The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2885
  • kk Heyyougetouttamyway it's that's time.. sure you can stay up little and help OB clean up then hop up in to your bed ..OB can tuck you in, or maybe @Gumby will come by.. nighty night lil guy ☆☆☆
    Nighty night @All

    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @tompuss never seen or heard of either of those shows, not a huge fan of TV anyways but I do watch some shows.
  • Hi guys - thanks for the birthday wishes!!
    Jan 8 - birthday of Elvis, David Bowie, Steven Hawkings, and the most famous of all? @karen68!
  • @Captrec Good to see you!! Hope you had a great Birthday :D
    @Gumby Waaassssuupppp???
  • @kathy DING
    @CaptRec just don't start singing on us LOL
    @ixan57 where you hiding
  • @Gumby Diing Back!!! heeeheee Waaassssuupppp???
    Why can't @captrec sing?
    Ya where are you @ixan57 And Why is WanderingStar grounded?? you left him here for the weekend, iI gave permission for them to stay @Gumbys place, was my fault i was late picking them up and he was looking to comfy for me to poof him back here, plus *poofing* can be disorienting and well i didn't want to deal with a disoriented horse lol!!
  • Heyyougetouttamyway Time for Dreamland…
    hop up in to your bed and close those eyes , * tucks the lil’ guy in snug as a bug, gently places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead * nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Well @kathy he spent all the money from the sleigh rides at gumbys. The cash was meant for his keep. He's out of the dog house tomorrow seeing that I'm back to work.
  • @Ixan57 That naughty horse! I say we keep them from @Gumby's place for this weekend..!
    Have a great day everyone ☆
  • @kathy, @ixan57, @gumby

    Horse-drawn sleigh collects logs for @gumby's place:

  • Thanks @TomPuss watched the associated videos, wow look at some of the weight loads they are pulling. Probably need @wanderingstar to pull me out of bed that way at 5am tomorrow. Oh no! 1st day back in 12. Only two but a struggle when you get used to the quality time
  • Time to go, won't sleep. Why me. Alarm 1 check. Alarm 2 check. Goodnight all
    @tompuss that should keep the fireplace going :)
    @ixan57 nighty night
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp???
    I'm so tired haven't even read back tonight.. barely flinging..
    just chilling and watching Breaking Bad in between eye
  • @Tompuss Thanks for the video! that couldn't be @gumby loading up that wood lol! I want Horsie!!
    @Heyyougetouttamyway.. yep its early but I'm really really tired .

    you can stay up with OB and get yourself into your bed.. you did good last night or so i haven't hard any different..Your bed is ready when you decide to hop up into it..OB will tuck you in
    nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams!☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
    G'nite all.. book time

    btw @Tompuss I've got my library loaded up! as soon as i finish this one in on to Sherlock!
  • @kathy I just finished the last available Sherlock. . . . I'm getting withdrawal symptoms already!! Hope Greg will do the remaining ones. . .
  • AWESOME horses and riders for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee! ❤
  • This is a video of some horrendously amateurish flying. But run up to 11min for the cockpit scene and keep your eyes on top right-hand corner of the picture. . . surprise!
  • Thanks @kathy for your feedback on the pig challenge. Wouldn't waste any time on it. @trishohara and @karen68 also left feedback. It's a wasted cause.
    Going now so tired. 1st day back a shock to the system. Goodnight all
  • G'nite @ixan57 Sweet Dreams..
  • @Tompuss I've just finished watching the Queen's Jubilee Fascinating !! Breathtaking really! thank you
    the song in the beginning has me curious, the tune? Did we Americans steal that? sounds like 'My Country tis' of thee' but i couldn't make me out the words,, the speaker on this tablet lacks well sound really!! my headphones aren't handy, I'll listen again when i have them.

    OB could i have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a dash of @Hunnybunny special Bunny Magic powder..(as long as it doesn't make me 'plank ' whatever that is!!
    going to watch now the Flying Video, then I'm off to fling! lol
  • @kathy you gave away the puddytat scene! It’s brilliant
  • Awwwc Crap @Hunnybunny!! shall i edit?
  • No Kathy, I bet no one expects that
  • Goodnight all and thanks again @tompuss for two amazing vids
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
    Me very tired too.. actually took a short nap. or tried anyway..
  • ahhh @Heyyougetouttamyway I'm late...C'mon now time to hop up into your bed , tomorrow is Friday n get your rest.. you never know what happens on the weekend around here.
    *tucks Heyyougetouttamyway in nice and snug as a bug, places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead *
    nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆☆
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
    G'Nite all..see ya tommorow..
  • @hunnybunny Pilates - so, how was it for you? -:)

    @kathy The same tune is used for our national anthem "God save the Queen" and your "My country 'tis of thee" . The melody dates from way back.

