Birds #1 and #2 to “clean up” any remaining debris in the second “bowl” on the right. This will clear the “bowl” free of debris for the next bird.

Bird #4 (Fatty Bomber): Make a nice arc and have it target the center of the first “bowl” on the left. Moments before hitting, tap the screen to release the egg bomb to blow up everything, killing all three pigs in the process. There will be nothing to bounce into, so don’t expect any bonus points.

Bird #5 (Fatty Bomber): Make a nice arch and have it target the center of the second “bowl” on the right. Moments before hitting, tap the screen to release the egg bomb to blow up everything and set the TNT off to blow whatever’s left, killing last two remaining pigs in the process. Again, nothing to bounce into.

Bird #6 (Ice Picker): 10,000 points bonus if done correctly.

That’s pretty much it: simply destroy EVERYTHING.

Note: No golden egg found in this level. I don’t think there’s will be a hidden golden egg in the last level that is coming tomorrow except for finishing the whole episode with 3 stars.

For a better picture, please see this link: screenshot.

By Joe

BirdLeader, is there an “edit” button for me to edit my post?

Update #1: For all first three Yellow Rocket birds, tap the screen for boost as soon as you release the slingshot.

Update #2: For two Fatty Bomber birds, there will be nothing for them to bounce onto after dropping the eggs. So, don’t expect any bonus points.

Update #3: Today, most of the players — who got 3 stars and good scores since ABS Summer Pignics’s first level — should be getting the Score Addict achievement. For some reason, the Game Center isn’t updating. I’m supposed to get that achievement two days ago but still nada change.

Update #4: Sorry for a typo that caused most of the post to be typed in Italics. (BirdLeader, can you fix that, please?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1700 points
By DanBarth (@danbarth)Score: 148,450

There seems to be a glitch with scorecenter. None of the achievements are updating for this episone.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 159,180

I notified Rovio about it yesterday. They told me that they were aware of the problem and they are working on it. They also suggested that I contact Game Center which, as far as I can tell, is impossible. When Game Center has problems, all the FAQs direct you to contac the developer (and, of course, it’s probably not the developers fault).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

I went through and made those changes for you. As per #3, while it may be bugged, perhaps we should wait 1 more day before calling the hounds. It could be an odd prerequisite to have 30 levels completed to earn the achievement. Otherwise, Rovio needs to be made aware of additional achievement bugs.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 152,710

I already sent a bug report to Rovio, regarding Carnival Upheaval achievements and also Pignic Score Addict achievement. I also gave them a heads up that other Pignic achievements might not be triggered.

Awhile ago when I was finishing world 14 of Ham ‘Em High (worlds 12,13,14) I got the score addict achievement well before getting 3 stars on them all in 14. I do not remember if I completed all the levels or not. This leads me to believe that they do not have prerequisites for Score Addict, just points. I could be wrong, but I gave them the heads up anyway, just in case there is a bug.

By Joe

Thanks for editing my post.

If we still don’t get the achievements after finishing the whole ABS Summer Pignics tomorrow morning, we should call the hounds. I know Rovio will only point finger at Game Center, which isn’t true because Game Center is basically a scoreboard that game developers use to keep the scores. *sighs* I hate it when Rovio accuse someone else for not doing their jobs. This won’t be the first time it happened, though.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 164,830

143K is still 2 stars, 144K is three stars.
My method: Yellow birds nearly horizontal into the wooden structure. Most times already the second one lets explode the right TNT. Then the white birds for one of the pits. And the blue bird for the remaining pit

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 151,040

I bet everyone is still waiting for their achievements to come in. ( high score one) if your total score for summer pignic is bigger than 3,398,000, post it here for everyone to see. So, if you earned that achieventment,post it here!!

Rank: Champion with 3070 points
By bigbrotherbird97 (@bigbrotherbird97)Score: 151,040

Mine, current 7/20/11, is 3,419,590

By superbird

3’485’710, but in this level only two stars!…

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By joro (@joro)Score: 154,680


Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

I’m at 3.5M (have not yet 3-starred Day 29), but I think we should wait until tomorrow before notifying Rovio. It is entirely possible that you need to complete all 30 levels before receiving the Score Addict Achievement. That is, the prompt could read ” if(SP_score >= 3398000 && Summer_Nights == true) SP_Addict == true ”

EDIT: Just 3-starred today, now at 3,544,xxx and still no achievement. However, my comment above I still stand by. I’m not saying that it is a logical prompt, but it’s not unreasonable.

Rank: Deputized with 215 points
By catlamalice (@catlamalice)Score: 149,130

Mine current score is 4110050… and i didn’t get the achievment… :-(

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

OK 145k using Joes method which is the same as the first posted one so far but can’t seem to leave one bird. When I have I didn’t even 3 star the level.

Not going to be posting on the Leaderboard today.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 155,290

Hoping the final level has 6 black bomb birds in it tomorrow as a grand finale to really spoil that Pignic!

By Camilla

Absolutely!! Fingers crossed!!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Wow 134k is only one star. 138k is 2 and 144 is 3. So 2 stars lie between 134 and 138.

