Angry Birds Seasons Circus Themed Update Coming Soon! Exclusive Clue and Details

Happy World Circus Day everyone! New Info about the Forthcoming Angry Birds Seasons Update!

To celebrate this awesome day Rovio shared the image above on their Facebook page. Well, this image definitely takes some of the mystery out of what the theme of the next Angry Birds Seasons episode will be. Grab your tickets and antihistamine! It looks like the circus is coming to town. At this time we don’t know what to expect from the actual gameplay, but we will know soon enough.

Fun fact! If you look closely at the top of the big top their is a mustache pig suspended by a bunch of balloons. What a cruel prank.

Update May 3rd: Portals!

Rovio has released a “live trailer”, if you want to call it that, of the forthcoming update. As many suspected, this episode will include portals! In fact, a little additional information from Rovio to us: “Anything can go through portals. Blocks, birds, pigs… ;)”. Be sure to check out the Vine video below, and keep your eyes peeled for this update!

Want to know as soon as this update lands on your platform? Then be sure to opt-in to our new update notification system via your profile. It’s easy. If you’re logged in just hover or tap your username in the yellow navigation bar (top right), then select “Notifications”. Once there just scroll down and tick yes next to, “Platform Update” and save. You’ll now be notified as soon as this update lands on your primary platform. Woot!

Below is the info from the original post

Angry Birds Seasons Spring Update Image Teaser Exclusively for AngryBirdsNest

It’s a happy day here at The Nest! As some of you may know, Angry Birds Seasons is hands down, no questions asked, unequivocally my favorite app in the Angry Birds franchise. From the different and unique themes, to the “Pro Tip” bonus items, it’s just fantastic.

Long story short, Rovio knew that we us here at the Nest have been chomping at the bit for information about the next episode in Angry Birds Seasons (it’s been awhile!). They have said on Twitter that a new episode is coming, but they haven’t given any details.

Until now…

Spring is in the Air

The next update for Angry Birds Seasons (Episode 16) will be a springtime episode, and is expected to be extremely festive. (Sorry to those of you in the southern hemisphere, but perhaps you can think fondly of this past Spring and all the fun times you had.) Also, according to Rovio, there will be some “pretty interesting trick shots” in this episode as well.

So what do we think? Hard to say, but before we wager any guesses we should first take a good look at the image at the top of this post. It was created exclusively for the Nest by Rovio (thanks!) as way of giving us a clue or two about what is to come. What do you see?

It seems like the general theme will focus around those oh-so-pleasant spring nights. Based on the astronomy calendar, it looks like April and May will be pretty busy in the night sky. Items of interest include Astronomy Day (April 20th), two meteor showers (April 21st / 22nd and May 4th / 5th), a partial lunar eclipse (April 25th), and an annular solar eclipse (May 10th).

So, a nighttime spring theme is one guess, but why does it look like the text is getting pulled into a ginormous black hole? Will the birds be sucked in and transported to another dimension? Also, notice how the image is also washed out / heavily saturated. This is not the typical Rovio style. Maybe it was done that way on purpose, or maybe not. Either way, my head is spinning as to the possibilities.

Lastly, we also shouldn’t forget about Summer Pignic. It obviously had a warm summer theme and contained lots of outlandish levels (though I don’t recall any black holes). It was “advent calendar”-style though, so maybe the forthcoming update will be similar.

“A New Hope” for Power-Ups

Pardon my weak Star Wars joke, as by no means am I trying to diminish the significance of this. Perhaps I have a soft spot for wanting the episode to be more important.

Despite the Game Center restrictions on the number of allowable leaderboards, Angry Birds Seasons will now include the long-awaited, long-sought-after visual distinction between Power Up scores and “clean” scores. This distinction, according to Rovio, will mimic the style in Angry Birds Space.

I know some users will be excited, others may be skeptical. But, assuming the system works like the one in Space, I think all users should be happy with the end result. Let’s also add that, so long as people don’t go around bashing Rovio with “Why can’t you do this in the others?!”, I think we can expect to see the system rolled out to the other versions in due time.

So with that, I say here: Thank you, Rovio, for listening. We really appreciate this.

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Category: Angry Birds News & Updates, News

Comments (188)

Rank: Sling God with 29305 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)

So looking forward to some “Pie in the Sky”!

Rank: Champion with 3945 points
By Fleshyskeleton (@fleshyskeleton)

They’d better release it before Apr.16th or it’d go into summer,and that’s almost impossible IMO.
What the pic sounds to me- the new episode winds up in a hole XD

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Summer is June 22nd, by my calendar.

By bob

June 21st I thought. The 22nd is my bday

Rank: Champion with 3945 points
By Fleshyskeleton (@fleshyskeleton)

sorry i confused the lunar calendar with gregorian

Rank: Shooter with 995 points
By psych (@psych)

What if the hole in the picture represents some new gameplay feature, like there will be portals that when you shoot a bird through one, it pops out another

Rank: Well Traveled with 1510 points
By Fooly8 (@fooly08)

Trick shots? Image? Something related to portals shall be expected. What could spring have to do with portals?!?

