The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2538
  • Right. Cleaning cloth in hand. iPad Air2 (I love it) put away. Kitchen: here I come!
  • I always manage the strangest page change ;-)
  • @Hunnybunny -- Thanks for the video. After hearing that I had to look up Turandot to find out what the story that went with the song was. BTW, don't they do encores at the Proms? Watched many minutes of clapping in hope that he would sing an encore.
    Also found out that Puccini died in 1924. Thought he lived much longer ago than that.
  • @mvnla2 no encores at the Proms. Very British time keeping. But he sang two or three others, including "Rule Britannia" Probably the first German ever. But's that political, so no comments
  • Oops! They always encore Land of Hope and Glory. Hope they did last year, just found this link. I love this
  • I haven't looked at your vids yet @hunnybunny but I'll do it after dinner. Just in the middle of making a lamb roast. That's one of the best things about the colder,darker nights :) You're right,it is my Father in Law who is retired police (CID) Give him a dram or 2 and the stories he tells can make your toes curl!! Like you said,some hilarious,some shockingly gruesome and some tragically sad. I think I've heard every swear word known to man (and woman) but luckily haven't been called most of them!
  • Aww @jlz666 sorry you missed out on the puppy:( but hey great score!!
    Cookie hmmm..thats a cute name and i like to stick with tradition,soooo hmmm idk gotta think on it, i do like raindrop don't wanna break tradition though.
    Maybe a vote from everyone?
    Off to fling, not having much luck in PD but I'm getting through it.
    Ob I'll have a long island iced tea please:)
  • @Hunnybunny Sorry, not a big fan of opera. Some is OK, but opera in a foreign language is a total non-starter with me even if sung by a beautiful scantily clad woman.
  • @kathy I vote "Raindrop" which reminds me I should be watching the tennis, but rain delays start
    @rat the proms is not just opera. They did a piece for children, to introduce them to classic music; a big band / swing programme which was excellent; and even a Sound of Music sing-a-long (I know, that ain't going to impress you much) and the thought of scantily clad opera is not appealing at all. So what stuff do you listen to?
  • Truth be told Mrs. Bunny, I'm not a big music fan. I'm half deaf and have tinnitus in the other ear (ringing). But lately I've been enjoying new age country. But it's OK, men are visual creatures anyway.
  • Thanks for the vote @hunnybunny
    Raindrop - 1
    Cookie - ?
  • @rat I'm nearly deaf in the right ear (can only hear very high or very low pitched noises, something loud within that limited range makes me jump like a scolded cat!) and have tinnitus in that ear as well. Mine sounds more like the ocean rushing in, but occasional ringing, beeping and all sorts of weird stuff makes a break from the norm.
    Goodnight all. I gave up on the tennis. Still raining in NYC
    Don't forget to vote for @kathy's new puppy
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams; )
    Ty for reminding folks to Vote
  • @kathy I like Raindrop :) Congrats on the new puppy!

    @hunnybunny it's 7:15pm & the tennis is finally about to start. Too bad it's too late for you. But now I know how I'm spending my evening.
  • Thanks @karen68 :)
    Raindrop - 2
    Cookie - ?
  • Update
    Raindrop -3
    Cookie - 1

    Thanks @Pa :)
  • You already know what my vote is @Ma. Raindrop
  • @Kathy -- Another vote for Raindrop.
  • Raindrop - 4
    Cookie - 1
    Thanks for the vote @mvnla2 :)
  • long weekend on the pitch and haven't been near the 'puter, thanks all for the discussion in re lighting bolts and PUs.
  • @kathy Raindrop - definitely!

    Gene Kelly agrees:

    . . . . and so does Chopin:
  • Mommies are always right @TomPuss. The fact that we ate good during the holiday season that year is strictly a coincidence. I know my pets went to the farm. ha ha
    Donnie looks gorgeous if a little skinny.
  • @rat9 Svelte, rather - he's very leggy!

