Angry Birds News: Bad Piggies Cookbook App & CERN Partnership

Amidst all the hoopla of updates here in the Angry Birds Universe — from the release of Bad Piggies to their invasion of the original Angry Birds app — there has been quite a bit of news not related to actual gaming.

Bad Piggies Cookbook App

About a year ago, Rovio released a hardcover book called Bad Piggies’ Egg Recipes, which featured many different recipes for cooking eggs and all that jazz. (If you’re interested, we wrote about it briefly last July.) But given the new “digital” age of — well, of absolutely everything in the world — this book has been turned into an app for iPad! Any iPad owners who are interested should look for “Bad Piggies Best Egg Recipes” in the AppStore. (No word on whether it will be made available for any other devices; e.g., iPhone, Android.) A few notes about this release:

  • This is a full-fledged app in the AppStore, not part of the Newstand, iBooks, etc.
  • The app will be on sale for $0.99 USD for a limited time; otherwise, it’s $4.99 USD.
  • Includes 41 recipes, which I believe is less than the full book (which makes sense, as it was about $20 for the hardcover).
  • Many other fun tidbits, such as animated illustrations, social media integration, both metric and imperial options, and a built-in egg timer.
  • The cookbook is easy to use and the step-by-step instructions are easy to follow.
  • Includes the ability to rate the recipe on a — wait for it — 3 star scale.
  • You can also snap a picture of your dish from within the app and save it to the “Photo Gallery”.

Angry Birds Playground Initiative

In more educational news (and less gruesome to those who just love the adorable eggs that the Angry Birds strive to protect), Rovio and the Angry Birds have teamed up with CERN! For those who wish to learn, CERN is a grandfathered acronym, originally standing for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research), though they soon changed their name to Organisation (Organization) two years after their 1952 founding. Nonetheless, CERN is likely the world leader in particle physics, operating the world’s largest laboratory in the field, the Large Hadron Collider, and many other particle accelerators. And of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t include that CERN was also the employer of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, co-inventor of the World Wide Web.

So, now that the history lesson is done, back to the birds. Rovio and CERN are teaming up in a project called Angry Birds Playground. The goal of this program is to educate 3 to 8 year olds about the sciences, in particular physics. The collaboration between the world’s foremost physicists and the world’s most popular feathered friends aims to use the Angry Birds as learning aids for quantum physics via board games, books, and more. (No official word on an app yet, though there have been many online documentaries about the physics of the Angry Birds Universe.)

As some of you may know, I’m a graduate student pursuing my Ph.D. in mathematics. In this way, I absolutely must give my nod to both Rovio and CERN, as this is a fantastic idea. The education of the modern youth cannot be ignored. The following quote certainly summarizes both the enormous need for such education, and the terrific mindset of the collaboration:

“Modern physics has been around for 100 years, but it’s still a mystery to many people. Working together with Rovio, we can teach kids quantum physics by making it fun and easy to understand.”

— Rolf Landua (Head of Education, CERN)

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Category: Angry Birds News & Updates, News

Comments (18)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By Doodle Sandwich (@doodle-sandwich)

If only I had an iPad :(

Rank: Champion with 3735 points
By Birds! (@theog)

This is the first non-game app ever made by rovio and it’s yummy :¶

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

no wonder I couldn’t find it on my Itouch! ROVIO must be very proud of that book

Rank: Well Traveled with 1520 points
By Little Brother Bird (@platypus1234)

I like the book and we are lucky to get a chance to buy it on sale.
The CERN idea is also good.

Rank: Out of this World with 2510 points
By brave1966 (@brave1966)

Basic high school physics was bad enough, now they’re taking a — wait for it — Quantum Leap! lol

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9660 points
By Dr. Omega (@dr-omega)

This must be the book app I reported on here:

It’s neat and all, but I was hoping it was a more universal book app, rather than a one-off. Sad it is only for iPad.

Rank: Out of this World with 2560 points
By DeathHammer (@deathhammer)

Here’s a thought –

Birds whizzing round the LHC at near-lumimnal speeds! Any pig inside the tunnel would be worried…

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By Superjustinbros (@superjustinbros)

The photos demonstrating the finished recopies are in some cases very awkward and sometimes disturbing. I’m sure it was done for the humor, but I would have preferred if they did professional images of the recipes on a kitchen table or wooden counter, with the silverware on the side and ready to serve, and the toppings not making a mess on the sides.

Part of a cookbook is to make the pictures appealing enough so you’ll want to make the shown food and eat it, not get disgusted by it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7660 points
By BBinMiami (@bbinmiami)

I would love to get this, but I don’t like eggs.

By Pim van Tongeren

Do the different colours represent different categories? If yes, what are these?

Rank: Sling God with 68870 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

I like to eat eggs and purchased the cookbook. The milkshake recipe looks great. Will try a few items when I return home. I love the actual pictures and the cartoons pics of the food.
Applaud Cern and Rovio for the educational endeavor. “More” is great and really needed, especially at the younger ages.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

I downloaded book app same day it was launched at App Store. As a food blogger for a long time, food photographer and contributor for food and cooking magazine, I consider myself relevant to review book and application.
I already had book and I bought it on Amazon just for fun since illustrations in comis style are great. I am also in haelthy food and didn’t have any expectations that I would find any interesting recipe for my and my family life style. Well, recipes are pretty good and mostly corect, my girls love book and actually use it in kitchen. In fact book as well as this application are intended for younger public school kids and students staying away from parents home.
I would never use iPad in kitchen although I have many cooking application. Who would ever touch iPad with greasy fingers??? Well, I love everything coming from Rovio but to be sincere this application is below my expectations. First cool feature I noticed is eg shaped timer. Or I thought it was timer, it doesn’t function like timer. Food photography didn’t impress me neither in quality nor in food styling (well styling is very special, but I just don’t like it).
@Dr.Omega, after reading your link about brand new Rovio’s book application I also expected it would be universal application like Apple’s iBook and that Rovio would sell books, magazines and comics for bookshelf through application.
I wish that kids in my country could learn physics principles through game. It would be more fun.

Rank: Debriefed with 1490 points
By Brandts (@brandts)

Are there video’s avaidable from the Angry Birds Playground?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

They just announced the partnership, the “playgrounds” are in the works.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)
Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

I feel that I have to apologize and withdraw anything not so good that I said in my previous comment. Photos of prepared meals are georgeous and egg shaped “thing” that looks as timer is TIMEr (only that old lady like myself need a little more time to get a clue how to activate it). Application is soooooo cool and although it is really large and I don’t have more then 500MB left on my iPad this one I will never delete from device. So cool Rovio, so cool and well done.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)

Wow very cool,

hopefully there is also the recipe for the original “Wiener Schnitzel” from Austria :-)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

@CCJolly, no Wiener Schnitzel here. Recipes are very simple and on cheap ingredients side, easy for kids to prepare alone or with parents help.

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