The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3059
  • Rusty Crown is mine, all mine
  • You sound like Gollum @hunnybunny. My precious. The judge has rindered his decision based on the facts. Your subsequent actions prove you to be an accomplice to this crime. Take her down. Contempt of court.
  • Hope you don't mind a newer patron like me saying hello @mvnla2 Still appreciate your walk through comments after all these years. I know you used to take an interest in level instability. Can I point you in the direction of ABO Bad Piggies 22-4.?
    Discovered a 0 birder not previously mentioned. Left a note on the walk through page.
    Did you just get bored playing the same levels? You didn't become obsessed like some of us? Hope you have a nice day. Pop down to the BP again if you think you're hard enough!
  • “Rindered” bet that hurts...
  • And @HunnyBunny has Spoken!! And when the Bunny speaks, Everyone Listens! (Like J. D. Button , but with bunny ears) heehee..
    Bunny have I told you lately that I Love you?
    Now back to trying to link the jukebox¿
  • Speaking of hard, my names Arfur,Arfur Wellard. I represent Free Apostrophes Collective United or FACU. If you dont leave apostrophes alone we shall be coming for you. If they want to appear in your(meaning belonging to you) so be it. If they want to disappear when youre is around(meaning you are) tough.
    If they want to hang around in pairs pretending to be speech marks in their spare time thats up to them. We're watching you!
  • Have I told you @hunnybunny I love it when you call me Brain.
  • Are you counting the comments yet @kathy?Only about 40 to go.
  • @BrianN -- I was very interested in unstable levels. I think there used to be a list of them. Not sure if anyone is keeping it up now, or where it is (was). Yes, I got tired of playing the same levels over and over again.
  • @BrianN -- Check "Self-Destroying and Unstable Levels" in the General Discussions Forum. There is a "complete" list (as of 2/16) on Google Docs. Not sure if anyone other than me can update it. If anyone is interested, I can try to transfer it to them.
  • And just so you know Irish, I did not have a lot of free time in the morning, nor was I playing with my monkey. I was working like a slave in muggy conditions. Said post was composed during my lunch break. Purel6 for your entertainment. So stitch that!
  • @BrianN What is your obsession with apostrophes ¿?¿?¿?
    @Mvnla2 That list is still accessible, that was wonderful finding all those levels, I don't think there have been any updates since you left so it's unlikely that any new instability would be found, but you never know! If I had the skills I would definitely take it on, but I don't unfortunately.
    @BrianN seems to have a lot of time on his hands, maybe he'd be up for the task!
  • Well Excuse Me!! Mr. I was working hard! Lol let's call a truce?
    Question honestly, did I link the song correctly?
  • Ohh darn.. I forgot to post the link, you got my Irish up hahaha!!
  • Hi @mvlna2.Think you were holding that list together. I really don't have the IT skills to develop it further. Shall however continue to reference it wherever I find instability.
  • @BrianN wtf what? I'm sorry I think? No offence meant really, all in fun :D
    I'm on an Old tablet I can't read posts as fast as you type them lol! Then you post while I'm still typing my reply :(
  • You're speaking double dutch not Irish!
  • Think I've got a handle on your musical 'style'.
  • This one's for Emily. If she ever really existed.
  • Nite all. I leave you with my favourite Mumford tune...
  • @kathy We have been friends for many years. I was looking at my friends list and accidentally touched “unfriend” next to your name - and it doesn’t give the “did you really want to do this” option. So…sent you a new request ;-)
    @mvina2 So nice to hear from you again! The BP is endlessly entertaining with new and old friends stopping in.
  • Lol @catsnbirds that explains that?
    @BrianN what's "Double Dutch" ? And @DespersteDan Those are quotation marks, not apostrophes, so no worries lol!
    Sooo I missed the link, but I do like Mumford so I linked from that one :D
    Gotta go, work to do...
    'A birdies work is never done'
    @mvnla2 it was sooo nice to see you pop in, please check in more often, the new guys are quite entertaining :D
  • Ok, this is getting confusing and we may need to recalibrate. To recap...

