Angry Birds Friends 2017 Tournament 256-C On Now!

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2017 Tournament 256-C, which started on Monday April 17th, 2017. To compete head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

A note to all those looking for non-Power Up walkthroughs: Unfortunately, going forward we will no longer be producing them. The reason is simple: we need to allocate the resources elsewhere. With two tournaments per week and six levels in each tournament producing even one full set of walkthrough videos is time consuming. Doing two per tourney just became too much. I am sorry to all those who rely on us for their non-PU strategies. If you’re interested in helping product bi-weekly non-PU walkthrough videos please leave a comment below and cc @birdleader. Thanks.

Power-up Walkthrough — Enter Your Scores

Level 1 – 416,592
Level 2 – 341,754
Level 3 – 500,241
Level 4 – 281,459
Level 5 – 305,691
Level 6 – 282,414

Top Flingers - Enter Your Scores

Level Leader Highscore Avg 3-Star
Level #1, April 17tholdman23Rank: Gold Flinger with 9735 pts
Platform: iPhone
Level #2, April 17thRAKESHRank: Fling King with 4095 pts
Platform: Facebook
Level #3, April 17thNitroRank: Master Slinger with 5595 pts
Platform: PC
Level #4, April 17thFinnRank: Out of this World with 2985 pts
Platform: iPad
Level #5, April 17thTerribletomRank: Sling God with 56160 pts
Platform: Android Tablet
* Certified Nester
Level #6, April 17thNitroRank: Master Slinger with 5595 pts
Platform: PC

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Comments (12)

Rank: Sling God with 56160 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Level 4 PC. Jingle Sling-Scope/KS Split blues just before the paint can….BQ…….Bounce Sling/FLW…..High Arc to the branch on lower right side. Tracer along the left branch. 2 birds left. 309k

Level 3 PC. Send chuck down into TNT pit. Green bird to catapult rope. Orange bird into left debris pile. Wingman to sweep platform 339k

Rank: Sling God with 56160 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Screenshot for Level 5, done on PC. Strategy above, should state Level 5

Rank: Sling God with 56160 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)

Level 4 Android Tablet. BQ, Jingle Sling up to the floating piggy, chuck should hit far right tower. Bounce Sling/FLW……Off the far right wall, so it sweeps left, and back right again!! 303k

By Jason

There seems to be massive gaps in the scores posted and what is achievable on iPhone

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By madhusyam yashh (@madhusyamyashh)

Plz bring back non power up walkthroughs.

By Smwood

Put the resources into the non power up walk through. Let those who want to (cheat) with power ups figure it out. The walk through should just be a basic booster. Don’t look so greedy trying to sell power ups.

By Jane

If producing two games a week makes it impossible to give non-power-up walkthroughs, why not go back to one game a week? That makes it possible for us to more carefully work through the game. People who work don’t have time to devote to two games a week, frankly.

By Klyn B

Would it not have made more sense to keep the non-pu walkthroughs and eliminate the pu version? That way the regular route of instruction would be attainable and if anyone wanted to enhance their score and use their pu then they could do so at their own discretion…. Just a thought.

By drpgmr

Please bring back the non power up walkthroughs.

By S L Copley

Why ever would you devote resources to the “easy” way for people to get high scores??? Not very smart reasoning on that score, yes, pun intended. Go back to the walk through S for those of us that try to get a good score without using all the stupid power ups.

By CuriousGeorge

Please, it makes more sense to post the non power up walkthroughs than the power ups. It is just basic guide when you do the non power ups.
I am not spending my real money on power ups when I have kids to feed and bills to pay.

By Cal Brown

I came on here after playing against another player and got absolutely smashed with impossible scores 4 and 5 times higher than my well above average score. The last round I was beaten by well over 900 thoisand points. How is this even possible?

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