Smugglers’ Plane level 12-7 is very difficult. One strategy is to fire the first Blue bird into the far-right tower. If you are very lucky, the cage inside will break. Then lob the Orange bird so it lands between the first tower and the pink caged birds. If necessary, use the next Blue bird to clean up.
Here is another strategy by FujiToast!
Total luck.
Use orange bird to attack launch platform with hidden mango. If you are lucky when she pops she will break the mango out and it will drop to the ground. Use the blue birds to get it…
Aim the orange bird down and to the left. Expand it precisely when it hits the platform. If you get the timing right, it works every time.
Thanks for the tip laurafj :) Actually broke it but missed the mango first time, but got it on the second go :)
Worked like a charm for me. The orange bird got the mango himself as he bounced off the platform. Thanks!
I had to use the two bird method to get the mango. Strangely enough, I found it easier to get thw mango than to complete the level.
That’s a tough one …
Wow. I cannot seem to kill that far guy with 1 shot. You were very lucky
One shot? I cannot seem to break that far right cage with two shots! But here is a tip for utilizing our Orange friend: send it high, approximately 70 degrees, with goal of landing where yellow caged bird is, atop the wooden plank. If Orange breaks through, expand it after it breaks red bird cage, right as it reaches floor. Major destruction. One time I cleared everything except that €£%#¥+ far right cage. Must be made of virtual titanium. Aloha.
The major problem I’ve found is that the layout is such that after the bird(s) strike the glass blocks, they are now in the way and cause blocks to roll and cages to soft land rather than break.
Thanks for the tip on the orange bird. As for that far right cage- virtual titanium is as good a guess as any. It is evil, for sure. I think I will take my 3 stars and go on. Maybe after more coffee :)
But where did you throw the first blue? My video not working, I think I am gong to cry:(
Kathy, you need to send the first blue on a high arc so it gets within range of the yellow bird on the far right. Also, you need to hold off tapping to split blue until the last possible moment. As a guide for this, I wait until blue is just about to pass the last vertical frame memer of the background image of the plane’s interior, just before it gets to the cage.
Ty truckdriver 87440 was very hard, but I got my 3 stars. I know I will never ever make average on this one. I even think the high score is wrong but I am happy ty so much:)
You’re welcome. Even BirdLeader noted difficulty with this level. For myself, I’m only four hundred points below average, but it’ll be tough to get them.
Wow, this level is hard! I haven’t finished this one yet…
I have, thankfully. Any attempt to climb above the average score for this level is going to make me a glutton for self punishment. Unless I get really lucky.
Hey kart I was havin terrible trouble also..truckdriver saved my day …follow that strat a few times and u will get it, keep in mid the piggies have made that far right cage virtually indestructable ..keep on trying u can do it!!!:)
Hey kart, we are a team:) including a whole nest of of peeps:) sunshine, laurence, trev and a whole nest of freinds:)that’s what its all about:)
I just got my update, thanks for including me, it put a smile on my face. This was by far the hardest level for me. Still working on the mango.
You are vw glad I could put a smile on your face:) ….btw this was and stilll is a very hard level.. but that’s why its a challenge:)
Both of you guys helped me in different ways… Kathy, with your movivational words to keep going and TruckDriver, with your awesome 3-star strat! No doubt you guys are the best! Thanks! :D
We all do what we can to help. That’s good teamwork, but oftimes, just from own experience, developing some strats requires larges doses of language not suitable for this site, delivered in high decibel levels, especially THIS one! :-)
Lmao I have had to restrain myself..after all i am a lady );) and you are a truckdriver lol!
Oh my lol, I just meant about the language u know how they say truckdrivers swear
That’s what I meant lol:)
Also, as a Navy man, and having been in the plumbing/HVAC biz, you can only imagine the sorts of scabrous expressions I have at my command!
On second thought, perhaps you’d better not!! :-)
I just love this site because as an Indian I dont have much command over the language English but learning some idioms and proverbs or clever jokes has certainly helped a lot in a clever way. Seeing so many people coming from different countries and backgrounds and learning from them is really awesome!
All in all i.e. getting the 3 stars and the hidden mango, this must be the hardest stage in Angry Birds Rio so far. Anyway after hundreds of tries and getting a sore shoulder, I finally scored 91,160. This was done by following the same strategy as in this walkthrough. The key is definitely releasing the yellow bird in the far tower with the first blue bird.
Nothing I do is getting that yellow caged bird. Quick shot, lining it up, high, low, parallel, happy, angry, f’ing furious… this is my only only level in all games not at three. Going back in…
I think that cage is made out of an unknown experimental indestrucable metal. Titanium maybe ..but whatever it is its not breaking lol:)
. I’m going back in too, be careful in there lol:) and gl
97,280 but still no hidden mango!
Score and Mango have no correlation.
I know but I just can’t get the hidden mango. By the way, this is an awesome site. I refer to it all the time! Thanks for keeping it so current. Great job.
Have you referred to your video? You can get there by clicking on the Mango Alert above the video.
Yea, way tough. The lower the angle of the first bird, the better your chances of breaking the cage on the far right … gives you a little more speed on entry. I finally managed to get 93K, and JUST missed getting 98K. But I’m moving on too!
