The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2534
  • @Pellystar, @rat9 really is a nice guy, your right there. He just tends to be a little blunt and comes across uhmm..grumpy, harsh at times, he means not by it..
  • Wow I haven't turned the page for a while!
  • @Hunnybunny

    Not sad. I'm sure you are a good judge of character and have met some good people here. Have you met any of 'em in real life?
  • Upon reflection @Pellystar, I should never have aired my concerns in public. But I wanted to let you know why I had turned down your request. That's the way I was raised. I can still her my mother saying "explain yourself to avoid confusion". I was not, however, trying to be rude. Far from it. I was trying to be kind while still expressing my concerns. Some of the responses to me, on the other hand, have been intentionally rude. "Shut it Rat"??? Hardly a constructive comment. But I quite enjoyed your response. Life is relative.
    You compared to AD? Ha Ha Ha
    Even the old AD looks good compared to the current new and improved AD. ha ha
    Life is relative!
  • Exciting and funny you ask @Pellystar At the end of September I am meeting a friend from here,she's coming to Boston from overseas!!
  • O.k we are Not going to have Another Rat vs. Bunny feud i hope :/
  • @kathy re: glitch - when I first played Piglantis, I suspect when it was released. Can't be bothered to check when it was released and when I started flinging in ABS. But two years ago at least
    Re: taciturn - doesn't say much

    Nighty night, off to listen to Mr Bunny snores....
  • @Kathy

    No worries with blunt. I can be that sometimes, but always endeavour to be polite. I can also be grumpy, as my offline friends would tell you!

    Have now decided to stay up late, watch the Federer match, now that Murray is safely through.

    When it comes to @Rat. I will think of the movie Ratatouille and its main character Remy.
  • Never saw that movie @Pellystar isn't it a kids movie? Which i loove kids movies so I'm surprised i haven't see it lol..I'll have to watch it; )
  • @kathy "feud what feud" as Mister Rat has said before
    Aww Rat ((((hugs))))
    Can't believe I did that.....
    Definitely off to bed now, dreaming of Rat and Bunny actually agreeing on something
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny thanks fir the definition and the
    2-2 info:) enjoy the snoring haha..
  • @Rat

    No worries. I acknowledge my shortfalls. No worries re the rejection, I understand what you are saying. NB I accepted the ECO whats his name request so have shown very low standards!

    Hunnybunny it seems to me is one of the highest calibre (character wise) people on this board. And you appear to be a highly principled strong character also.

    Take it easy.

  • @Kathy

    1. Excellent that you are meeting the friend from Boston. I love Boston and keep thinking of 'Legal Seafoods' - best Clam Chowder ever. Hope the two of you get along.
    2. Ratatouille, yes a family Disney movie and now an excellent ride at Disneyland Paris. It will make you feel positively about rats.
  • Thanks for understanding @Pellystar. You can turn down my friendship request now if you'd like.
  • @Kathy

    I used my imagination but would still like you to explain exactly what 'AAD' stands for!

    NB Could understand if this is by private message!
  • Ratatoulle is a great vegetable dish and movie for kids and adults. But maybe I'm just being childish again.
    Thanks for the retraction Mrs. Bunny. I knew you didn't mean it.
  • @Pellystar Ma uses all sort of acronyms because of her HoDooVooDoo phone.
    Just wait till she uses BFNIMCBLIDK.
  • Didn't go to bed, couldn't resist reading more
    @rat didn't "retract" just hugged the rodent!
    Now I'm really going, although leaving the tennis, the shiny new iPad Air2 and the BP is hard. But Mr Bunny's snoring is calling....
  • No need for Pm @Pellystar We all are on the same page, Arrogant is the Extra A in AAD
    Altough many other adjectives could be used as replacement lol; )
    And Yes am definitely excited about meeting a Nester friend. .
    Now I'll definitely have to watch Ratatoulle as I lovve Disney movies :)
  • @Hunnybunny The "I can't believe I did that" referred to the hug then. OOOhhhh...
  • @Hunnybunny

    Federer about to come onto Arthur Ashe!!!!

    How can you go to bed now?
  • In that case Mrs. Bunny, Shut up and go to bed. he he
  • Oh and I'm actually meeting her In Boston as I'm 20 minutes away, she is coming from Europe..
  • @Kathy

    Ahhhh...considerably politer than I had speculated.

    A$$hole sprang to mind.
  • Had to get that in there Pa dintcha lol;)
    Im not a tennis fan, so I'm back to flinging.
    Pa sorry i scolded @Sglouk , I'm sure you'll take CC if you feel up to it;)
  • In case you haven't picked up on it yet @Pellystar. Both Mrs. Bunny and I have a very dry sarcastic wit. We're an acquired taste.
  • Lol..@Pellystar Yes that's one of many. .hunnybunny, Karen and I actually have Quite a colorful PM titled 'adjectives hee hee..
  • 40 points Ma? I'm not sure it's worth the effort. I may wait till he scores again.
  • Bye for now. SWDNF just got home.
  • Has anyone seen @mvnla2 lately? Btw?
  • See ya later Pa..
  • @Kathy -- Guess I've been lurking more than posting. Not to mention the BP went from 1 week on 1 page to 1 day on 2 pages overnight. Never know when it's going to get lively around here.
    And yes, I saw your message about the self-destruction not working, but haven't had time to investigate yet. Thanks for the message though.
    I did finish AB 2, but not all 3 stars. There is also a new event in Epic, which has a prize worth playing for (new class for Chuck).
    I've actually quit playing AB Pop, and haven't played more than a level or two of the 2 most recent Bad Piggies episodes. Just too much AB to keep up.
  • @Hunnybunny

    Just rereading messages and realise I owe you an apology for addressing you as 'ms' rather than 'mrs'.

    Will aim not to make that faux pas again.
  • That's OK @Mvnla2. It's enough to know our moral compass is out there lurking.
  • Well Hi there @mvnla2 :) no worries, your right it gets very slow then suddenly picks up. .good to hear all is well. There's wayy to many AB worlds /episodes whatever you call lol
    I'm still working on the 'originals' Seasons atm, finished Space, still have work in ABSW and eventually ABO. I'm dying to try Epic on my bucket list haha sad..
  • Kk back to my audiobook and Piglantis
    OB I'll have a a Sea Breeze to go please:)
  • Wassup @Sglouk? Not your standing in Cold Cuts. ha ha ha
  • Hee hee Pa i knew you would bypass that challenge no matter what i said;)
    @hunnybunny I'm right behind you #13 gonna start my second pass. .
    Shall we say Game on haha, nah we are working together, we can help each other get to the top.
    I need help in soooo many levels so you'll be hearing me calling you in the walkthroughs; )
  • One last Whinnnnnneeeee before bed..starting second pass @hunnybunny 1-2 Help ?
  • Night Ma
  • @Rat
    It's your move again.
  • And back to you @Sglouk.
  • I feel like I'm listening to a Tennis match lol...
  • @Rat
    Mmm, no, to you.
  • @Sglouk 80 points??? Ha ha ha ha ha
    I'm going to be quiet for a while before we hurt the necks of the BP patrons watching us go back and forth. I see at least another 30k easy before we start slowing down. ha ha ha
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