By me

Bird #4 (Fatty Bomber): Make a nice arc and have it target the center of the first “bowl” on the left. Moments before hitting, tap the screen to release the egg bomb to blow up everything, killing all three pigs in the process. There will be nothing to bounce into, so don’t expect any bonus points.

doesn’t work. 25 attempts the pig at the bottom always survives

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

Then you need more ice to be cleared out by Yellow Birds so that the bomb reaches the bottom piggy.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

137 2 stars so far. I would really be surprised if someone gets much more than 150k and that’s with lotsa luck. How is it possible with 5 birds? I dag gum near destroyed everything but with all 6 I did destroy everything yielding me a higher score.

I’m might keep playing and maybe get 150 but I would like to see a video of that 160 score Joe? Apples will do that, no? My HTC is a little less good than a 3gs but only a little. So there may be a platform difference on a couple of levels.

I know Androids might not be as welcome here but there seems to be smarter people or a person running this board than the others.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

iOS can record video but that requires jailbreaking, I believe. And Android is certainly welcome. In fact, some of our top scores are Android users, so I don’t think there is much discrepancy between devices.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Android requires that for most phones just to take a screenshot. Bummer! I’m on AT&T and they don’t allow side loading as Verizon does but who wants to go through all of that?

Ah, well…

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 155,290

Keep at it a bit more as a bit of a random level really … I have
had a good clearance sometimes giving me 138K and sometimes 150K and there appeared
to be very little difference at all in the end destruction scenario or number of
birds used (6)… only the score??

I may play this one for a little more too, as I quite like the level, despite those
fat white dumpling birds, (no more of them tomorrow Rovio, please!!!, no more) but
won’t really be expecting much more than 150K as you say.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

We’ll I got my 150k after trying a lot. Now if only I could not have to use the blue bird. I guess 150 to 160 is a luck thing. I really shouldn’t expect more.

Sometimes I’m a good player and sometimes not of which some here are great players. Now I want to try just to get the same score using one less bird. If I could kill all the pigs and just get one star, that is even more satisfying to me and keeps the game re-playable.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 155,290

Congrats on the 150K. I was thinking that on this level once the second yellow drops the TNT on the right and the concrete blocks fall it really does become like an opening break at snooker. Sometimes you are going to be left with easy pots over the pocket and sometimes a load of reds all blocking each other.
Excuse the analogy, it just suddenly occurred to me…

I just got one that fell and left very little cover on either the left or the right bowl for the two whites, so I managed to sneak one 5 bird finish out of about a gazillion attempts… last level tomorrow then!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 152,710

You and I need to play snooker sometime. We have a nice 12 foot table in Ayer, Massachusetts, USA. I mostly play 9 ball and 8 ball on 9 foot tables, however.

By Joe

I would be more than happy to make a video of my method… Only if it doesn’t involve jailbreaking my iOS devices. I didn’t buy $200 worth of AppleCare extended warranties only to get voided for jailbreaking. According to BirdLeader, a screenshot is more than enough. Sorry.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5360 points
By Inactive (@chaostsar)Score: 150,540

Joe, what name do you use on gamecenter?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5360 points
By Inactive (@chaostsar)Score: 150,540

Also, for such a good player, I’m a bit puzzled why you don’t gave these astonishing scores posted on the leaderboards here at the nest? Any particularly reason for that? Just curious.

By adamzapple

Took some doin, but got there in the end 154730 5 birds

Rank: Flinger with 50 points
By Big Z (@big-z)Score: 158,590

158,590, five birds.

I did the “clean out the left side first strategy” with the yellow birds,then used the first white bird to both finish up the left bowl and knock over the remaining structure, which mostly fell into the left bowl. Second white bird to decimate right bowl contents, and the 10,000 bonus for the unused bird. Have a screen shot of my android phone for non believers.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

It seem like it would work eventually now that I’ve had more time to try it. My aim must just be bad today.

By Darren

What is this strategy?!

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By rambeaux (@rambeaux)Score: 150,200

I think this is how I got my 150K score. First bird can take out both of the first horizontal planks, second bird takes out the tower, and with the shelter gone, it takes out more of the glass blocks in the first bowl. Clean up the right bowl with the next yellow, then bomb each of the bowls.

I’ve also (once) gotten the collapse to blow up the TNT in the bottom of the right bowl. Can’t reproduce it, though…

By Darren

Seriously been at it for almost two hours and about to throw my iPad out of the window.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

Keep at it. This is Probably the most challenging level to 3-star in Summer Pignic (MO, anyways). But that attribute makes it one of my favorites.

By Darren

Quite simply, it just isn’t fun. To me, this is one of those levels that’s all about luck, and I loathe that.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

I have the opposite belief. I think there is a lot of skill involved. To get 150+ involves luck, but 3-stars can be done with skill.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I think this one has much less luck involved than some other levels like the space level. I dunno about it being the hardest level for me in “summer pignic”. For me the hardest levels in anything they have come out with is in the Halloween levels.

Of course the last few levels before you can get the 3 star egg are harder.

