The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 996
  • We don't have Halloween overhere, well the commercial stuff flown over a couple of years ago and now they sell some halloween stuff... but it's not nearly as big as you guys... guess it needs a couple of years more, before we Dutchies learn how to celebrate the good stuff :D
  • Ow NOOOO you didn't!? Whooshhhh wooshhhh (wind blowing thru Kimmies head)
  • I was prob going to @e-star I was dead to the world and then a delivery guy came and once the doorbell rings well that's that! BOO goes ballistic and no more sleep for me! So I was up after 51/2 hrs not good for me! Need at least 7 to be my normal nutter self! ;D
  • Hahaaha the Big set up! E-starpagechanger!! :D darn wind is mucking up my head big time!! LOL ;D
  • @e-star once Halloween gets going there you'll all wonder why it took you so long to do it! The very bestest holiday ever! :)
  • 5 1/2 hours?! That is my usual hahahahah.... when I close my eyes (takes us at least a hour before we actually close our eyes... get ready for bed... drink a cup of tea and watch some late night news) I think I will have 5 and half hours left before the alarm goes off again
  • I know right... but for me to go all out on my own for Halloween.... think the neighbors would ring up the nut house immediately LOL
  • Okey Dokey my friend! Have a wonderful pillow walk! :)
    *takes e-stars flashlight and shines it bright for her use tomorrow, sets out the candles to light her way to dream land*. Glad you popped in to make my day, Love ya and sleep well! Kiss kiss :)
  • Luv ya back my friend! You always know how to lure a friend in here tee hee... glad you did, I could show my new face :)

    Night night sweet friend, talk to you tomorrow!
  • Heehee! I know that's normal for you but I can't function very long with those hours! Wish I didn't need to sleep at all! Waste of time! LOL And wouldn't it be funny if you hit all the houses for trick or treat and they put you in the funny house! I'd join you there @e-star be sure!! :D
  • Nighty night my sweet e-star sleep deep! :)
  • I'm off to fling! Hahaa estar and I out did the kiddies :D lost em in page change! LOL
    Will lurk inbetween.......
  • @kimmie Same wavelenght my friend, same wavelength... was thinking the same thing tee hee...
    Happy hunting!
  • LOL @e-star :). What can we say! We be to fast for the youngins!!!
    Back to this evil level in T&T for meeee :/.......
  • Yeahhhh after 4 nights of T&T level 1-6 finally got a good score and landed me in the 56th place instead of 4hundred something... Up to the next brrr... Good luck @Kimmie, I hope I don't raise the averages to far up :s
  • Haha my evil level is T&T 2-6! Hating this level!! :/ I looked that one up and I'm #236 soo yeah not to high up there for me! :/
  • Is @bb still here?
  • *looks around* is anyone still here?
  • Hi @angryboy I'm back srry I had some stuff 2 do
  • *In best Transylvanian Accent* Good Evening, everyone.
  • Not bad @penguinlover. Gearing up for a busy night of research for a site project. How are you?
  • Oh dats nice 2 hear @rdnzlrips82 I'm good I've been hungry all day nonstop and wat a day
  • I am hungry right now, but I am trying not to eat. I had so much to eat today.
    I made my famous French Toast for dinner tonight and it was the best batch I have ever made. Soooooooo delicious.
  • nothing much @penguin
    hey @rd!
    well I'm out, g'nite @all!
  • Omg all I had were some coconut chicken fingers mom bought home from work they were delicious then I sneaked some nuts, Wise Dipsy Doodles, chocolate chip cookies, and cheesee! Ugh I think it's my PMS I think I had a growth spurt whoopsy lol. One thing I always have on weekends b4 I eat my breakfast is CHEX MIX!!!! I'm obsessed with chex mix it's my favorite like I'm crazy 4 bacon!! LOL
  • sure hope it doesn't get to 50k overnight
  • Night @angryboy. I don't think it will, unless @kimmie shows up. :D
  • We had bacon with our French Toast tonight. It was delicious.
  • And we have leftovers which means I can have my Peanut Butter, Bacon & Cheese Sandwich for breakfast in the morning. SWEEEEET!
  • OMG BACON!!!! Yummy! Gimme some bacon lol mmmmmmmmmm omg dat looks soooooooo good I'm having a waffle b4 skool in the morning oh dat reminds me I also had apples with Jiffs peanut butter on it mmmmmm now ur making me have cravings again lol
  • I am having cravings too. The only thing we have to eat upstairs is Trail Mix. Which I am not allowed to touch because I eat all of the Almonds and Cashews. :D
  • Oh I love nuts I ate all the nuts and there were none 4 mom lol she was hungry 2 lol! I'm not allowed 2 touch candy from the special candy box in the den which has MMs
  • Hello again how are you Ripsy erm besides really hungry! :D
  • I am alright @kimmie. Working on a project for the site. I am getting so wrapped up in that, I keep forgetting to check in here.
  • Hmmm sounds very interesting! Wish you could share! Is it for BP or another part of the site?
  • A little of both actually. I have part 1 done. Now I am trying to decide if I want to do part 2. Part 2 is a very consuming task.
  • Hey ya @penguin :)
    Well Ripsy it's late where your at and you've gotten into a sort of earlier schedule so are you sure you want to pull a lat nighter??
  • I am going to go ahead and do part 2. So don't be surprised if I disappear off the face of the earth for a while.
  • @kimmie it is only 10:23 here. If I get it finished now, I won't have to do it tomorrow night.
  • Gotcha so it's not an hours thing but just an intensely indepth thing your doing! Well I hope you get it done Ripsy and no worries! I just got 3 really bad pieces of news so I'm kinda trying to digest this anyways.
  • Not much that's real good tonight @penguinlover, hope you having a much better night?
  • Aww @kimmiecv I am but I had an eating rampage I got so hungry I had so many cravings dats my PMS again crazy Monday lol
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