Angry Birds Rio Papaya #10 Walkthrough Level 20 (8-5)

This video shows you how to get the papaya that is hidden in Angry Birds Rio Carnival Upheaval Level 20 (8-5). Be prepared for some some frustration, as this is the hardest papaya to get. The labeled crate is extremely well protected at the bottom center of the level. Below are two strategies, both courtesy of AMslimfordy.

Hard – Blu is the key to this strategy. Fire Blu at the highest structure (the one overlooking the TNT field). You need a little luck as Blu must do two things. First, he must roll backwards and pop the marmoset blocking the gap leading down to the labeled crate. Second, he must nudge the top (slightly thicker) stone block at the top of the gap so that the white bird’s egg bomb can penetrate far enough. You can then waste the Red Bird.

Harder – Fire Blu very high vertically and try to make him land right above the labeled crate. His conniption fit should clear quite a bit of debris. With a bit of luck, there should be a gap leading straight down to the crate (luck is a key word here as a stone block typically blocks the path to the crate). Waste the Red Bird and use the White Bird to drop a bomb down that shute. If you’ve got another strategy feel to leave a comment.

Comments (72)

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By Birdman565 (@birdman565)

Surprisingly the “harder” strategy worked for me better, took a few tries though…..

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By mjr73 (@mjr73)

same for me, the bigger gap to the crate is the key to drop the egg down there (dumb white bird!) but it takes a few tries, ~15 to get the right destruction for me. the ‘hard’ method just didnt work out at all

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Odd. I was able to replicate the “hard” method about 10-20% of the time. The harder method was far less repeatable. Oh well, to each his own. That’s why I found two methods.

By stuckonyou

Surprisely after a 1000 tries, I looked up how to and the harder worked for 1 shot! Thank you :-)

By Tania

You rock!!!! The hard method worked for me after 4 tries. I wasted 3 hours trying because I didn’t think your posts would be up yet…(never doubt you again!!)

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Glad it helped!

By Tania

I thought I was an addict until I read that some people have finished the level already with 3 stars !!! I’m going crazy trying to get 3 stars on 8-1..Looking forward to watching your walk throughs..

By tania

OMG!!! Just found your walkthrough on youtube. Thanks again

By cams

The hardest fruit ever?
I just tried the harder method and got it in 1 try.
Maybe I was very, very, very, very, very lucky.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I think it’s the last line ;)

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By crazyhacker (@crazyhacker)

@AMslimfordy Its not that hard. Shoot Blu between that area where there are the stones blocking the papaya and the platform, then press at the last second so he starts flying around earlier, then if you have some debris left, clear it off with the red bird (shoot at the same angle as Blu, upwards).Then shoot the white bird alsothe same angle, and explode it right next to the platform(the bomb effect goes through the platform so it okay if it is on top,too). Thats how i got it on my first try.


Got it first try like that thanks!

By Angry Birds Addict

Got it that time! Thank you Crazyhacker!!!

By Sahil Arora

The First one worked for me. I tried the harder one for hours….

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By FrithaB (@frithab)

WOW!! That one was a bear. Thanks for the help.

By Egghunter2

One thing: you can destroy the crate by dropping the bomb on the indestructible structure above. Of course, it needs to be cleared of wooden stuff before you can do that…

Rank: Shooter with 890 points
By Moe (@christophermorrison5)

I actually did the same. Managed to clear the space above the crate many times but was tunnel visioned on making a gap. If you do clear that space off with Blu its a way easier shot with the white bird

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

Thanks guys, your hint about hitting the platform above made this one pretty easy! I had better luck with the harder method, then I just hit the platform after clearing space, and it worked!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By tobi (@tobi)

Hard stategy worked for me. I didn’t waste the red bird, instead i used it to knock down the square block right above the crate to get some more space. Still, a 30 minute job…

By sigwood

Got it with Blu. Basically the same as your walkthrough, but Blu went down the shoot and broke the crate before his fit was done. Took forever though.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@AMslimfordy thanks for sharing those methods ;)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By JessicaSantillo (@jessicasantillo)

Um, wasn’t there 30 more levels coming? I coulda sword I saw 2 different pages on my ipad that said coming soon…?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Perhaps you are thinking of Mine and Dine?

By i hate this

neither method comes close for me every time something falls into the gap to block the bomb

38 times for each

can you post the video of the other method maybe i’m missing something

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

As we mention, there is a lot of luck involved in this one and it can take many many tries. For some that means easily over 100.

By Eveline

I must have been “lucky”. I got the papaya with the harder method but it took me quite of lot of tries! I didn’t count them though.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By danny76 (@danny76)

Done this several times now. seems way easier.


Fire Blu upwards so he hits the marmoset that blocks the path (he knocks all the debris left, clearing a huge space to just drop the egg in). Use the red to hit the box. If you miss with red you won’t with the egg-spolsion.