    First song: Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed.
    Second song: O Superman by Laurie Anderson.
    Link: They were married to each other
    Third song: Heroes by Bowie
    Link: From Superhero to Heroes
    Fourth song: Lumberjack Song by Monty Python
    Link: I think we settled on cross-dressing. Bowie appears in a woman's dress on the original cover of The Man who Sold The World
    Fifth song: Seems to be In Hell I'll be in Good Company by The Dead South
    Link: Er...
    Sixth song: Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
    Link: 4 men, a double bass and a banjo

    So I will venture an easy link to

  • I'm bored with apostrophes.
    Anyone for a few tildes?¿
  • I think we need to get Al Murray in to do a stint as the pub landlord. I know what he'd be saying right now.
    "Too many rules, where are we?" Audience replies "GERMANY!"
  • I see those ageing rockers are starting their world tour in Washington. The theme highlights mental health issues.
    AC/DC. OCD. DC.
    Oh how we laughed.
  • @mvnla2 nice to you back. And also nice to see that you are playing ABF. @kathy mentioned it, nice of her. What username do you use on that game?

    I am actually playing as Char007, as I gave my own account to Rayitos.
    Please feel free to enter your scores on the leaderboards:
  • Hi @bernerssen, nice of you to drop by. I tried playing AB Friends a few years ago but it seemed to be relying heavily on PU's in order to succeed. Is that the case or was I just not very good?
  • I took the AC/DC joke into hospital. But it was so far beyond lame that they had to put it down. However in a recovery ward named Punctuation Corner I came across this...

    What's the difference between a cat and a comma?
    A. One has claws at the end of it's paws. The other has a pause at the end of a clause.
  • OB doesn't know what's hit him, so many "new" patrons.
  • @DesperateDan thank you for explaining the link thing, And I'm out of the game. I thought I mentioned before I'm not up on the 'who's who ' in whatever is called 'pop culture'?¿
    Why do we need a war on Any type of punctuation??
  • @BrianN Al Who?? And As I AM the landlord (kinda) I agree the only Rules we adhere to are those written on Page 1, and I think we've broken them all at one time or the other lol
    Lemme try this link thing one more time..
  • @kathy, make the link as simple as you want. Play something you like. Cat Stephens/Matthew and Son could lead to any song mentioning an animal, any song by an artist called Matthew (for example).
  • Oops @BrianN I was posting as you were typing, Cat Stevens for some reason reminded me of Carly Simon soo....
    Did I get the gist of it?
  • We are getting excited here. Channel 4 in UK has just obtained rights to show US Open Final live tonight between Emma and Leylah. So @karen68, it's the big showdown.
  • Yes, good link, common theme they have initials CS. So choose a Carly Simon song to play
  • And I am not @brianN, by the way.
  • Oops Sorry @DesperateDan, I'm sorry, just it's usually Brian typing over me ! Lol..
  • Oh btw @BrianN I liked the dumb punctuation joke! I heard a couple dumb jokes the other day, but I forget them!!
  • Bet you read Lynne Truss “Eats, shoots, and leaves” Brain!
    If not, I’ll send you a copy

    Anyway, tonight is good, really good

    Went to pub, always good

    Home for home cooked curry, always good

    And then The Last Night of the Proms, on the radio, whilst watching Emma...
  • Hey @kathy, didn't you guys invent google? Try using it once in a while. Al Murray is a British comedian who has a character called The Pub Landlord. Very xenophobic. Very funny.
  • Hey @desperatedan, @kathy didn't get the link how come she gets to pick a song?
    We know what Al would say:
    "Not enough rules, where are we?". "France!"
  • @hunnybunny I am a big fan of the group Let's Eat Grandma which is right out of Lynne Truss's book.
  • I'm standing up for @kathy. I think she did spot the link between Mumford and Sons and Matthew and Son. Let's not insult her intelligence (any more).
  • We are in @hunnybunny territory again, counting down to the end of the page. Let's hope she is too busy singing along to Land of Hope and Glory waving her (Welsh) flag to notice.
  • I think you presume too much.
  • You talking about @kathy again?
  • When you found that fusty old box with the tildes in it did you come across a cediila, an umlaut and I could really use an Oxford comma right now.
    That one slayed them at the Uk Punctuation Society AGM.
Post in the New Forum!