The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2895
  • Alright you little rug rat! You know the drill , hop up in to your bed and close those little eyes, places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead Sweet Dreams lil'guy ♡♡♡
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Well another day come and gone,, First full day of Spring and we are waiting for a Nir' Eastah ! go figure..
    @Tompuss @Ixan57 Is the Pig Challenge especially hard this week or is it me? I couldn't get 4 stars at all so far this week! I think they know i have a lot of coins saved up so they want me to waste my Pu's so i will buy more!! lol..I refuse, I'll settle for a wooden egg if i have to! I don't even know why i bother!
    @Tompuss we are all flinging in Marie Hamtoinette at the moment, but are soon moving to Summer Camp if you'd care to join us? Just trying to improve our scores and ranking in Seasons, as it looks like the end has come sadly :(
    Heyyougetouttamyway I'll be back for you soon, I trust OB or Minnie have fed you your supper..
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please, a certain @knichy put a bug in my ear last night lol! perhaps it will help my mood and my flinging!
    @Gumby Waaassssuupppp????? Ding Ding Ding !!!
  • @kathy only pig challenge i had problem with was Wednesday. It one of those impossible 4* again
  • @kathy I don't know why I bother either! Not particularly enjoyable. . I'm a real dunce on Marie Hamtoinette so will devote myself to Summer Camp!

    Came across this video of Buster Keaton, loved it - never realized what a handsome guy he was ❤
    Sweet dreams!


  • @ixan57 That piggie hiding in the top left corner is a pain, you have to waste one try to discover it's there!
  • I'll let you know when we start in Summer Camp @Tompuss, will be fun to have you join in!
    Wow yes He was a handsome man for sure, that Buster!
    Nighty night Sweet Lady, Sweet dreams ...♡♡♡
  • @Tompuss thanks for the top you gave @ixan57 on the Pig Chàllenge! I went back, wasting coins and PU's and got 4 stars on all!! What the hell am i saving them for anyway lol, a rainy day ,,:):)8;) Anyway i got a Golden egg to open tomorrow :D
    jeesh I wish my emoticons worked on this tablet! But Big Hearts to you lol!!
    oh emoticons don't work in the BP anyway duh!
    @admins anyway to fix it so emoticons work in here? or it's too much trouble? I'm happy the place still is open in the old forum, so if there's a problem , then no problem no bother ;)
  • Kk Heyyou it's that time, hop up in to your bed and close those little eyes. *places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead and tucks him in snug as a bug" Sweet Dreams lil'guy ♡♡♡
  • Nighty night @Pa♡♡♡
  • Very quiet day all over the Nest!
    No bother to get up OB, continue watching your show, i see you've taken a liking to @Mumsie42 Rocker ...*sigh* What has happened to our beloved Nest and all our old friends popping in, remember the days when @Sunshine was here every morning to greet the patrons and she remembered All their orders by heart
    Those were the days!
  • Oh forgot to make myself a drink lol!
    *fixes a Blue Mongo, and adds a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion *
    that oughta help :8
  • ***walk over to jukebox ***

    Don’t cry @kathy it brought a tear to my eye . Let’s listen again. Cheers!
  • @Sunshine :D ((((((Hugs))))))
    *grabs sunshine , swings around.. happy dance!!!*
    so good to seee you!!
    Cheers ;)
  • @kathy happy st. Patrick’s day!! Cheeres
  • Yes *cheers* @Sunshine Happy St. Paddy's Day!!
  • @kathy I hope you didn’t drink too much green beer.
  • Lol @Sunshine I don't think I've Ever drank green beer in my life heehee
    That would be a thing for @Gumby lol!
  • I'm sooo sooo happy you popped in @Sunshine :D thank you, you really made my day!
  • @sunshine @kathy So good to see the girls together in the BP again!!!
    @tompuss Summer Camp coming soon :)

    @sunshine hey there where ya been hiding'
    @catsnbirds I know you are always lurking. HI
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    Hey there @catsnbirds always nice to see you :D
  • Hey @gumby ! Yes, quietly lurking as usual ;-)
    Hi @kathy !
  • I know your always lurking @catsnbirds , it's somewhat comforting knowing that someone is here watching over 'just in case'
    although i don't always check in lately, I'm usually peeking in the window a couple times a day ;)
  • @kathy You never know when a rat kid may want company, when a wandering horse may appear asking for attention, when the birds in the aviary may have some strategy to share. And OB always has the latest news!
  • lol @catsnbirds :D That's exactly why i find it comforting to know your lurking ;)
    and it's very much appreciated ..
  • @catsnbirds Are you Flinging anywhere these days?
    damn i just got the little blue error box! haven't had that for a long time!
  • @kathy Just (usually) doing the daily challenge. Really missed the Season's Advent, so much fun to fling the same level with other addicts! Currently slightly addicted to the Critical Hit Software LLC jigsaw puzzle app.
  • I know @catsnbirds it's really sad we have no more updates, but as addicts we find a way to fling somewhere lol! Trying currently to work my way through Seasons improving ranking, after that.. who knows, I'll probably join in the daily challenge also.
    hmm the jigsaw sounds interesting, perhaps I'll try that. I've been doing Words with Friends and Crosswords in between flinging.
  • I'm about ready to hit the hay, gonna listen to my book a bit
    Heyyou finish up whatever your up to, I'll get back shortly to tuck you in;) Hey maybe Wandering Star can visit for the weekend,, we'll have to check with @Ixan57 , well see.
  • Ok Heyyougetouttamyway time to hop up into your bed and close those little eyes , * places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead and tucks the lil guy in snug as a bug * nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆♡♡☆
  • Night @catsnbirds
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Lovely to see you all, @sunshine, @catsnbirds, @gumby as well as our Princess @kathy!