Rank: Debriefed with 1325 points
By Chris (@bird4)

I want it that when the birds go thru a portel they will look like the toons virsion or they will look like the toons virsion on the slingshot and go another place when in the portel.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5300 points
By Purplepaws (@purplepaws)

Yay for the power-up leaderboard distinction! I was very vocal about this in recent surveys (as I’m sure many were), so it’s nice to know the community has been heard!

Also happy to see an update on the way. It’s been a few months (although I’m still not quite through all the levels yet). Something astronomical is definitely hinted at, but I’m hoping its focus is more on the night sky rather than space. (We already have a game for that!) Can’t wait for more info!

By val

it reminds me of the old Jetsons cartoon.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)

I hope it will not only 15 level, i want 30.

By Bob

Yah, because after the long wait. But the new powerup thing is coming and they might have bounds levels like in winter wonder ham and in rio. Rio took a long time.

Rank: Champion with 3470 points
By . (@minh)

I love Seasons, I can’t wait for this update

Rank: Pig Leader with 12210 points
By Bad piggies (@bad-piggies-2)

I wrote a letter to Rovio for 8 month ago saying that I want more water levels, and then Pig dipper came.
Now for 4 month ago a wrote a letter saying that I want a teleporting feature in the levels. If a bird comes on one it teleports to a other place. Could this be it?

Rank: Champion with 3735 points
By Birds! (@theog)

If it was true, it will be an episode full with teleporting mayhem!

By Omega X

This could just be it!!

Omega X

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

I had an idea like that a long time ago,so lets hope they make it true.

By Bob

I doubt it, because when I sent ideas, they said something about idea rights and not knowing who owns it. I sent an email saying they can steal all my ideas, and.i would love it, but they sent me a link to the page of the job applications stating to “apply for a job, and make my dreams reality”

Rank: Pig Leader with 12210 points
By Bad piggies (@bad-piggies-2)

I was right!

Rank: Champion with 3575 points
By Omega X (@omega-x)

Personally, I’m rather intrigued by this (upcoming) update. Rovio has always had a knack of giving lots of teasers and hints before an update’s actual release, but this……I’m really left clueless! I appreciate Rovio’s act of distinguishing the scores and giving the Nest an exclusive clue, but I really can’t make anything out of it. After reading through some comments, I believe that the new element introduced would be portals, although I do not see ANY relation to any festive season at all. I thought that portals are more of a Space thing? Anyway, more than anything, I’m looking forward to the song of the theme! I wonder how would it be like…

P.S.: The update wouldn’t be named Starry Starry N/Might by any chance?

Omega X

Rank: Well Traveled with 1585 points
By Tahir Jamy (@tahirjamy)

I saw the AB Space trailer yesterday, that portal was a purple/pink one, so this episode can’t be the last one for Seasons, leading up to AB Space….
Another possible reason for them not concluding Seasons is we still have yet to see Zompigs in Halloween this year! Maybe it’ll be set in a graveyard?!

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

Can’t wait.I always loved the Seasons updates.

By linda salvi

i just can’t wait for this update to come! i am very curious to see the episodes name and what will actually be in this exciting update. i always wait for updates to come but this time i can’t wait! i didn’t understand that what is ROVIO actually trying to show us by
the upper image ?!? i think it would be really interesting episode

By Nick Garris

I can’t wait for this update I hope it is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)

The birds are traveling through the “ginormous black hole” but the question is to where? Of course they’re chasing those thieving pigs in order to retrieve their precious eggs. Will they find themselves in the future or the past? Perhaps both, perhaps many, time seasons await them Modern Birds in Prehistoric times (seasons of time) would be interesting. Whatever this update holds, I want to say, “thank you” to Rovio for listening and finding a way to separate p/u’s from “clean” scores. :D

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7525 points
By Evelyn (TeeVex) (@habink)

I was thinking that the portal in the picture looks more like a white portal from the game, Portal. Portals could be placed by the level creators and you could fire through them. It would be epic. They would be epic in bad piggies like the gun from the game. But, on the other hand, copyright would ensue.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

I don’t think Valve has copyrighted portals (if they had, think of all the Youtube videos they’d delete). However, portals would be really cool, especially in Angry Birds Space.

By Flurrt

Yes, But in another game? They’d sue Rovio, or Rovio could just recolour them to avoid Copyright.

Rank: Champion with 3345 points
By theanonymoussomeone (@anonymousomeone)

Think about springtime, you guys. Birds chirping, flowers blooming,sunshine, and…… Portals. Those definitely go together. But seriously,maybe the portals aren’t preset….. Maybe it’s a power up.

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)

I think there will be portals that you shoot your birds into and they come out the other end of the portal while in the spring time.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

Above image seems to be Pig Dipper Background i.e. blue and green combination with stars. This update going to be awesome :-D

By alireza

i guess this update is in the night sky with stars and clouds and clouds are moving in the levels

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

Today when I launched Angry Birds Seasons on my PC, an update warning appeared on the screen. After the update has finished, I found out nothing new was added to the previous version (v3.1.1). Is there anybody who shares the same experience?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@ksfno1 Did you check the version number of your current version?

