The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2815
  • Nite nite @Ma

    Edit: Crown me.
  • @kathy WASSSSSUUUPPP , wow talk about quiet enough to hear a pin drop in here
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
    @Pa your Crowned, that's o.k you don't get enough turns with it:D
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a few more Super seeds to munch on.
    Put in an order for @PatZ for the same to congratulate her on her shiny new badge!!
  • Calling All bunnies!!! @hunnybunny can you come out and play?? I'll buy you a drink!!
    Pleaasee.. We miss you!!
  • A bunny, a princess, and a rat walk into a bar...there's a joke here somewhere.
  • And The Bunny says to the Rat.....?
  • the bunny says hey rat where did you get that shiny crown?
  • And the Princess says >>>>> @pathecrowntheif Stole it!!! Bite his ankles Bunny!!
    Ya that's not funny .. Start over..
  • And the bunny sez to the princess, "Why is that corner of the bar green?".
  • And the Green guy glows and says....??
  • And the rat sez, "That's were the Green guy s its".
  • There was a girl from Nantucket...
  • Who knew a Green guy with a bucket.
  • Well that was fun... What next???
  • Here we sit waiting for a Bunny, she's amongst the missing and we don't find it funny...
  • Lol @Gumby well we can't have the bucket talk.. This is a family freindly forum , we all know where the bucket talk
    How about
    There's a hole in the bucket dear Liza Dear Liza , here's a Hole in the bucket dear Liza a hole.....
  • He painted it green,
    finest bucket he seen,
    Gumby took home that bucket to...
  • to Pawtucket
  • *rolls eyes*
  • Then Mend it Dear Henry , Dear Henry Dear Henry then Mend it Dear Henry Dear Henry Mend it!
  • I never heard the hole in the bucket song before @Ma. No kids.
  • But we're not in a nursery. This is a bar. ha ha
  • Btw @Gumby. Good answer. Pa took it.
  • Lol @Pa well you brought up buckets!!
    We are Flinging in Abracabacon wanna join us?
  • Trying to get the Bunny Back she lost her Mojo..:(
  • Heeehee *Light dawns on marblehead* Pawtucket!! ...hah a
    Good one @Gumby
  • 《《《《《 overtired 《《《《
  • Don't hurt yerself @Ma. It was a good one though.
  • Lol
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Clear as mud! But I'll try to answer what I think you're asking.

    @PATz Let me take the easy question first. You have no flags on your leaderboard page because you have no reason to challenge the validity of the scores you entered. The flags are there for other flingers to use when they believe a score is entered in error, power-ups were used, or they suspect cheating.

    Second, when you enter a score on your leaderboard page it doesn't show on the challenge page. The reverse, however, does. If you enter a score at the top of the challenge page it will appear on the challenge leaderboard as well as your personal leaderboard. Btw, that assumes you scored in the top fifty scores during the challenge.

    One other thing that may be giving you a problem. You must be signed in to Nest to enter a score.

    Does this help?

  • Nighty night @Ma
  • @patz Rat has about covered it.
    Except one thing @rat - you said when you enter a score on your leaderboard page it doesn't show on the challenge page - not sure what you mean by that?
  • @Karen68 i think . He meant if your not participating In the challenge it won't show on the 'improved ' list
  • Thanks @kathy, I wasn't really sure what he was saying - the list of scores, the improved list, the challenge leaderboard, personal leaderboards... it's a bit confusing.
    Or I haven't had enough coffee yet today.
  • Bunny is back! Been Spring Cleaning for days, and not feeling too good (nothing serious) so having early nights.

    And my favourite start to a limerick, curtesy of Data in Star Trek TNG:
    There was a young lady from Venus
    Whose body was shaped like a...
    At which point Picard shouts "Enough"

    @patz one other thing, if you enter your score on "The Challenge" page, and press "return" the score is accepted. But to make it appear on page you have "refresh" the page. Hope that makes sense.
  • Nighty night. Bunny is tired but feeling better. A few whiskies did the trick!
  • Night night @hunnybunny sorry i missed you..
    Never watched the Next Gen of Star Trek.. i was an original Trekkie ..
    @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
    @PatZ hope we've been able to help

    Gotta go eat,,bbiaf
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @rat on a computer the top 50 scores show on the lefthand side on the challenge page, on a phone it only shows the top 10
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp?????
  • On my phone and tablet ,@Gumby @Pa the challenge page shows the top 50 on the regular leaderboard​ on the left, and the top (however many are participating in the challenge) , up to 50 on the right.. tonight the participants are 15
    @Karen68 confirm?
  • @kathy how large is your phone because all my phones only ever showed the top 10 on the left
  • I should have turned my tablet, but i didn't.. Oh well..
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a few more Super seeds to munch on thanks :D
  • Idk @Gumby .. Same as a regular Android. .. Samsung Galaxy S7 ?
  • Shouldn't make a difference of what appears on the website screen lol!!
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