Hope it helps

By Paige Borda

Finally got it with the harder method. Thanks!

By Wilks666

Oh man, thanx for the post, I nearly smashed my iPhone – lucky I didn’t or no more Angry Birds for me! Lol this is by far the hardest papaya/bonus!

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By crazyhacker (@crazyhacker)

actually the easiest for me

By Thomas

To crazyhacker – you’re clearly not using an iPhone to play this game then – it is STUPID hard on the iPhone, even the iPhone 4. I’m ranked 1,200 total on the Rio game – on the iPhone, so I’m somewhat competent – and I can tell you that this was not tested particularly well on the iPhone. Kind of like using a musket at 1000 yards – its all about dumb luck. I had NO sense of achievement after getting this papaya, just glad that this dumb step was done.

By Stef

I used the the blue bird to break the blocks directly above the crate and the little pieces of cement block that are on top of the wooden blocks fell in slot and broke the crate in one shot. Guess you have to get the blue bird to land just right above the crate.

By Susan

Thank you!! I’ve been trying something similar to the Harder method for days and days with no luck. I did it in the first try after reading your Hard method above. Thanks so much!

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By crazyhacker (@crazyhacker)

I got so lucky! I couldn’t beat this level, and then after trying to do the hard method, I luckily cleared out all the monkeys in only two shot. Got 71,920 points and 3***

By obflyer

this may be an even harder method, but it worked for me. i started with a method similar to described above, but gave up to try a different approach that seemed to have merit.

1) shoot Blue straight ahead just above the first wooden box sitting on the closest table. luck… you will throw everything on that table forward smashing much of the pieces and leaving only the bottom wooden box on the table. very lucky… if you catch the bottom box just right, Blue will take care of smashing that one, too.

2) shoot the 1st red bird straight forward. this one requires a lot of luck. 80% of the time the red bird will not do anything, but occasionally the red bird will take out a few pieces in the pile and make a nice little depression.

3) shoot the white egg bomber straight ahead right into that gap and time the drop perfectly. the bomb and the bird combined will clear out a path to the hidden box under the table.

4) shoot the last red bird JUST clearing the top of the wooden box left on the table and it will duck under the second table releasing the papaya. if you take out the box on the 1st shot, this will be even easier.

downside… the first time i had the clear path, unfortunately i also took out the last monkey with the egg bomber that took off upward after releasing. so before i could get off the kill shot, the episode closed and totaled up! Aughhhh!

Rank: Deputized with 170 points
By SymBird (@symbird)

@ obflyer- That was my strategy too, but I gave up. It was so hard, that I had to came here to see how you guys make it. Now I finally get it by using that strategy on video. This really is hard!

By Paul Bumgarner

I must be the lucky one. I drop Blu o’er to clear the area a bit then bounced a red bird over the tall crate and it fell down and gave me the fruit. First try.

By Z

I have an insane strategy, which 2 out of 14 of my friends have succeed because my strategy… First, use Blu, the red bird, and the whi

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Can you elaborate…. like, at all?

By Kathy

I got all 15 of the papayas and even went back through to make sure I had them all, but it’s telling me I only got 14 of them. No clue what to do!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Try restarting your device and re-obtain all 15 papayas — even if crates etc. are no longer labeled.

By Spenkmage

The strategy I figured out is fairly easy. Aim the blue birds the same way you would in the “harder” strategy, aiming for the bottom-most box directly above the marked box. Use it to clear the stone pieces from the wooden square, and use the red birds to break the square. AIM THE RED BIRD EXACTLY AS YOU AIMED THE BLUE!!! With the wooden square broken, simply bomb the plate the marked box sits under, and the explosion will burst it easily. This is far and away the easiest method I’ve personally found….

By siti

i used blu hit him down the middle, use the remaining to clear the debris, and then use the last red bird to break the box. Accuracy has to be immaculate though

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

Wow, hardest level I’ve ever done – not exaggerating when I say I drained about 2/3 of my battery on this one level alone. Harder method worked in the end, but took about an hour and a half – need a lot of luck and perfect aiming of the bomb

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)

I’m with you @laurence – I had done this on my iPod and hated it. While the site was down I worked on it on my android device – still hate it. One of – if not the – hardest levels in any AB game.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

@playdbird I know right?! At some point I may have to obtain this in the PC version – I’m not looking forward to it, lol! At least getting once means I know it CAN be done, and it’s not just a giant conspiracy, lol! :)

By Nik

Finally managed it! The problem was aiming blu as he always seemed to cause the small concrete block to fall and block the path. However by zooming all the way out first the aim worked first time! Weird as you’d think it was less accurate but it might help someone else to try it

By Jim

Tried both methods dozens of times…. Put the Ipod down for the night and nailed it first try (harder version).. Finaly that block didn’t fall and block the opening.. Thanks for both methods, was the most challenging so far.

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