The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2883
  • Alrighty @Heyyougetouttamyway Time for Dreamland
    i gotta work tomorrow so from here on in it's back to the 'early to bed, early to rise' routine
    hop up in to your bed *tucks heyyou in snug as a bug, gentle kiss on the. .umm ya never mind..
    *gently kiss on my hand, and pat the forehead * nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy Wow, thanks so much for that, I'd never seen it before! All I could think of was some vids about drones doing clever things, that I posted a long time ago; plus the fact that airports use birds of prey to prevent birdstrikes.
    I really do learn something new every day from the Internet!

    @TienShenLong Happy New Year, peace, prosperity and good health!
  • @kathy @TomPuss what I would be worried about is there legs getting severed by the blades. Talon's even. Knew there was a word for it
  • @kathy how about a little basket under a drone for @whatshisname the flying rat
  • @kathy you could have a little helipad around the back and one at @gumby's place, seeing that @wanderingstar is not always around to transport him there. Mind you the horse will probably want one too.
    @tompuss I thought you knew where we hid the power ups :P AND yes I did work on New Years eve day for 12 hours.

    Wishing everybody a safe and happy new year
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp??
    @Tompuss glad you enjoyed that :D I feel good bee able to share a good video with you for a change lol.. your always entertaining us♡
    Psst..OB whatever @ixan57 was drinking this afternoon.uh.. go easy.. he's talking nonsense.. putting poor little heyyyougetouttamy on a drone add building helipads.heehheee..
    and yeppers lil' guy snuggle up in you bed, is mighty cold , i gotta work tommorow. well i suppose you've been good, ill trust you to stay up until the end of your show. remember OB has his eye on you.. not to mention the lurkers. I'm sure @catsnbirds .. * squueeeakk *
    yes yes Catsnb **Squueeeak!**

    Yes I Know she has Cats in her very name ! all the more reason to Behave ! nighty night now sweet dreams ☆☆☆☆

    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Enjoy your sleep @kathy . And yes, I am a night owl and keep my eyes on the little ones in the walls (though they don't stay there when most of the patrons are tucked in for the night. OB has occasional special parties for the rats, and birds in the aviary, and wandering horses AND any friendly cats who stop by).

    2018...Anyone else remember when Orwell's 1984 was the cautionary tale of a future, not a relic of the past!?!
  • @catsnbirds "1984". . . indeed I remember it well. Also being forbidden by my parents to watch it on TV back in 1954 (starring Peter Cushing). And buying a copy secretly, it scared me, especially the rats. And now Big Brother's here and is welcomed with open arms, crazy. I feel so sorry for kids and teens who get bullied (and worse) on social media.

    Hey @ixan57 "Highland Cathedral": this led me to discover the popularity of Hghland Games all over the world. And from there to an interesting fact about Scottish enclaves in Italy - fascinating. I put two references in case the BBC one doesn't work Stateside:

    My family has strong links to Scotland, my Mum did some research back in the day (how she would've loved the iPad!) and found that we belong to clan Chisholm.

    @gumby Happy New Year! Sorry you had to work. . .
    Dump the PUs and walk free!

    Love how this cat has learned to skateboard!

    Peace, love and joy to men of goodwill!
    Curses and confusion to gross gropers -:(((
  • @TomPuss a French themed advert currently on u.k telly
  • @ixan57 Wonderful!! Lol! Just going through all their other ads now! Love the John Cleese one -:)
  • @TomPuss forgot about the others. Just going through them myself now. There good. The one with the cat gulping a classic
    @tompuss its ok that I worked New Years, I made up for it by playing hooky today.
  • Goodnight all. Very quiet, take it everybody exhausted
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp??? ready for the blizzard??
    Hey there @catsnbirds I figured you had a watch over the lil' guy and his runabout friends while I'm gone heeeheee:D I must say OB does a great job keeping quiet about the hubbub goings on! and a good job cleaning up! funny Heyougettouttamyway is worried about Cats, he must have spent some time in the Aviary making nice, while Papa @rat9 was training the birds or youd think he'd be more afraid of them lol!
    Hmm I've heard of Orwell's 1984 but never read it, should I? i don't know, sounds sort of creepy?
    mind you i don't mind creepy at all, I'm an avid Stephen King fan but Orwell's 1984 sounds kind of "close to home" creepy if you know what I mean?
    @Ixan57 sorry i missed you again.. but I'll catch you tomorrow, my work decided they would give us tomorrow off due to the impending storm.. no matter, they pay us for the day, i get to sleep late :)
  • @kathy A link to give you more info than you probably want on the novel! Not Stephen King creepy, but a very pessimistic view of what society could become. A reminder that freedom and kindness and the welcoming acceptance of differences is so important.
  • Thanks @catsnbirds I'll check it out :D I'll let you know ...
  • With that @heyyougetouttamyway be on guard , I'll trust you to get yourself into your bed at a decent hour, but I'll be back to check in on you. i have the day off tomorrow so you have a little bit of time ;) yesss yess you can go visit the Aviary, probably want to keep those birds in your favor lol... But don't be having WanderingStar sneaking over here without telling @Ixan57 or you know he'll be in big trouble! And Yes We will know ;)
  • Ok Heyyou.. ah good lil'rat that you are all snug up in your bed.. you love that bed that Uncle @ixan57 got for you huh? *peeks around,,* good no sign of mischeif..
    gently places an already kissed hand on the lil' guy forehead, tucks the covers up snug*
    g'nite lil' guy sweet dreams ☆☆☆☆
    Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy WASSSUUUUPPPP I hate snow, when I retire I think I am moving to an exotic island somewhere.
  • @gumby you got a exotic bar, what more do you want
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???? Yep like a Hawaiian island or St. Thomas..idk I'm kinda afraid to go anywhere out of the Continental US.. maybe just San Diego lol!!
  • @gumby @kathy you guys take care. Hope you're power utilities hold up. Goodnight Thinking about you.
  • @kathy @gumby No fun when your city is on the national news for dangerous weather. Hope you are both safe at home.
  • Hanging in there @catsnbirds @ixan57 thanks
    storm is winding down now, but the Wind is picking up, blowing like crazy!
  • @ixan57 @catsnbirds so far so good, power still on. Thanks for caring :)
  • Well @Heyyougetouttamyway Time for Dreamland, hop up in to your bed and close your eyes, geny pats a kissed hand on the lil' guy forehead. nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • Reason #5 to take sick day Tomorrow you catch up with all the links I've missed the last page!
    Nighty night all... keep fingers crossed our power stays!

