The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2716
  • @all -- The incident in Nice is deplorable, and extremely sad.
    Not sure the alleged coup in Turkey is a bad thing. I understand the president? deposed was very much on the side of strict Muslim rule. I think a more liberal government in Turkey might be good.
  • Agreed about turkey @mvnlacrownthief !
    Lol @mvnla2 I'm not sure i ever remember a time when you stole the crown!!
    You can keep it for a while, hee hee, if anyone deserves to wear it,, it's you!!
    You've been here from the beginning!
  • Oh Btw @hunnybunny I did listen to Moon River,, beautiful song,,I always like Andy Williams:)
  • Nighty Night @Pa
  • Good morning guys.
    Bloody me, missed @tompuss birthday.

    Better late than sorry. Happy birthday my friend, hope you had a wonderful day.
  • Still no progress on my album-picture thing. When I upload a picture it replaces the new one with one of the deleted old ones.
    Means also that I cannot upload new Wolf pictures.
    Anyone a good idea?

    @rat today it is Space Challenge day
  • @admins can anyone from you help in this matter, about these pictures?
  • @bernersenn Is it a matter of number of picture, or their overall size? Maybe you could try resizing them so as more could fit within your allowed diskspace.
  • @sglouk I don't think so. I throwed away all the pictures that didn't had to do with the games.
    I think that there is a kind of cache for these deleted pictures. As said, when I upload a new picture, it shows on the right side the thumbversion. When uploaded it shows one of the deleted pictures. On the overview screen, all the thumbs are fine. Clicking on them will give (at the newly uploaded pictures) the deleted large picture.
    Thanks anyway for your suggestion
  • Have been going on about this for months @bernersenn. Maybe I wasn't whinning enough or people just thought it was my mistakes?.....*sigh*....whatever. At least someone else has proof all is not right.
  • @jlz666 it's so frustrating. I often explain my strategies by pictures as my English isn't that perfect. Players can see the arc, the spot where to activate and the result.
    Same for highscores, those I always proof with pictures.
    When I understood what you said is it not solved by now for you.
    To avoid local issues, I even resetted the Ipad, cleared my own cache.

    And I even think (or guess) of what the cause is. Just took at look at the URL:

    It's not about this picture, but the URL contains a number. When that number is corresponding with a particular picture AND you delete this picture, the number becomes available again.
    The deleted pictures aren't deleted at all. They are in cache, so still available.
  • It even means that I don't have to play the challenge, since I cannot proof an eventual puppy
  • @birdleader @bernersenn @jlz666 -- Can you please fix the problem people are having with their albums?
  • @mvnla2 thanks for your support
  • @Kathy -- I like to try on the crown every few months or so. : D
    Looks like the coup in Turkey failed, at least earlier this morning. Seems like the news changes every time you look at it.
  • @all -- Did I mention that I'm in the beta test of AB TNT? Well, at least I started it. It's very difficult to figure out what you're supposed to do to advance and/or do differently to win battles you are losing. For the time being, I've stopped playing.
    Anyone else in the beta test?
  • @mvnla2 no, no beta testing for me. No time for that
  • @bernersenn It is frustrating when it seems to be just your problem. I knew it wasn't. I did everything I could from my end to fix it,twice in fact but to no avail. I also haven't played challenge because of this and was recently caught in an argument that needed photo proof. I ended up losing lots of photos to post just 1. I don't understand why so few are having issues.
    Thanks @mvnla2
  • @jlz666 it has todo with the amount of pictures uploaded. I don't know if the limit is defined by used storage or by amount of pictures.
    We will have an issue in the near future, because I even didn't delete that large amount of pictures. This means that we will have to look for another location to store our pictures (when the limit is reached)
  • @bernersenn Hmmmmm....So even though I've deleted a load of photos,the nest still calculates the amount I've uploaded? Well in the last 5 years I've uploaded quite a few! My storage needs a freight container!
    Sorry,dinner bell ringing.
  • Whew , caught up with pm's for now!!
    Hope you get the album trouble straight soon @bernersenn @jlz666
    Lol @mvnla2 the crown looks good: D yes it seems like every time you watch the news it changes as your watching* sigh*
    Isis has claimed responsibly for Nice, as if we didn't know anyway:(
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please..
    Of to fling
  • Been on vacation. Back now though
  • Welcome back @mahd , sorry i can't stay i need to eat now.
    Hope you had a nice vacation:)
  • Had lots of fun. Bye, got to sleep
  • Nighty night, pop in tomorrow and tell about your vacation:)
    Sweet Dreams @mahd
  • @bernersenn @jlz666 why don't you post the album issue here -