Rank: Sling God with 37500 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 152,550

Or the Christmas level for those of us who weren’t involved until after the exploding hat glitch was eliminated!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1555 points
By toof (@toof)Score: 146,210

I’ve managed to collapse the whole wooden structure with the first bird once, and then I screwed up.
This is a hard level.

Rank: Deputized with 160 points
By vhfreak (@vhfreak)Score: 147,810

Yeah, that’s me. Same thing.

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By liz (@mags)Score: 154,240

Spending this month here rather than playing just on my own until I got three stars, I’ve come to the conclusion I’m just not any good at this game- only persistent.

(as per Joe) First bird, can either take out that pig, OR I can take out the horizontal, never both. When I take out the right side, it has never never never taken out five pigs. It takes maybe one of the pigs in the bowl out, every 20 times maybe. White birds, I can use both of them on the left bowl, with no wood on top to begin with, and STILL have the one at the bottom staring at me.

I got 145,660 the very first time I played this level today. Then had a lot of trouble even finishing again. Tried a long time after seeing techniques to leave a bird behind, eventually I increased my score after a whole lot of trying, to 146k. Ugh.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Try the left side per earlier comments. I found better results that way. I couldnt do it the way Joe did and end up without wood over one pit or the other thus needing bb. I did it once but without enough destrution for 3 stars.

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By liz (@mags)Score: 154,240

I somehow managed to get 154k, I think it was more of the clear out the left side thing, tho. I honestly wasn’t paying too much attention to what I was doing, because my husband just walked up to talk to me. He found my interruption of “oh, oh, go, come on, YES!” pretty funny, as I watched the couple stone blocks slowly tilt and fall from the far right into the bowl to take out the last pig.

I suppose lucky sometimes works just as well as good!

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By Numenor (@numenor)

I hate levels with lots of ice and few blue birds. Took me forever today to 3-star this bugger. >_<

By Lisa

Finally 152,510 after being stuck on 145,000 for hours!! 3,535,360 after 87/87. Wish I had Joe’s “magic” version of AB!! LOL!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 159,180

I know this is totally off topic, and I probably should be asking somewhere else. Is there a way to send a private message to particular users?

Just curious.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

Not in the normal comment area, but you can do so in the forum

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 159,180

Excellent. Thanks, AMslimfordy.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 149,510

Just a heads up, this is on my list of things to-do. It’s a big undertaking though.

By Ian

I think this is the hardest level of all 29 so far. I worked out the same strategy as shown in the video and described by others here, but I have been trying all day to make it work and so far I cannot get above 138,000. I came here to see what the “magic secret” to three stars might be, and no secret. Just pixel perfect positioning and a bit of luck I suppose. I can’t get five perfect shots to happen in succession on a small iPhone screen no matter how many times I try.

By BlondieAngel

I agree, this has to be the hardest level. I have done most of them without coming here to look at the secret on how to beat the level to get three stars and I cannot seem to do it. I have tried it the way the video shows and the way others have posted, this is the last star I need (have all but one of them). Anyone got any tips??

By Ian

It is almost impossible to get three stars on this level. I eventually managed to get 144,660 using all the birds by destroying practically every block of wood, glass and stone. But if you don’t get every last one you will score under 144,000 and get only two stars. Don’t even try to kill all the pigs with only five birds as shown here. There is not enough destructive power in the yellow birds or the egg bombs to get through the glass pieces to the pigs or the dynamite in any consistent way.

By neewolleh

Got 167,880 with almost same strategy as the video shows,
But used only one white bird to take down the left side pigs.

By James

FYI, I finished Summer Pignic this morning and 2 of the 3 achievements from Gamecenter. The only one I didn’t get was the score achievement. I have enough points, so something is not triggering Gamecenter on that one particular achievement.

By DelianSilver

sorry for offtopic, but…
I have finally got over 3.398.000 points in Summer Pignic, but still don’t have an achieve “Summer Pignic – Score Addict”.
What’s wrong and how to fix it?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 151,170

If you read through the comments on this page and on Level 1-30‘s comments, this is a widespread issue.

By Jeff

I think this one is the most difficult level they’ve made. Second hardest? The next one, level 1-30. Took me forever to beat these two and get three stars! Fun though.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Nope try 8-15 Rio. That I could barely 1 star.

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 162,460

Hundreds of tries following the video being stuck at 148,000. Finally good destruction when the structure fell after the second yellow bird. Four birds and 162,460. No magic secret just repetition and luck.

By Liza

There are quite a few cloud eggs in this level…is this a sign that there is a golden egg?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 149,510

Unfortunately, no. There are only the two hidden Golden Eggs in Summer Pignic and the Big Basket.

By OmegaWRX33

FYI: I got 55 thousand points with the first yellow bird on level 1-29 Summer picnic while I was trying to get the three stars on that most difficult level (by the way didn’t get the 3 stars that time anyways but just though I wanted to mention it).
Almost all the wood frame works was gone with the first bird!!! I was amazed.
I guess that would mean it may be possible to get this level finished with two birds still left, right???

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