Angry Birds for Mac Now Available in the Mac App Store

Angry Birds Now Available in the Mac App Store

Angry Birds has landed on the Mac. The cost is $9.99/£5.99/€7.99, which is identical to the windows version (for a limited time it is $4.99).  Per Rovio, “The game initially includes 195 levels packed with hours and hours of gameplay. Customers can expect free updates and additional levels to the game. In addition to this, there will be unique enhancements not found in the mobile version, free of charge.”

To get started you’ll need to:

  1. Be running the latest version of Snow Leopard (10.6.6). 10.6.6 comes with the Mac Store application, which can be found in the Applications folder or the dock.
  2. Now launch the App Store and search for Angry Birds (at the time of writing it is on the home screen at the top of the list — typical)
  3. Now just click, “Buy” and you’ll be blowing up pigs on your Mac in no time.

If you need help with the controls check out our guide to controlling Angry Birds with a keyboard and mouse.

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Comments (44)

By Alex

How long is ‘limited time’?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Shorter than an unlimited time. Sorry, I have no idea.

By Nia

Does anyone know how to get a full view on their Mac so that they can see everything at once? I have been trying to do that for the past couple of hours. It’s really hard to judge how far to throw the birds.

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried the scroll wheel (assuming you have one)?

By Nia

You are awesome and I am a complete idiot for letting that one face blow over my head. Thanks so much.

By Richard Klein

If you have a mouse you can use the scrollwheel. On the trackpad you can do a pinch gesture.

By Scott

how are you supposed to get the golden eggs when you can’t tap them? There’s no instruction book that comes with the Mac App Store copy that mentions all the controls.

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Left-clicking did the trick for me, although some eggs don’t appear to work (i.e. treasure chest). Trying clicking the sun on the level selection screen to see if it works.

By Scott

Thanks! Turns out if you use a mouse you can actually see the cursor hand. But even with the mouse the treasure chests still won’t give their eggs. The sun one worked.

The game is really fun (this is my first time playing it, don’t own an iPad/Touch/Phone), but it feels like a in-house testing version was rushed into the public and not properly debugged. Such a shame; makes me suspicious of future releases from this company. At least my copy actually runs.

By wayne miller

Golden egg in 1-6 ( treasure chest ) doesn’t seem to work. Or is it just me?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Safe to say as it didn’t work for me on the Windows version either.

By bird man

You just have to type “open” in level 1-8. This works in Windows or Mac.

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yep, the walkthrough was updated yesterday. Thanks.

By david whyte

but when i type the ‘p’ of ‘open’ the screen goes to pause mode. I cant type open!

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I was able to do it by clicking and holding the click — then typing ‘open’.

By david whyte

thanks. it worked for me if i launched a bird and then quickly typed ‘open’

By astroot

I copied over my scores from my iPhone to my Mac. Just use PhoneView to do it, if you have that app. Or you could use iPhone Explorer. Just Google it. : )

Angry Birds is awesome on my 27″ iMac!

So many glitches. Every now and then, I’ll invoke the “all windows” via expose, and the level is hosed; you can no longer fire a bird and I have to quit the app. The developers need to sit down with someone who plays the game and improve the interface.

By remco

super, the update for older macs is real great…
this is a very much fun game to play.
Hopefully the other versions will also come to the app store for mac ;-)

By gailfus

I thought I loved Angry Birds mobile, and then came the Mac app! This is one addicting and fun game! However, I can’t get the golden egg out of the treasure chest because I don’t use a mouse with my MacBook and don’t have a cursor or “hand” to manipulate on-screen. Otherwise, I’m very happy to replay all those levels on a larger, clearer screen. Thanks Rovio! :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Anybody know what those “unique enhancements not found in the mobile version” are?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I’ve been wondering that myself. I’m not sure beyond the unique controls and some differences in how you unlock Golden Eggs.

By Marie Green

My mouse pointer has suddenly disappeared ( the white hand) and also the pause and retry buttons from the top left of the screen. Running Angry birds on Macbook Pro. Can anyone tell me how to get it back? Have tried downloading again and re-installing.