    @mvnla2 I'm in the beta test but haven't started yet, my son was away at camp & had the ipad with him. He's home now so I plan to give it a go this weekend.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend :D
  • @karen68 we did. I am facing this issue since yesterday.
  • @bernersenn I meant the "bugs in the nest" forum, I put the link there for you. It might get noticed quicker :)
  • It's a "Hi & By" from Bunny, fellow flingers
    Lovely to see @TomPuss popping in again
    I'm off to bed after a fab night out with friends in a French restaurant: Fougasse, Tartine, Moules and Frites! Yum yum, I say, whilst loosening my trousers....
  • @karen68 I'm the worst at whinning in nest matters. I hate bothering our admins on such trivial issues although this has bugged me more than anything. Hopefully some PM's will give clues as to what's going on. Did your "wee" man enjoy camp? Ohh jeeeez I really need to catch up with you :(
    @hunnybunny "Moules et frites" is the only thing I understood and wanted.....yuuuum:)
    Movie night so gotta love and leave
  • Well That was weird! @Karen68 i clicked on link and it brought me to a post from @justpast40 ,which said she was having trouble with her i replied not realizing it was from 2 years sgo, go figure! ! coincidence or did you pick that page on purpose?
  • Nighty night @Hunnybunny sorry i missed you:(
    Sweet Dreams :)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp !! I'm just getting ready to cook some eggs and eat again.. bbiab
    @Pa where Are you? ?¿?
  • @kathy don't forget the toast
  • lol @gumby Yep i didn't forget the Toast, ,my timing needs to get better though, ,overcooked eggs while waiting for toast to pop:( I'll get it right one of these days lol.
  • @kathy hint the toast can get cold
  • ya that's the problem, ,timing it so toast ain't cold, and eggs ain't overcooked , tricky..
  • @Kathy -- I think what Gumby meant is that it's OK if the toast gets cold; the eggs will warm it up again. So -- How many eggs and how many slices of toast? What about some bacon to increase calories, or sausage, or ham. Maybe a ham and cheese 3-egg omelet?
  • Ooohhh Thanks @Mvnla2; ) that makes sense:)
    2 eggs 2 pieces of Toast, I don't really care for sausage, and until i get my dental work finised ,Bacon is out,hard to chew and gets stuck in my teeth
    so I'm dealing with a double dilemna, trying to eat healthy while working my diet around my teeth. Had Chicken and Rice for lunch ,and the eggs for dinner, didn't get up in time for breakfast, but during the week I eat 3 meals with snacks, like yogurt or bannana in between. .
    a lot of getting used to its a slow process but I'm doing my best:)
  • Actually @mvnla2 The Ham and cheese 3 egg omelet sounds good!! And doable:D thanks!!
    Breakfast tomorrow that's what it's going to be:)
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Goooood morning ab nest
  • B terry about to die. See you all in about.......... 3
  • My vacation was in the disputed area between Pakistan and India, or as we call it, THE AREA OF AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR. Look it up. But came back before all the bad stuff started
  • Using all caps makes your posting look scary and dangerous @mahd. After googling Azad Jammu and Kashmir I realize it's not just a feeling. It is a dangerous area. Stay safe my friend.

    Sorry @Sglouk. I wasn't here today for the Space challenge you mentioned. Once again you have taken top honors. WTG! I'll keep your crown polished up in anticipation of your arrival. What's taking you so long?

    Good night @Ma
  • Good morning guys.

    @karen68 now I understand what you meant with posting the album issue.
    I wroted it in the link you gave me.
  • Hi everyone. Just finished watching zootopia. (A movie)
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