The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2630
  • alright back to sleep I go, good night everybody :)
  • @gumby didn't see sorry. Restate?
  • @gumby lots of crumbling and crunching of debris, not a simple low score level.
  • Hello guys, good evening to you all.
    @kathy thanks for letting me keep my score. It was awesome that day, a one-in-a-lifetime shot.
    @gumby nice to hear that you are thinking of a bmd. Let me know when the time has come and I can give you several tips to help you picking a good puppy. With good I mean "with a more than average life expectancy".
    I will try to shoot some pictures of the little man the coming days. Tried several times this week, but had to clean my objectives over and over again, lol.
  • I'm happy to hear from you @bernersenn. Do you fly out of Brussels when you travel?
  • @rat thanks for the concerns. And no, Nowadays I don't fly anymore. When I was 20 years younger I traveled a lot for my work.
    It is coming closer to us, this shit. Brussel is only 50 miles away from where we live.
    The firm I work for (Atos) has an office at Zaventhem (Brussels Airport) and we got a urgent message to avoid traveling to and from that office.
    It is ridiculous what people are doing to each other, what do they want? It is like 9-11, not that big, but the fear is among people.
  • Lol @bernersenn ,like i could possibly beat that score, that was my way of bowing out gracefully;)
    And yes good to see you safe and sound! The world is going crazy, these guys want us all to follow with them and their choice of religion its crazy that is all.
  • @rat that is exactly what they want - fear in the people
    @kathy WAASSSUUPPP
    @bernersenn it probably won't be for a while getting another dog. 2 dogs is my limit any more and its way too much work for me to handle
  • @gumby Waaaassssuuuuppp! Uhhhm I didn't see rat say that, ?? @bernersenn said it lol:)
  • All y'all @Whaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!
    @bernersenn you seem to have a lot of "once in a lifetime shot" moments! I had one or two, the most memorable although I don't remember the exact level in Rio I was #2 about 20 points behind you. When I get I. The groove it's the bernersenn boogie, the unbelievable thread the needle perfect shot is the @fenikus fling.
    The world has gone even crazier than it was. I was on base during 9-11, you can be sure we had even more heightened alarm than the gen pop. Glad you're safe, every time this $hi+ goes on in the EU I think of my flinging friends.
  • Hey Hey @knichy sorry my notifications aren't working for some reason, and i can't figure it out: (
    And wow that musts have been a crazy scary time on base after 911, i can't imagine, Guess we were all on alert, but for you must have been triple since then idk people have been lax in their awareness and of course Political correctness is a lot to do with it! I'm sick of being told i can't feel or think something for fear of offending someone, when those crazy people take advantage of that very thing!
  • @kathy I'm sure you've seen "keep calm, chive on". I say keep calm fling on. There would be a lot less trouble in the world if we'd all
    Fling. A bird
    Fling. A second
    Fling a third.......
  • Yes @knichy Your right! I've always said if everyone just joined abn we'd all get along!! Of course there's always one in the crowd who can't, but that's easily deadly with:)
    I love your rendition of that Song! It should be the ABN theme song:)
  • Bedtime for me Night all tommorow is Friday! ! Woot:)
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Nitey. Nite @all!
  • @Ma Thanks for correcting @Gumby's misperception about me. He's wrong about me. The terrorists haven't scared me. They've just made me very angry. It hasn't affected my world travels one little bit. Well, maybe longer lines at the airports. But that's a price I'm willing to pay.

    Sleep well Princess♥
  • Good morning to you all
  • Good morning @bernersenn and anyone else lurking :)
  • Hi @iamighty it is pretty quiet here, isn't it?
  • Hmm yeah, pretty quiet lol. I think it's Easter so celebrations might be on!

    Correct me if I'm wrong though!
  • Very Quiet day!
  • @kathy, nice picture.
    Good night to you all, friday is over here...
  • Thanks for the Easter blessing @bernersenn. Making the world a better place one small step at a time.
    Good night.
  • Thank you @bernersenn for the Easter Blessing, and may you be blessed as Well:)
    Hope the world will be Blessed All the World
  • Night night @Bernersenn Sweet dreams and enjoy your Easter Day with your new boy:)
    Sorry for the triple posts
  • @kathy WASSSUUPP
    @rat it was a typo on your name instead of bernersenn not a perception of anyone, just thats what the terrorists want is to put fear into people. I had read it too quickly and typed your name by mistake, sorry if it was taken out of context. I have been really really tired as of late I overslept for work 2 out of the last 3 days :( Again sorry bro and no hard feelings?
  • Im glad I can't participate in this challenge today, it means Ill get a bit more sleep. :)
    eyes are already having trouble staying open
  • No harm, no foul @Gumby. I was never mad at you. Quit apologizing and get some sleep.
  • @Gumby I'm at birthday party, be home at 9
    Wassssssuuup,oops never hit send lol
    I'm home now:/
  • Nighy night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • @Sglouk I glad you were able to give @Romo some competition for top scores in Mirrors Cold Cuts while I've been out of commission. But you needn't worry now. I've felt better the last two days and am willing to resume my duties as King. lol
  • Hello guys, wishing you a very nice saturday. Weather overhere is perfect, sunshine pure.
    I will post some pictures of Wolf later.
    @rat there is work todo. The challenge today brought me above you in a Space game. That feels unnatural. So I hope your health will enable you to do something about it.
  • Hello @bernersenn :);Good Afternoon
  • @all -- Happy Easter (tomorrow)! Wouldn't world peace be a fantastic Easter present?
  • Hey @mvnla2 And Happy Easter to you as well:) Yes World Peace would be a Wonderful Easter present, We can pray and maybe someday.....
  • @Pa happy to hear your feeling a bit better, now go reclaim your throne while you can!
  • @bernersenn Awwwwwww!
    @karen68 I know it's old-school but trick or treat 2-4 you just got a new deputy and I plan to run for the sheriff's office!
  • @knichy nice to hear. You pulled my attention for that specific game. I'm actually playing the Fairy Hoggmother. Will see what I can do on your game
  • I think I spoke too soon @Ma. I overdid it flinging in Mirrors Cold Cuts the last two days and am now starting to pay the price for it. Whaaaaaaa!!! Sorry @bernersenn. I can't accept your challenge.
  • @bernersenn Of course if Mrs. Bunny got ahead of me on the challenge I'd be forced to play through the pain. he he
    Boy oh boy! That's a lot of gorgeous dog.
  • @rat, fine. I will watch the incoming Mail, "there is a new leader...". So, come on, you can do it.
    About the boy: he has actually 51 pounds. We expect him to weigh more than 130 pounds once he is grown up
  • Do they shed excessively?
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