  • @kathy, @ixan57 Pig Challenge, what a bummer!! They sure played a nasty trick on us there.
  • @kathy thought everyone would have seen the cat on a microlight, it was shown on most worldwide news channels. Full version
  • Yip @TomPuss they went beyond nastiness. normally when you use your 3 lives, you get to watch a video for a extra life up to 3 times in a 2hr period.this time they gave you unlimited video watch knowing you would play using up all your pu's chasing the 4* that doesn't exist and exchange/purchase more Pu's on a 4* that doesn't exist. Not only that they gave you Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday challenge's the easiest task knowing that if you are only needing the fourth for your completion of egg hunt for your 600 egg crown's you would bite.
    In my opinion rovio have gone since floating on a stock market and paying off quality employees, went from a world leader in there field to total scum.
  • P.s. now even there support Muppets can't even get there template replies correct
  • Oh just wait to you see the bugs coming my way. LOL
  • Big thank you @ixan57 for the complete footage!
    Yes, awful when you have watch those ads to get more lives. Really crappy games.
    Maybe I should get a life and stop playing Pig Challenge. . .
  • Hi everyone!
    Yes @Tomouss !! Rovio really messed with us on yesterday's challenge!! funny part is I don't even need to play them!! I've got all my crowned eggs and all exclusives haha!! guess it's the Life part that hasn't sunk in!
  • @ixan57 after seeing your note and note from @irishheart and replies from others, iI didn't bother using all my life's, i stopped chasing the fourth Star after about 3 f flings and 75k for points!
    Thanks for the full version , I'll watch it in a bit when i get my headphones on, and what's a microlight that i would have seen it? I don't really watch World News , just some local and mostly National (FOX) which of course shows some world news. but we don't get like the BBC or whatever that is ,
  • @kathy basically a hang glider with a engine and while we're on the subject of flying,is it not about time that @whatshisname starts his test pilot training
  • Oohh @ixan57 the type of plane, i get it!
    i suppose Heyougettouttamyway could start his pilot training, i was waiting for the weather to warm up a bit, today's not good, it's dreary and raining. Plus who's going to train him?? uhmmm I don't know if i even Want him flying, after all he doesn't need to! he gets around just fine with WanderingStar, they do alright.
  • Heading off now. My body is fighting off something, everybody about here are loaded with a bad flu outbreak. supposably from Australia and Japan. Hope it not it, doesn't feel like it. More like a bad hangover.
  • Feel the same @ixan57 Hope is not the flu..
    Nighty Night see ya tomorrow Sweet Dreams
    @tompuss @ixan57 nighty night and I still do Pig challenge but care less about how many stars and I am not using any power ups. I get some kind of egg every week and a few power ups and coins added to my total. This weeks was tough without power ups so I got the lowest egg.
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp????
  • Ya n...Nooo Heyougettouttamyway Just because Uncle @Ixan57 mentions pilot lessons Does Not mean your getting them!! just like my mother used to say..'We'll see'

    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and some of those other things..uhmmm ya Super Seeds !! sprinkled with Bunny"s magic powder.. I'm sooooo close..soooo close.. i just need that extra flinging oooommmphhh !

    heyyou knock it off, i said We'll see!! that's that.. go bother OB.. or go play in the Aviary,, knock it off or I'll get The Cat to babysit.. yes i know you miss Robert, me too.. but I'm sure @catsnbirds wouldn't mind sending her kitty over to keep an eye on you!
    WanderingStar is Grounded, you know that!!
  • Heyyougetouttamyway hop up in to your bed, its time now, you can watch the videos that @tompuss posted..but stay in your bed, Sleep tight little one, places a kissed hand on his liitle forehead , nighty night lil guy and sweet dreams ☆☆☆○
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy that rum worked wonders last night. Firing on all cylinders. The horse is a free agent again. He's tied up to the hitching post outside. Meeting up with a old drinking pal from year's back, so the town painting start's early today (around noon). Back later
  • Just jumped in while memory span still working
    What's orange and sounds like a parrot
  • Back to serious painting
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