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

Absolutely! It is v3.2.0 as Jos also stated below.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

3.2.0 is the current version for PC, added 6 new bonus levels, 3 for Winter Wonderham, 3 for Hauntred Hogs. This update launched for PC +- 2 weeks ago

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

Word up! I realized those bonus levels have been added with the latest update when I checked once more after having read your comment. Thanks!

PS: I’m busy with 3-starring Bad Piggies levels of Angry Birds Classic for the last two-three weeks while struggling with those of Path of the Jedi on the other hand. Therefore, I could get the update today :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

:) but something what is frustating me, there is still no Cloud City, Market Mayhem and Bad piggies (abo) for PC, how long ago they released these updates for iOS and Android? I can’t remember it anymore..

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

I believe Rovio always favors mobile users and I hate it!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

All set now @ksfno1? Glad to hear it :) Good luck on Bad Piggies

Rank: Explosive with 2240 points
By ksfno1 (@ksfno1)

I have succeeded in 3-starring all 30 Bad Piggies levels available on PC. Now I’m waiting for an update which will most probably add other 15 levels.

Rank: Champion with 3345 points
By theanonymoussomeone (@anonymousomeone)

It seems the opposite with minecraft, where PC version is the best….

Rank: Champion with 3630 points
By spoonmon (@spoonmon)

Maybe the trick shots include going into one portal and popping out another on the same level and it depends on what angle you enter as to how you exit the other…either way Can’t Wait!!

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

Hopefully this or mobile friends comes out tommorow since it is a Thursday and my 46th birthday. I would prefer season’s update the most. Rovio has done some great updates lately. Particularly ABSW & ABR. Can’t wait to see this seasons update.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@Oldmanbird — Wow, and I thought you could be the oldest on the nest. You’re hardly middle-aged! Why is your username Old Man Bird? (There is a forum where you could share this info, and you would be allowed to join the seniors forum, although IMPO, you’re not really old enough.
Anyway, I am hoping for the Seasons update tomorrow, and hope you get your birthday present.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

I wonder if they release AB Seasons update today or next Thursday :-D

Rank: Master Slinger with 6610 points
By Lamia (@lamia)

well it’s Thursday but i don’t think update will land today

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

@Lamia Not today, but I hope next Thursday, we will get AB Seasons update or AB Friends iOS/Android app :-D

Rank: Champion with 3345 points
By theanonymoussomeone (@anonymousomeone)

I think Rovio has been getting a little less thursdayish as a friendly trick on us.

By KewlDood

Cinco de Mayo update? (considering this photo from their Facebook page?) That’s my guess.

Maybe the picture above was created to throw us off? Not to mention, I figured since ABSp and ABSW has space elements already, I figured Seasons will stay differentiated.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

Good eye! However, I think that they wouldn’t tease us this far ahead of Cinco de Mayo. That might just be another one of their funny little images they post.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

Yep, @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster is right! The above teaser image is not related with Cinco de Mayo.

By KewlDood

The look of the teaser picture didn’t look like it was related to a circus update either, but it looks as though that is what it’s going to be.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

Yeah, @KewlDood, I guess you were right! Good thinking!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6195 points
By rdnzlrips82 (@rdnzlrips82)

Looks like we are heading to the Circus.

Rank: Sling God with 33760 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

Looks like you are correct. Rovio just posted this on FB:

Celebrate World Circus Day with a sneak peek at our upcoming Angry Birds Seasons update! Can you guess what it is yet?

Along with this graphic:

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By Spacer (@spacer)

Whoa! @sparty83, where did you get this? This sure sounds pretty exciting. A seasons episode based on circus? If so what about the portals, vortexes or Spring? I’m totaly confused !:?

Rank: Sling God with 33760 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

@spacer, the graphic and the caption were posted on Facebook by Angry Birds (rovio’s official facebook page)

Rank: Sling God with 33760 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

Not sure if you need a Facebook account to view Rovio’s facebook page (some are public for all to view) but here is a link to Rovio’s Angry Birds’ page.

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By Spacer (@spacer)

I can see it. So then, its not coming out of portals. Its coming out of hats. We could expect some ‘magical’ elements here. Today is world circus day so shouldn’t it be released today?

Rank: Sling God with 29305 points
By TomPuss (@annie-leigh)

Or shot out of a big cannon?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

This is really cool! , levels with tricks in it :)

By Morph416

I would expect this update to have some pretty wicked levels in it.. following what people do in a circus.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

Sounds cool. When will it come out then? Today is world circus day already! That, or they created that image to throw us off.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7525 points
By Evelyn (TeeVex) (@habink)

If they have the Seasons logo, i don’t think they just made it. And i think it would be out on the thursday coming. -Its a kind of magic,right?

Rank: Champion with 3375 points
By Elite (@natsu8031)

like oz the great and the powerful..

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