Angry Birds Friends 2015 AB2 Tournament Level 3 Week 168 Walkthrough

Below you will find our highscore Power-Up and non Power-Up walkthrough video strategies for Angry Birds Friends 2015 Angry Birds 2 Tournament Level #3 Week 168. To play head on over to Facebook or download the Angry Birds Friends app for iOS or Android.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 145,000

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 147,770

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (19)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

No PU’s and special slings, 154K score. First bird low over first roof and all pigs got killed. Score would have been 139K but pushed over house with TNT’s and got my 154K score.

By Ralan

159k with same strategy

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

Its possible, upped my score to 158K, still without PU’s and specail slings. Seems that PU’s/special slings don’t give any additional value in this level.

By quilly

Used this method but used JS when I needed to pop bottom left pig and fit 160k. Good strat!

By LacingMom

What do you mean by “First roof” ? Do you mean lower left? Did you pop both balloons with it? I have been going for the upper right structure and have gotten 151K. Thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)

To be exact, first upper roof. But it works on PC better, rope swings and pops balloon below right upper hut but on mobile it doesn’t do that.

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 153,020

Jingle Sling-No P/U’s Red bird to lower left structure. Yellow bird high arc, to the balloons upper right structure. Falling debris took out lower structures. 153k

Rank: Out of this World with 2900 points
By jack-ryan (@jack-ryan)Score: 162,480

Bubble Sling + King Sling

FLW high arc to the upper right structure.
It bounces around destroying all but the middle right and the bottom right structures.
Yellow bird detonates the TNT in the middle right and matilda takes out the bottom right one.
One bird to spare

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 163,150

nice strategy…got a “friendly” bounce and had two birds remaining!

Rank: Out of this World with 2900 points
By jack-ryan (@jack-ryan)Score: 162,480

Nice @dcp77
It seems that lots of debris was left. Are you sure that the extra bird wouldn’t do more than 10k of damage?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5535 points
By zeek (@dcp77)Score: 163,150

@jack-ryan you maybe right but I saw 143,150 with two birds left and a 163K+ was higher than my previous high of 162K so I just settled for the small increase in highscore.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5545 points
By tntbomb (@ghazal1)Score: 160,600

no power 158.420 k

use 2 birds
Send a bird to the middle of the rope , Send a bird to the last hut

power up 160.600 k

use 3 birds
bouncy sling , power potion , king sling , wingman , Send a bird to the tower at the top , Send to a bird hut TNT , Send a bird to the remaining Shack

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 164,030

Ipad users or even any ios users that dont use pc i think I have a pretty good strat to get you a score of at least 157k maybe higher. I am still in the midst of perfecting it (higher than 157k) I will tell you what I have come up with so far and then its up to you to figure out what should be done next. (At least till I get more time to toy around with it lol ) You may even come up with something good.

1st bird- JS pp ks then aim hard but just slightly to the bottom of 1st purple balloon so that you hit into far right lower structure. (If you bust the 2nd balloon, start over)
If all goes well the top left structure should be falling to the left while taking out bottom left structure (hopefully taking out pig and/or red gem too ) and at same time it will look like it’s pulling top right structure. But top right structure might not start falling right away so………

Then wait for it for a few moments Because the top right structure should begin to fall (but leaves the 2 balloons under it still intact). After structure falls by this this time you should have a score of 79k , 86k or lucky like me with 96k

From there i then sent 2nd bird to top purple balloons and at same time took out the tnt’s and straw hut hit into chinese lantern hanging on the side.

3rd bird i just aimed at any remaining pig

Finishing score of 157k with 1 bird remaining.

Sorry for such lengthy post, just wanted to get as much detail as i could so anyone can follow it

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 164,030

Ok so i just did it again and had to take this screenshot of 1st bird hit of 123k With 3 birds left for finishing of 153k. Wasnt able to finish the level just wanted to get this awesome shot. Lol

Rank: Out of this World with 2785 points
By Eddie (@eddiemazza)Score: 169,710

@Cricketluv figured I’d let you know since I always look for your strategies since we are both iOS users, iPhone for me, and maybe I can help you for once, I was able to get 169,710 with JS and red only, I only got this to work twice and one time the helmet pig in lower left prevented a good score, but I shoot red to only hit one balloon and make sure hits roof of bottom right house not hitting the glass underneath, now this is the rare luck part, you need to have the right purple balloon pop on the upper structure and have it fall to the right, like I said out of 40 or so tries I only got this to happen twice. Once again thanks for all your tips and maybe I can give you more in the future but my power ups are limited so don’t hold your breath, lol

Rank: Out of this World with 2785 points
By Eddie (@eddiemazza)Score: 169,710

Sorry that should say “shoot red to hit only one balloon on top left structure and make sure red continues on to hit roof”

Rank: Out of this World with 2940 points
By CricketLuv (@cricketluv)Score: 164,030

Thanks @eddiemazza

Just got 164k used bouncy instead too

Rank: Out of this World with 2785 points
By Eddie (@eddiemazza)Score: 169,710

Yvw glad to help

By Gary

Top score in my league is 174, and is also way ahead on other 5 levels.
I can’t get above 157 on this level.

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