The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3058
  • This one's for you @sweetp. Hope @kathy wasn't too messy.
  • Did someone mention The Fall? Guess this one's for you as well. Intrigued about what kind of mess @kathy 's been up to. It' s never dull when she's around.
  • Oh and congrats on the fez @sweetp. You know how some people can contort and fold their bodies into small boxes? @desperatedan can do that with his face. This was the moment Dan realised he'd missed out on the fez two pages running.

    Oh and look what I'm wearing @hunnybunny. With such grace and style. Must say it still has a few feathers on it from the previous incumbent.

    That page fizzed by. Remember my motto:It's quantity not quality that counts.
  • @sweetp I thought you moved to Wyoming or somewhere, well away from California
  • Love the clean up woman
  • Brian, I think the feathers remind of
    “She was a show girl, with yellow feathers in her hair, and a dress cut down to there.....
  • Of course, if you do that sort of thing, it’s up to you
  • I was referring to the crown as well you know. Don't think I could pull off 'a dress cut down to there'. Not these days anyway.
  • There's a joke in there somewhere. Anyways it brought to mind a classic tune.
  • I'm inclined to start a game of The Chain using @brianN's last song as the first link. So from Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed I give you O Superman by Laurie Anderson. All you have to do is spot the link and then continue the chain from my song and so on. Got a feeling it might be just me and @brianN trying to fool each other but who knows.
  • Counting down to two very interesting women's semi-finals at the US Open. It's gone very quiet from @karen68. I think her Canadian players must have worn her out.
  • Lol @desperatedan, I’m quietly excited. About to start watching now.
  • Hi OB, please have the blues send me a pigkilker in my Lurkers booth, Yeah I just got home from work 3 hours ago, caught up on emails, and showered, still need to eat dinner, But it's probably gonna take me some time to catch up with the conversation here!
    @DesperateDan Why the war on apostrophes ?? Why is there a limit on them and I been I beg @Hunnybunny to proofread said comment from @Ixan57 and give her opinion. If that's already been done, I'm sorry, haven't fully caught up yet!
  • @BrianN You REALLY Need to stop Counting Posts! It's not natural, the conversation should just flow, not be dominated intending to change the page :( now I'm not even gonna read back :8~
    , I can't, what's it been raining in your neck of the woods? No windows to wash, no monkey to play with?
  • Good idea @DesperateDan I'll give the chain a try :D
  • Except @DesperateDan I don't like that song, but I'll keep with the Super Hero theme
    Now I'm out..
    Thanks for the ckean up @Sweetp :)
  • Brilliant @kathy, you got it. But you didn't give me the previous link. Perhaps @brianN can fill us in.
    As far as the apostrophe police go, @ixan57 said you're instead of your in the phrase "you're talents are wasted". I will declare an amnesty and shut up now.
  • @DesperateDan , I don't know what you meant by "the previous link"?
  • I have a Birthday to announce, a very important birthday! A Unofficial BP team member 'assistant to the Hostess ''Me' who usually did a much better job at welcoming newcomers then I did, Unfortunately I don't have a banner but a Very Happy Birthday to @mvnla2 :D
  • Sorry, @briann but I don't know what you mean by the "fez" But thanks for the music video. Man, what a throwback that was!

    @hunnybunny, I did move to WY over three years ago. But the smoke from the wildfires in Calif (mid-state and north), Oregon, Idaho, and Montana is carried by the winds, and has been here all summer. It's worse than last year, thicker and doesn't clear out quite as quickly when it is windy. Very unhealthy to stay outside for long periods, so I try to do my gardening early in the day.
  • Happy Birthday @mvnla2! Sure do miss that lady around here.

    Even though she's not here, let's celebrate! OB, a round of drinks for everyone please. And I'd like a strawberry margarita too please
  • Emma vs Leylah! What an unexpected and exciting match for the final! Can’t pick a favorite, I want both of them to win.
    @sweetP The fez hat goes to whoever posts the last comment on a page, like the crown goes to the first poster. A new prize created by newer BP patrons.
  • Just give fez a brush now and then @sweetp to keep it in tip-top condition and put in in the travelling case provided when not wearing it. Thanks.
  • @kathy, the first link was from Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed to O Superman by Laurie Anderson. Clue: the link has nothing to do with the songs.
  • My post from Aug 30th - "Bit rough that Murray and Raducanu have both been drawn against very high seeds in Round One. I suspect that British interest in the singles will not be protracted".

    What do I know?

    However on Sep 5 after 3 rounds I said "Emma's going all the way folks."

    @twiggy may have come out of retirement to predict the final.
  • I see the Ig Nobel prizes have been announced. Maybe this link works?
  • Had an early night for a change yesterday, been a tiring week. Woke up this morning and it's like an artic crashed through the BP. Still trying to make sense of the wreckage. @kathy I'll deal with you later. I shan't be spanking my monkey, it'll be your skinny ass!
  • Case No 35057/8. The Crown v Paige Turner (also known as Princess Lola).

    As the trial begins the defendant sits serenely with an almost angelic demeanour. The plaintiff however has a waspish look as she seethes with resentment...