My video wont play:( and all the comments are scaring me lol help please I amtotally alone:( cannot figure this one out
There are two videos. What happens if you hit the “YouTube” icon in the bottom-right of the video player?
Ty so much slim:) I really was gonna cry worked:) guess I know I am never alone in the Nest. Kinda comforting, but spooky in a big brother kinda way….lol ty again:)
Really tough one for me!
Tried for over two hours last night trying to three star this one. Never did do it!
Today, I was going to just go on to 8, and decided to play 7 one time, like the top video. 90090 but used all four birds. Now I can go on to 8 and beyond. Will come back to increase score for 7 after all are done.
I went back to it after all. Ended up with 100550 with three birds. It can be done in two I think, but that ‘will’ have to wait.
If you read up on comments above, truckdriver had the best advice, helped me a lot kept my phone intact too lol;) gl
Well at least I know I’m not the only one that finds this difficult! I didnt get far right yellow bird with first bb, but moved some of the top out of the way and when I threw ob on yellow bird cage and it fell through the wood like mentioned above by surf cow… waited for it to fall through and expand it and a piece of debris flew up and broke the far right yellow bird…yeah!!! Bet that will never happen again, lol
Ok so for those of you that will be happy with just getting ABOVE AVERAGE, after hours on this level I found that if you aim for far yellow and just be happy with clearing out some of the top and his surroundings, in other words to avoid breaking your device, just know going in, it’s NOT going to break on the first try…move on the ob and land him just left of the yellow cage bird in the middle, manually inflate him and he should take out all lower and middle structure, when you expand him it causes the left most structure to wobble backwards for more debris to fall, more points, then take your third bb and SMASH the pesky far right yellow bird that WILL break now cause most of his protection was gone from first bird…this has worked several times fir above average…now if I could just get the first bb to actually break the $&@: thing and do previously mention above ob as I mentioned then yeah maybe I could do it in two birds for a really high above average score…the few occasions it dud break on first go…I mucked up the ob shot…URGH!! Good nite my fine feathered’s 2:30am…must walk away fir tonight! ;-\
I found that if you break the blue bird at the last second and in such a way as to break both bottom glass blocks, you almost always get the yellow bird. Then it is all luck and timing for the orange bird and left side.
YEAH!!! I did it 2 birds 102990… Got that far right yellow bird with first bb, got to keep him low going in… then sent ob like I described above just left of middle yellow bird cage and manually expand him so it hits the left most guy too!!! Between last nite and this morning it only took 3+ hours, lol!!! Your turn Kathy…you can do it!!! GL!!!
Wtg angry!! I will keep at it thanx for encouragement and your vote of cofidence in me lol!:)
Thanks Kathy…just saw your post…I’m going back thru some levels where I rank top 10 and under to see if I can make hI score on any of them…plus trying stretch game out…haven’t tried levels 13,14 or 15 yet…don’t want to have no new ones left to play, lol…gl
That’s what I am doinng except not going for top 10 top 100 is about the best I may be able to do:) lol gl…
I know this is off-topic, but are others finding these rankings very useful on where to focus to improve? I used to try to get my score to within 10,000 of the top on every level. Trying to get my score in the top 100 is time better-spent for improving my overall score. The tips from others and the interaction makes daily visits to this site a necessity.
Yes I agree, I am not trying to set my sights too high, top 100 is o.k for me still a bit out of my reach but work towards…daily visits are a definite neccessity…lol I actually never sign out :) gl 2 u see u around the site;)
Thanks AA. Your recommendation to come in low took out everything except the first tower. Orange demolished the tower and left me with the high score (for the time being).
Yeah…congrats abeggertoo…glad I could help…now if I can just do it again and beat ya, lol!!!
I have not managed to pull off the 2-bird solution yet, but I see how to do it. I’ll try to provide some more detail on what I’m shooting for. It takes 2 perfect shots and I’ve made both of them, just not back to back.
1. Blue Bird goes kind of low with a relatively early split. You want to bottom blue bird to take out the top right hand corner of the left tower while the top blue bird takes out an ice/glass block supporting the left side of the right tower. Then you have to be lucky enough to have it kill the yellow bird in the right tower.
2. Orange Bird (with the top right hand corner of the left tower now destroyed) can be fired at a steep angle and land in between the left tower and the blocks supporting the wooden beam.
It’s not that bad.
You DON’T HAVE TO KILL the far right bird with the first shot. More important is to get rid of the stone block (the left one on that right structure). I mean it should drop down and smash two cages. In the other words you HAVE TO had clear way to kill that bird with the third (blue) bird.
Second shot just like on the above videos.
Third shot just to destroy the last cage.
+10k for the last not used bird and something around 90k for all.
Can not get it passed!
This level was very hard for a lot of shooters….if you read up through the posts, I found the advice from truckdriver to be the most helpful . Even birdleader found it difficult so hang in there! You will get it, just take a deep breath ….and patience is the key;) gl
The second example is simply a joke…the cage on the right explode without even be hit…come on no stupid tricks please…get real…
It’s broken by the stone plank falling. What are you talking about?