    ahhh @ixan57 look what you've put in his head now Lol!!
    guess we best install that helipad!!
  • back to bed heyyou , yes you can store your flying contraption out back,
    I'll have OB check it out to make sure is safe!! don't get any more ideas now..

    Nooo Horses are to Heavy!! WanderingStar Will not be joining you on your adventures in the sky!
    *takes after his Pa i guess* next he'll want to travel to Space!
  • Ha ha haaaa what a contraption
  • @kathy, @all stateside: fingers crossed for you during this awful weather and hoping no power outages. . Stay safe!
    @kathy I'm having such fun listening to Greg reading "The Hound of the Baskervilles"!

  • @TomPuss was in Nottingham year's and year's ago on my way to Burton upon Trent (will get the dates when I dig out the memorabilia) mad teenager on his way to the British beermat collectors society annual convention. There is a pub that was in claiming to be the oldest tavern in England. It called the "ye old trip to Jerusalem" it is carved/dug into the rock under Nottingham castle. Have photos. Will dig them out and post
  • @TomPuss there is dozens of pictures on Google images,but pretty new. Thinking mine circa mid seventies.will post when home
  • @ixan57 Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, oh yes I remember it well!
    We lived in a village called Caythorpe opposite a great pub "The Black Horse", very handy! Same as you for pix, I liked it better the way it used to be. Looking on GoogleMaps, the village is now so gentrified I hardly recognize it! If you can see the Black Horse, you'll find a big old conker tree on right, on the bend in the road - I used to climb it! Swing round a bit, the red brick house opposite is where we lived.
    Drinks are on me now, to celebrate getting my bluetooth speaker to work! Techno-stress indescribable, I couldn't even fit the dang transformer plug together!
    OB Electric Blue Mongos for @all, please!
  • @TomPuss for the drinks don't need much encouraging
  • @kathy test flight of @whatshisname cancelled today. To much snow. OB done a good job out the back but @gumby 's place to much dangerous to land
  • @ixan57 You're right!
    Tries to make it to @gumby's place but takes off again in despair:
  • @TomPuss hee hee that's not nice
  • Beautiful Horses there ! they really strut about the streets like this, or is this a special occasion?
    Tooo funny the plane lol! slip sliding away :D heeeheee
    I decided to work today after all so still haven't caught up with all the videos or the last couple pages but now it's Friday!!Wooot!! got nothing to do all weekend but chill out ( literally) not going anywhere , is supposed to be the coldest we have yet! brrrrr.. jammie day :) I Looove jammie days :D
    and you heard Uncle @ixan57 right Heyougettouttamyway Test Flight cancelled! for the weekend as well, to much snow and too cold! next week is supposed to warm up into the 30° maybe even 40° we'll talk about it then!
    heehee it's gonna feel like a Heat Wave after this they are now calling 'The Deep Freeze' ••≥
  • Goodnight @kathy glad to hear you've got through so far without anything major i.e power failures and you safe. Well wee man @whatsyourname know your disappointed but don't sulk sending over @wanderingstar for the weekend and you guys can get out the sleigh again
  • Nighty night Uncle @Ixan57 :D
    you've just made heyyou a very happy little rat !
    ok get your little coat and hat ready , listen for @WanderingStar sleigh bells ;)
  • Well I’ve been missing for weeks in the BP (secretly drinking in Gumby’s place) to avoid the horse and the rats. OMG they are on their way!
    You lot are completely mad
    Happy New Year, belatedly xx
  • Yikes, Christmas Bunny avatar Thought that was long gone. Off to Gravatar
  • Lol @HunnyBunny , you never let a rat keep you out if here before heehee!! c'mon he's a cute Lil guy ;)

    really wish the smileys worked in here :(
  • There ya go Bunny back :D
  • Real white Bunny back!
    @Kathy, one Rat is ok, but there’s bloody hundreds, if not thousands, behind those walls..
    OB, drinks on me, and sprinkle in Bunny Dust (helps you fling, at least it helped me beat Kathy today!)
    Goodnight all, must visit more often xx
  • I'm leaving my winter hat on lol!!
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