By Angry Dave

Downloaded the game in my MacBook Pro under OS 10.6.6 (Snow Leopard) the white hand disappeared! and now, the “invisible hand” is always attached to the next bird! Crazy.
My wife’s MacBook works just fine! Same day download.
Anyone help!

By Angry Dave

CONFIRMED: After reading the guide ( I learned about the full screen mode (Command + “F”)
When I go to regular window (non full screen) the hand icon shows up and the game works as expected. When I go back to full screen, the hand icon disappears and it gets sucked to the next bird!!!!
Thanks for sharing the guide.
This is definitely a bug, only in my MacBook Pro though, again, my wife’s MacBook is ok.

By Mike

This also happens on PC. Any time I leave the game, i.e. ALT+TAB to check email quick, I can’t get back in the game, my mouse pointer is gone and there’s a black bar that shows up in the upper lefthand corner of my screen. Running Windows 7. Have to ALT+TAB until I get to my desktop, task manager close the game and restart it. Anyone have any ideas on a fix for this?

By Steve

Can you get the Mighty Eagle on the MAC APP version?
Thanks in advance

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not yet.

By Fiona

The Mac version that I have (1.0.2) allows my to play through level 11 and I’ve found a total of 13 eggs (3 stars on all levels).

I notice that you have levels 12, 13 and more eggs… Where do I find those levels?


Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By BrotherBird (@brotherbird)

How do you change your profile picture?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You need to use Gravatar. Check out this forum post. It’s super simple.

By bumper21

On the mac update 1.5.1, how do you get golden egg 8? The sun on the bottom of the level selection screen is covered by the ‘golden eggs’ selection… nothing to click on?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yikes! I’m honestly not sure. Anyone?

By bumper21

false alarm – wasn’t in full screen mode! got it to work!

By Joe

I have the PC Version (1.5.1) and I can’t get the golden star on the Angry Bird radio golden egg level because you can’t mouseclick both the 2nd and 3rd radio buttons at the same time with a mouse.

And how do you get the star on the golden egg level that has all the birds, pigs, dynamite, building materials, and slingshot?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Check out this comment on how to unlock this star on your PC. For reference, you can find all the Golden Egg Star walkthroughs on this page.

By Cloud

Soo… Noo Angry Birids Rio Volleyball beach for Macbook Pro?

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not yet at least.

By Justin

WHY are you ignoring ALL mac snow leopard users who paid 5 times as much as iphone/ipad users????????? why haven’t we received the update on the MAC APP STORE not Itunes store???? Why couldn’t u release the update on all apple stores at the same time? cant possibly be hard for you to port the iphone version of the beach volley levels(a pitiful 30) into the snow leopard compatible format! We deserve refunds and are all pissed off not because of the may 1st delay but because you are ignoring mac users who paid more and haven’t even posted a comment on your twitter,facebook or anywhere else in regards to the mac version! you do not have good business practices and are losing customers by the minute!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Wow, hey buddy? Just so you know…AngryBirdsNest is a fansite, not the creator of the game. Also the PC/MAC versions are behind because they came out MUCH later than all mobile versions. I’d imagine it’s going to take quite a while for them catch-up if they ever do at all. And, I don’t know the numbers but I have the feeling that mobile angry birds players, HEAVILY outweigh the PC/MAC players.

Now I say it often but I’ll say it again: Even the most expensive version of the game at $5 is NOT a lot to pay for game with this much gameplay, and that is especially true for a game/company that loves giving you free updates with more and more levels. Put this passion/anger into something worthwhile, go like…cure cancer or save the rainforest or even nurse a squirrel back to health. All of those will a more efficient use of your energy.

By Dawn Marie

How do you get a full view on an iPhone screen?? I have accidentally done it twice but when I shut it off it goes back- I can’t tell where to shoot the birds and it’s irritating :/ HELP

Rank: Sling God with 37290 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You use pinch gestures to zoom in and out.

By reeveseye

I purchased AB Space on my iPad as well as on my wife’s MacBook Pro laptop. There’s an additional 30-level “Danger Zone” chapter available on my iPad (cost $0.99 to buy as an in-game extension). But try as I might, I can’t figure out where the Danger Zone is on her MacBook or how to get it for her. Any suggestions?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Danger Zone is not available for Mac at this time.

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