    @sunshine That song has me all choked up. . .

    @gumby Now I must post my Summer Camp scores (such as they are) to be ready for action!

    @catsnbirds We and our cat are stll hibernating, waiting for spring, brrrrr so chilly!

    @kathy After googling, now I understand why your book is taking so long! Truly a saga!
    When you get to Sherlock, suggest you start with "A Study in Scarlet", the very first novel. There are novels and short stories, just like in your saga!
    I think you need a castle to live in, as befits a Princess - take your pick!
  • @kathy wandering star should be over soon left his stable door open, he should know his way by now.
    Busy on seasons, trying to get above average on quite a few levels that I had only 3*ed.
    At #58 now
  • @TomPuss We have had a winter in Michigan that has gone from "how can it be this cold" and snowy, to record high temps in February. The snow has been beautiful, but hasn't lasted long. This week has been cool, but very sunny. We seem to be missing the big storms, they are going by south of us. Unlike @kathy ! My cats have been spending lots of time sitting in the windows, watching "bird TV" since I have feeders right outside.
  • Ooh @Tompuss They are All so majestic, i couldn't possibly choose One!! although the very first one , well wait idk.. they are all beautiful thank you!
    Heyyou and WanderingStar it's a beautiful day outside, why don't the to of you take a ride and collect some firewood :D
    OB will have some supper ready when you get back ,;)
  • Nice job entering the scores @Ixan57 , see your moving up already!! WtG!! Woot!
  • Whoa..look at all that firewood :D nice haul you two!
    It's about time to settle down now. The fire is roaring..nice
    Settle down , I've fixed up a couple spots in front of the big screen , you can both settle here in the the bar and watch some videos or whatever it is rats and horses want to watch
    Nighty night guys..See you for breakfast in the morning.. make sure you tend to the fire OB
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams ☆☆☆◇◇♡♡
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • oh yes @Tompuss my book is quite the Saga, i don't even know which book I'm on now! it's got to be 5th or 6th, and i keep having to wait for translation for the next!. i used to be able to listen at work which made it go a bit quicker, but not allowed anymore so i get a couple hours before bedtime.
    I really recommended it if your interested in that sort of book.
    Thanks for the recommendation for Sherlock, I've already purchased and downloaded it so it's definitely next up ;) I'd love to live in a Castle, and sneak away to my private Turret room and just live in my book! ahh to be a Real princess wouldn't it be Divine :D
  • @catsnbirds "Bird TV" lol! Do they chatter and lash their tails while watching?
    Our winter was horrible because of the all-pervading damp, which makes me feel much chillier than dry cold does. But at least we weren't flooded, we live on high ground.

    @kathy I fancy the castle with a moat and swans. About the right size too - wouldn't want anything too ostentatious, y'know -:)
    I posted Summer Camp scores, do tell me when it begins!

    One for sleeping: "Bella Luna":

    Early to bed tonight, we lost an hour!

  • I know right @Tompuss , i meant to mention that 'bird t.v. ' @catsnbirds that's tooo funny,, my cats used to do the same, and there heads would go back and forth, up and down, they'd run from window to window to not miss a thing lol!!

    @Tompuss expect a few friend requests , from @Gumby @knichy and probably @captrec so we can include you in the pm when we start Summer Camp. just fair warning there's lots of chit chat lol, not all about the birdies but it's very helpful , support each other through different levels , we have a lot of fun
  • @TomPuss @kathy Since the bird feeder in the front bay window is only about 18 inches from the window, the cats generally stay pretty still to watch. But occasionally one will suddenly get up on hind paws and reach up to bat at the window, causing the birds to fly away. Takes an amazingly short time for the birds to return. They will run from room to room to keep track of any outside cats who may be stopping by. So...they are busy with Bird TV, and I am busy with Cat TV!
  • Lol @catsnbirds ! They are too funny , and very entertaining!
    My living room was a loft with Windows all the way around, so mine kept busy running back and forth all around, and there were trees directly outside 3 of the 4 sides and the birds absolutely loved the solace, had they only known they were being stalked by Ferocious predators ( or so the cats thought of themselves ) :D
  • Well WanderingStar idk why @ixan57 hasn't come by to collect you yet ,but your welcome to stay, Heyyyou i want you
    two to start to get settled down now, your spots are still set up in the game area in front of the big screen,, start getting yourselves settled, I'll be back to tuck you in soon
  • Times up guys
    Heyyou ,Wanderingstar close those little eyes and sweet dreams ♡☆☆
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Forgot about that darned horse again.
    Saddle bags on and off we go.
    Thanks @kathy , OB and @catsnbirds for doing this pair there breakfasts.
    Little guy wants a new duvet. Will see what i can do when next over
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