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  • What are the walking Mortar Towers? How do I use the energon emp stunner to disable them? Please help.

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  • Woods

    Energon EMP Stunner are power-ups (or something I guess) that requires you to collect Energon from the game to activate it. Walking Mortar Towers are one of the toughest obstacles in the game. Soon you find out what are these in the game. :)


    When a huge fire ball comes hurling at you.. you have found the walking mortar towers. I have found that just deploying the emp stunner takes them down as it does missiles. However my success rate at this is minimal bc I never know when it’s coming and I may or may not have any energy in my stunner.

    Hope this helps you a little.


    What is the EMP stunner? Im at level 24 so maybe I haven’t been acquainted with it yet? I fire missiles at the mortars and domes use my shield but that shield lasts no time…


    It’s a special ability of some characters just like the Shield or the EMP bombardment. Can’t recall right now which charcaters have that hability but it’s represented by a lightning bolt if I’m not mistaken.

    Basically the EMP stunner stuns all pigs in a certain radius for a while and disables missiles too (and mortars – there’s an achievment about it, at least – but at level 24 I don’t think you know what mortars are yet). Flying pigs and missiles will drop to the ground and be destroyed. Standing pigs will usually recover after a short while.


    I do get those red balls flying in at me and they either blast me or turn me into what looks like an old square washing machine. Are those mortars?


    Nope. Those are missiles.
    I’ve neutralized a bunch of those now and the Mortar related achievment is still at zero.

    Patience, young grasshopper – there’s more to discover still ;)


    Let’s see if this works. The red balls are mortars and the dude with the glowing green eyes is the mortar tower.


    Holy cow I did it!! Thanks FAQ page!

    Off the top of my head.. Grimlock, Lockdown, Heatwave, Energon Galvetron have the stunner.


    Lol @ Paulo, you’re right. But I have hit those fireballs and destroyed them if that’s what you mean by neutralize. A picture says a thousand words Boston. Very helpful. I have been on this turf on a medium level and made it through! I was so happy and shaky of course.

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