    Get this one: Marley the puppy cat:
  • He's beautiful @tompuss! What are the chances he's micro chipped?
    @kathy you can add my vote for Raindrop,it's much better! Of course you're now going to have to stick to meteorological terms for your puppies!
  • @JLZ666 Not much chance, I think, as he hasn't been neutered and usually it's done at the same time. The vet will check first, but I'm not taking him straightaway - waiting till workmen have finished so he can be in peace and quiet afterwards.
  • You're right @tompuss. I just don't undertand people :( Why pay for a Siamese then let him wander unneutered? I didn't let Oscar out until he had his bits lopped off. Donny's found the right home :D
    @hunnybunny was the "sound of music" medley at this years Proms?
  • @tompuss beautiful cat, and I agree, how can you buy such a svelte beaut and just not do the right thing.
    @jlz666 Yes the Sound of Music Sing-a-long was this year, to celebrate its fiftieth year. Rather upset they didn't do The Lonely Goatherd. Me and Mr Bunny were ready to yodel. But I expect the neighbours were happy!
  • @kathy looks like raindrop wins!
    Strokes @kathy's lovely new bundle of puppiness!
    How wrong did that sound?
  • @kathy they played this today on BBC Radio2
    Wonderful song
  • Have to look at links later, pizza here, just waiting till they put the dining table Back in the dining room:/
  • OMgiraffe @tompuss Who On Earth could 'lose 'a beautiful Siamese as that! ! Hrmppf Some People!!
    And I Loovve Gene Kelley My favorite ,or one of ,is Dancing in the Rain..Top Hat unbeatable
    Marley the Cat amazing, but i really dont think he was enjoying the Swing:(
    Is a beautiful Video and song @hunnybunny but not really my style :( sorry
  • "BPW", No way! You know you'll be back Ma. There's no "P" to it.
  • Hee heee @Pa.. you know me to well ;)
  • *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, and the table by the door*
    Its almost that time folks, get your WWwwhhhhiiiiinnnneee 's ready .
    Welcome to Whine Tuesday! ! ;)
    Nighty night all
    Nighty night Pa ♡

    Night Snodrop..night Raindrop ♡♡♡
  • Good Night Ma and the Drops too.
    Don't let them get on the end of the bed with you. If one does, they will all want up there. I can't imagine what @Comex666's bed must look like with 70 puppies on it.
  • @TomPuss -- Thanks for the Chopin! It sounds easy enough that I could play it. What's wrong with this picture? Will let you know after I take a look at the music. Chopin is always way more difficult than it sounds. At least is isn't horrendously fast.
  • @mvnla2 Glad you like it, and hope it turns out easier than this:

    Couperin "Tic Toc Choc"

    Maybe easier on the double keyboard it was written for!

    Sheet music:;topic=26950.0;attach=3936

  • @TomPuss -- Thanks again! But why would I ever want the sheet music? It's too difficult for me, even on a harpsichord with a double keyboard. I've never played a harpsichord, but it appears that you may not be able to play it as fast as a piano. But still too fast for me, I think.
    I think in terms of fast, the ranking is Alkan (1), Liszt (2), and Chopin (3).

  • @tompuss @mvnla2 My Mum, her piano (and its stool, with cunning lift up lid to store the sheet music) all sadly gone... But good memories of sheet music

    Not of course that I can play, read, music. But I do like to listen

    Goodnight all

    Goodnight "the drops"

  • Not to jump in, but Chopin ALWAYs makes it sound easy. Personal fave 4 speed, Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, 3rd movement. but that's coming from a reggae bone player / heavy metal bassist.
  • And BTW i have a beautiful tuxedo short hair and a Maine Coon, who is NOT a "hard working cat"
  • @knichy never say sorry, your Always welcome to jump in:D and I think @mvnla2 and you are going to have a lot to talk about; D
    I took piano lessons as a teen, I'm a pretty good amateur, but haven't played for years, i always like playing Beethoven though..Do you still play?
  • Oh @knichy feel free to post pics, We are All cat lovers here:D
  • @knichy -- Well, when I was young, I used to be able to "play" the 3rd movement of the Moonlight Sonata. Now idea how well I did it. But I don't think that lives up to the 3 composers I listed before. Listen to their etudes to get some indication of lots of notes in little time.
    What is a reggae bone player? Think I know what heavy metal bassist means. You've obviously had a lot of classical training; no?
  • @hunnybunny Roflmao Loovve the bunny Hobo hee hee!!
  • And there is @mvnla2 heehee, I'm sure @knichy you'll have an intersting conversation going now :)
    Hi mvnla2. .I
    I'm off for the night ,work tommorow. .
    Nighty night all
  • Night Ma

    @knichy You're a great flinger in Space and you have a Maine Coon cat. Your like a younger version of me. You don't have spinal problems do you? That'd just be too freaky.
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