    "M'lud, the accusation that the defendant somehow achieved royal princessy powers by engineering the conversation through an effusive volley of posts that stopped the natural flow of said conversation to be utterly preposterous.
    Note exhibit 221b: The bottom of p3057 contains a sequence of comments from a certain sweetp. Why she didn't add a further post thus claiming the crown for herself we cannot say. Perhaps she swallowed a particle of soot, had a coughing fit and needed to lie down.
    My point is your honour, that the defendant would have been fast asleep in bed at that time. Wether he had feathers in his hair while wearing a dress cut down to there is irrelevant.
    Another mystery surrounds a BP patron we shall call Fezzy. He would normally make a comment between 5.00 and 6.00am.Why he chose not too on this particular morning again we cannot say for sure. Some speculate that he folded his face in half like a mardy custard because the fez was snatched from his grasp. Others have said he has the opposite condition to the plaintiff, that is to say 'crownphobia'. However had he posted a comment he too could have had royal privileges.
    As it was the defendant woke up checked in at the BP as is his custom, made one comment in reply to the previous one and lo and behold the crown magically appeared on his head.
    In summary M'lud, these baseless accusations are the product of a mind poisoned by 'crown envy.' My client is as innocent as Eddie. I rest my case. "
    Judge Rinder renders his verdict." I agree. Case dismissed"(judges waffle on a bit that was the abridged version of his verdict.)
    "I totally exonerate Princess Lola. Miz Kathleen Oirish must pay all costs and listen to the entire back catalogue of The Fall. I would take you to a fetish club and get you a good spanking, but you'd probably enjoy that too much. (I'm a high court judge so I know about these things.) "
  • Hey @desperatedan are you the missing link?

    Just messin(no apostrophe) with ya. Think this is what you're looking for...
    In 'Walk on the wild side' he shaves his legs legs and becomes a she. (I'm told it's normally a much longer and more painful process in reality). Superman wears tights. Thus your theme is cross dressing. Here's the next link in the chain...not a very tenuous one...
  • Just messin witcha. Walk on the wild side is from a truly great album 'Transformer'. Which is also a superhero franchise of sorts. That's all you're getting.
  • Enjoyed the Laurie Anderson track.Love that hypnotic synth driven rhythm. Have you ever heard anything by Philip Glass? (tenuous super hero link there).
    Think I've said enough for one lunchtime.
  • Just messin witchoo. If no one else gets the link I shall reveal all later.
  • We can't give them all day. Perhaps no-one cares. Meanwhile I'm struggling to match Heroes/Bowie to Lumberjack song/Monty Python.
    Bowie wasn't adverse to a bit of cross-dressing in his early career?
    Lumberjacks have Bowie knives?
    You said it wasn't tenuous, but it doesn't seem obvious.

    Great court sketch by the way. You could be in the wrong job.
  • @twiggy has predicted by raising of right paw that Emma will win. She picked England for the Euros so I know where this is going.
  • I sniff a pup...maybe.
  • Well you had a cunning plan to get one the other day. How did that work out?

    Seriously. Twiggy? I might as well watch the final myself and totally jinx it.

    The link thing. So much kicking off last night while I slept like a baby that I'd forgotten about @kathy's Bowie link. But I think the cross dressing theme still holds good with Bowie's Ziggy/Aladdin period. Hence the 'not' tenuous link to The Lumberjack song. However the link between Lou 'n' Laurie is perhaps the strongest one of all. They were married... er... to each other.
  • Couldn't find anything short enough to play by Philip Glass. But this is an interesting take on a pop classic.
  • @kathy @sweetpea @catsnbirds and anyone else from years ago who is still hanging around. I did get your birthday wishes -- Thank you very much.
    I couldn't remember my username / password. Finally found it, but it didn't work, so had to reset.
    I am still playing AngryBirds Friends and AB Blast; sometimes stop by for the Friends walk throughs.
    Best wishes to you all (including the new(er) patrons, and happy flinging.
  • Oh, and I guess I should get rid of the no-PU symbol on my avatar -- I'm totally addicted to them now. : (
  • @mvnla2 so good to see you again
    Happy Birthday xx
  • Love the court, Brian
  • I’m not counting, but it’s nine or ten for the crown
  • @mvnla2 Wow!! So happy you stopped by! Lol , funny your addicted to pu's now, remembering that campaign!! How important we thought we were to Rovio , Roflmao :D
    @bernersenn plays AB friends now too!
    I hope you had a really nice Birthday, we sure do miss you around here!
  • @BrianN you really have a lot of free time in the morning lol, was it raining today?
    and @ixan57 was right, you missed your calling! And I demand an appeal! I call my wingman @Ixan57 to defend my honour.
    I'm still not understanding the link thing, if I post a video that I see on the side in your video, am I suppose to post that too?
    @catsnbirds after all these years we were never friends? That strikes me strange lol! Well we Were Friends, but not officially on the Nest list.. odd lol
  • Is the link Marcel Marceau?

    Can’t wait for tomorrow, Last Night of the Proms

    And Emma!
  • M’Lud, in defence of THE Princess Kathy, may I remind that the revered Kathy, a founder member of The Bloated Pig, has never counted a page (unfortunately she’s not that good at Math)
    Brain N, an unknown person, with a weird N, that we have no idea on, popped in on page 3057 counted down, wore yellow feathers in his hair, and that god awful dress, and stepped out with Judge Rinder (each to their own) to curry favour

    Kathy looks up hopefully
    Brain fiddles with his yellow feathers...

    Judge Bunny has her verdict

    There is only one Princess, everyone else just wears a rusty crown...
Post in the New Forum!