The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2813
  • @kathy why sorry, we all have to eat
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Sleep well @Ma
  • No @gumby Spain in six weeks, but the weather here is fab at present
  • @kathy another terrorist attack. St. Petersburg
    Been there too, would go back, it's one of the most amazing places I've ever visited.
    @rat you and Mrs Rat would love the Baltic cruise. I know we've discussed this before. Just book and go
    Don't let the ******** terrorists rule your life
    Goodnight xx
  • Oh crap @Hunnybunny!! Another one!! I didn't hear about that one, but there was one in Russia also! Pretty bad when it's so common they don't report on all them :(
  • Night night @hunnybunny Sweet dreams..
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??? No Fling today??
  • Can't sleep!
    So I'm back, temporarily
    @kathy St. Petersburg is in bloody Russia
    We will never teach you geography!
  • In @Ma's defense, there is a large city in Florida called St. Petersburg as well Mrs. Bunny. Good luck with your slumber.
  • Thanks @Pa
    How I'm supposed to know about Russian cities?!! There's St. Petersburg everywhere!! Lol!!
    @Hunnybunny i thought maybe there was one in the U.K and now don't try telling me Russia is in the U.K because That I know is not!!
    Jeesah OB I'll have a Kaluha with a splash of Bailey's please :) hmm do i want that in coffee? Nahhh how about a Kaluah sombrero with the Bailey's and a top of whipped cream , on crushed ice ya sounds good, and add a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, thanks :)
  • @kathy nope not much flinging today
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • Wake up OB Mrs Bunny would like a very large glass of champagne
    For no reason whatsoever
  • @kathy wasssuuuupppp
    @hunnybunny tell OB to make it 2 or 3 very large glasses of champagne :)
  • @Gumby Wassssuuuppp???
    OB make that 3 large glasses of champagne the good stuff Cristal!!
  • *clink*
  • Nighty night xxx
    And hi @rat although he never responds....
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • *clink* To the good life Mrs. Bunny.

    Nighty night @Ma
  • Oh Goody! I don't need to clean the gutters. We just had a HUGE gully washer.
  • "Clink" Mr Rat to gully washer. What ever the heck that is? OK I can guess. Not a U.K. term at all
    Nighy night xx
  • @kathy wasssuuuuppp
    @rat hey stranger where ya been hiding?
    @hunnybunny nighty night sleep well
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
    Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams
    @Pa we are getting your Gulley washer tomorrow lol thanks a lot!!
    We know something Mrs Bunny doesn't know!! Heeeheee!!!
  • Sorry Mrs. Bunny. I googled "gulley washer". You don't have them in England. Nor the North-Eastern US for that matter.
    Sorry @Gumby. I've been recouping from another surgery. I got my stiches removed today and was on my way home when the bottom dropped out. The rain was so dense you couldn't see the tail lights of the car in front of you in broad daylight. That's a gulley washer.
  • I knew what it was @Pa and yeppers we've had them , few and far between, but enough so you had to pull over because you couldn't see through the rush of constant water in your windshield like going through a car wash... The name is quite self explanatory..
  • @Gumby ever watch Prison Break? Is back on!!
  • I hear ya @Ma. I haven't seen a gulley washer in over twenty years. This was a good one.
  • @rat we are having rain like that tomorrow
    @kathy Nope never seen Prison Break
  • Maybe yes, maybe no @Gumby. You can't forecast a Gulley Washer.
  • @rat well they are calling it very heavy rain, and said theres gonna be flooding
  • Never seen Prison Break @Gumby!! You don't know what you've missed!! Awesome show! But unless you can find the beginning seasons no sense starting watching it now: (
    Also a car washer @Pa !!:D
  • Agreed @Pa until it hits Yaa just don't know, until your driving down the road and suddenly can't see a damn thing but Water!! No predicable!!
  • Gonna listen t my book a bit whilst Flinging and trying to bump @Gumby!! I
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo, but make it Green and lucky with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion please, thanks!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nighty night @Ma
  • @kathy wasssuuuupppp I only found seasons 1 thru 4 but I am in the middle of another show atm.
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??? I think that's it for Prison Break only 4 seasons, I'm not sure but I'll check, you'll love it,, is awesome!!
  • Nope Season 5 just started last night,, but by the time you catch up you'll probably find Season 5
    @Pa our Gulley washer fizzled, lasted about a half hour then just turned to regular downpours!! Ahhh well, i was going to take video for @hunnybunny but i was at work
  • @kathy ya I see 1 episode for season 5, but I can't figure out how season 1 was in 2005 and season 5 is in 2017
  • Whadda ya mean Jim? It was off the air for a couple years after Season 4 , i was surprised it was back!!
  • Yes that is right, so far only 1 episode of Season 5, and ya gotta pay attention , there's lots of little details that seem unimportant but they come into play later
  • @kathy well that might explain the gap between season 4 and 5 lol. Is it still the same cast?
  • Yep same cast @gumby i was actually surprised!! I think they must have filmed it a while ago because they don't looked aged.
  • @kathy the heavy rain is starting now. Thunder and lighting also
  • Here Comes the Gulley Washer!!!! Woot , Thunder and lighting even...
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