Unreasonable Death

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Unreasonable Death

  • I have observed that in few of the levels (Beach and Desert), the heart or life of birds/pigs decreases continuously along with earthquake effects even when no enemies are present and eventually our character is made to die purposely. This happened to my Energon Galvatron (level 7) and Bumblebee (level 8). This is very sad from Rovio’s part as it serves no purpose. Is there anyone who came across such instances?

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  • r04ch

    Yes, many of us have. I believe it’s a bug with the shotgun pigs. They are able to fire at you from off screen.

    I have a level right now (ranked easy,) that it’s happening on, with a lvl 8 character… He dies within the first 5 seconds of the map, with zero pigs visible.


    This has been discussed in the Quick death…thread. It’s happening to lots of us and is extremely frustrating.

    Quick death…


    I have noticed that after I upgrade a character, this seems to stop for awhile, then starts happening again.


    Yes I’ve just noticed the same thing, had a Hard level with level 8 Lockdown, barely lasted 15 seconds – my Optimus Prime up-grade finished and suddenly the level was beatable. It was still a tough one but not as insanely hard to beat as earlier.


    The only problem is that this has been reported with level 10 characters too. So can’t upgrade them as a solution to the problem.


    This happened to me three times with my Energon Starscream. Every time, there were few Shotgun Pigs present…


    This happened to me with level 7 Energon Grimlock. There was about 5 shotgun pigs and I lost 5 hearts ( Full health ) 5 seconds after they started shooting me! It was so quick I only got 48 coins :P.


    I had the same issue with Energon Grimlock. I just timed calling in my partner perfectly, which blasted the flying pigs before they could kill me with one shot.


    yeah guyz. the only temporary thing to do is to upgrade characters or else play the same level 4-5 times till the bug goes off or the final thing is to hire level 10 grimlock so that he can kill shotguns located off screen within few seconds


    It just bothers me that it means spending hard earned coin (grind grind grind) and not always receiving the coins earned by playing the node. It’s annoying. As it’s been said, many times, many ways, I would’ve paid a few bucks rather than being forced through the grind and the ads.


    The bug can sometimes like Au said, go off. It’s mostly based on the Pig-bots chosen to fight against you. There are some levels in memory that are generally the “Pig rushes” which actually make one type appear very often in level. Although, the pig chosen for the level actually is randomly selected and it’s firepower or appear chance is based on the player rank. In shorter words, if you notice that your TF is losing health in fast way, QUICKLY LEAVE THE BATTLE BEFORE HE WILL LOSE EVEN 1 HEART! Keep repeating that process until the Pigbot combination will change to something more fair (like Rapid-Fire Pigs)


    Thx, @gulgor0. I’ll try that.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Unreasonable Death

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