It was hit probably hit by debris, or just the impact of the previous explosion. These are actual no tricks involved:) gl this is a hard level.
I watched again the second example…this is taking a p… out of Angry Birds…it is a dirty trick…the cage explode with no reason, on it’s own…please someone back me up on this….
You’re on your own. It is clearly broken by the stone plank as it rotates and falls off of the cage.
If you watch carefully….after the bird hits and the glass starts falling, the stone long bar taps the cage, that’s all it takes sometimes. I would spend more time trying to beat it than critcizing the hard work of the admins. And feel free if you have a better way post it or send in a video.:)
Tommy, no one here is trying to trick you–and i don’t think the guys who run this site even are capable of “dirty” tricks. Pretty nice and helpful bunch.
Maybe you were looking in the wrong place. In the second video, the cage isn’t taken out by debris from the top (as is more common). A long stone plank to the left of the cage shifted and kind of poked the cage. It’s not really hard to see if you are looking in the right place.
Ssry slim didnt mean to overpost u, just trying to help. ;)
Ok I apologise, maybe it is the frustration of this level and not be able to get three stars (I do have three stars in any Angry Birds level of each version)…I need some help…
I can’t believe it…99,770 with two birds…sorry to everyone if I lost it…bring on some more!!!
Nice job,, and I apologize if I was too harsh:(
…also. if u use the reply button on the right of your post it is easier to keep the thread(conversatio) going:) gl2 u in the games…patience is the key:)
And its actually funny cuz usually when I have a hard time with a level and I whine about it, I usually get it right after lol
I know that feeling all too well @Kathy!
After many 1-stars, finally 3-starred it at 89470 using Slim’s method and 3 birds.
Did I actually beat your score? GASP! LOL On to 12-15 to get my last episode star…
Wtg @brave1966 !!!! GL going forward.. I gotta come back and re-visit alot of these rio episodes. After WW i think:)
Good trick for getting the yellow bird on the far right: split blues early and break middle and bottom glass blocks. This makes the horizontal metal bar above the top glass block fall right on mister titanium. Best thing i have found with orangey is put him in the gap between red and blue on far left
Agggh, that was hard.
2 hours at 86660 2* finaly got 87560 with all 4 birds.
1st to far right bird (didn’t get him).
OB to wood plank loads of
3rd to LH clear up.
4th to get that pesky blighter on the right.
Just happy to get 3* for now.
moving on.
Finally got at or above average. Broke far right cage with first bird; doesn’t happen very often. I don’t know why I think once I get a good score that I can get a better one now that I “know” the right strategy. Just wastes time.
Nice job! I slways think the same better off on levels like this to just b happy with what we got right!:)
I got 105540 by getting yellow caged bird and bottom right cage with blue bird and letting second bird run its course after knicking the top right corner of glass structure around the first bird cage.
Got really luck with the orange bird threw up a block that hit the bird on the far right
Wow! I got lucky and scored 90240. Your instructs were great. Can’t explain it but, orange bird cleared all but the blue caged bird. Had to use another bird.
seems to be a challenging level! i dont like it at all! so i ll just stop playing and get along with the fact, that i cant beat average!
3 birds 105720
everyone who has problems with this level should check this vid out, I didnt even kill the right bird with the first shot but still got a top5 score cos of that awesome 2nd shot. Wtg @misterparon
Thank you!!! Finally managed to do this level…. not a high score, but I don’t give a rats arse!
@misterparon, thank you so much for this video. It explains so much. Was stuck on this level, couldn’t reach the average score. Good work!
@misterparon thank you, your video really helped. This level is as tough & annoying as I remember,
With the 2nd shot it’s possible to clear out the left structure as well as what’s left in the middle. Sometimes you get a more right-ward explosion rather than outward like in your vid, which pushes debris into the middle structure to destroy it. It helps to get the blue bird cage in the middle with the 1st shot.
I’m just happy to improve on this one. That yellow birdcage has got to be one of the most stubborn around, I rarely got it with the 1st shot, & when I did I always messed up the 2nd shot. Of course.
I suspect 110K+ scores were achieved with this great @misterparon strategy but with 2 birds. Almost had 110K just now but the rightmost (yellow) cage quite miraculously survived: one of the small square stones from the left tower flew up in high arc after second shot and landed right smack in the middle of the top of the yellow cage. But, there was one tiny stone square right on top of it and it incredulously protected the yellow cage from being destroyed! So I agree with @karen68, I’ve never seen a more stubborn cage ;-)
@fenikus I agree that’s where the high scores are from, 2-birders using misterparon’s strat. This would have given me a nice 108k if that yellow cage was gone.
Twice I was looking at 111k+ scores if it weren’t for that blasted yellow bird :(
The key is to hit the botten glass block of the left tower with the bluebird.
If the far left cage soft-lands rather than breaks, your best bet is to restart the level, as you don’t have enough birds in the quiver to get everything and come back.
That far right bird is impossible! I find it amusing that in he videos, the yellow bird is destroyed just by having some debris sitting on top of it. I’ve hit that bird harder than they do in the video and I can’t get it to break. This is a very annoying level.