The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2513
  • I'm sorry @mcc8206 I should have known @mvnla2 was on top of that lol And i should have read more carefully then i would have answered my own question;/
  • @annifrid -- Congrats on acing the exam! I'm sure you'll do the same on the rest.
    @Rat -- Annifrid is female (at least her profile says so). So just because she aced a math exam, you think she's a male? Shame on you! It wasn't a compliment to say you now think she's a male, if your mistake was intentional.
    @Kathy -- Don't know if @mcc8206 is on the map yet. Last time I tried to update it, Google maps refused to draw a map.
  • Lol I knew @Annifrid and A sweet Smart female you are!
    @mvnla2 Uhmm i think your reading way too much into @rat9 comment ?
    the only reason it was mentioned is because @sweetp mistakenly called Annifrid 'He'
    I'm sure Rat9 comment had Nothing to do with acing the math exam in so far as being male or female . except for congrats for doing so:/
  • *Passes flashlight To OB for safekeeping *
    night all
    night. Pa ♡
  • Shame on you @Mvnla2. You jumped the gun on that one. I was responding to @SweetP's post above mine where she calls @Annifrid "he". I said nothing about a Math test and testosterone. That's all in your mine. tsk, tsk, tsk
  • Now I went and jumped the gun @Mvnla2. I should have finished reading the comments before responding. @Kathy has already explained it to you.

    I know you're female @Annifrid. I was trying to gently remind someone else.

    Night Ma
  • @Rat -- Sorry! I missed the "he" in SweetP's comment. You got me for sure this time. I'm not good at catching subtlety.
  • @SweetP It's OK :)
    I used to be an active member of one game forum before, and my nickname there was the name of a plush rooster (because, you know, it was a farming game and that was the first thing that came to mind when I was creating that profile.) Well, I can't count all the times I was mistaken for a male because of that unwise choice ... even though I had a glittery pink avatar back then :D
  • Too funny @annifrid! I guess they really had no clue with an avatar like that!
  • @sweetp @annifrid you'd be amazed how many times I've been referred to as a 'he' in the walkthroughs. I can't think of a man would have the nickname "Hunnybunny"
  • @rat kathy said you were on vacation. Been anywhere nice?

    And there's a puppy up for grabs today, if anyone's interested
  • Night night to the rest of my birdie friends who are enjoying the comfy surroundings of the Bloated Pig. I hope to be able to pop in tomorrow and catch up :)
  • Hi @Estar Nighty night @Estar (((((Hugs))))
  • Everybody join in! !
  • @all @everyone Please say prayers, or keep in your thoughts the McComb's, Carey's and Charba's. Don't know if you have all seen the devasting weather and floods in Texas over the past few days, but it has developed into a catastrophe. Just learned two of my college friends and their families were swept away in a flood on the Blanco River just south of Austin. Three families celebrating Memorial Day weekend together, with only (most likely) one survivor. They found Michelle's (Charba) body a few hours ago. Still searching for the others. The river raised 26 ft above flood level in under 20 minutes and washed their house away. Tragic story... Hug your kids/family extra hard and long tonight, tell the ones you love that you love them, take an extra five minutes when you put your kids to bed, call your parents, whatever - life can be fragile and fleeting.
  • Oh Myy @Zebung :( Im so sorry for the loss of your friends the McComb's, Carey's and Charba's and any and all others affected by this tragedy ,and will certainly keep them and their families in my prayers. I've been purposely avoiding the national news lately so No i wasn't aware of the devastation in Texas:(
    Im so sorry idk what else to say, there are no words :(
    Your advice is very heartfelt and something We should All heed everday You just never know when tragedy will strike. I've been there and is good advice to Always treasure the ones you hold close in your heart cuz you just don't know if you'll see them tomorrow :(
    My prayers are with you♡
  • @Zebung -- Oh woe. There is a Mahler song that expresses this emotion.
    I've been watching the news, but you never think anyone you know, even on the internet is affected. Such a tragedy. I didn't know there were three families celebrating together.
    Thanks for the reminder to tell the ones we love that we love them.
  • @mumsie -- Happy BirdDay! Hope all is well, or getting better with you, and that you will return to the nest soon.
  • Good night All!
    night PA ♡
  • Good Night Ma

    @ZeBung So sorry to hear how your friends were affected. It's such a small world after all. They were already in my prayers.

    Has the search party for Mumsie returned? We'll need to send out a search party for the search party soon. Maybe they're all having a party with Mumsie somewhere. Happy Birthday Mumsie, where ever you are.
  • @Hunnybunny Interesting avatar choice. I never saw you as the "Sweet Polly Purebread" type, a damsel always in distress. But never you fear, the Rat is always near. Except for the last four days. We flew down to the Gulf to recharge over the Memorial Day weekend.
  • @zebung I'm truly sorry for your loss. Yes I have been keeping updated with the horrific flooding in Texas. My Mum stayed in Austin for some years and still has good friends back there. My heartfelt condolences goes out to everyone involved in this tragedy. When I heard about the families that were swept away whilst on vacation,never in a million years did I think I'd "know" someone directly involved :( My thoughts are with you,with the families and with Texas.
  • Happy Birthday @Mumsie!
  • @zebung We've been living it all week. We are fortunate to be fine, but weary of all the flooding. A little over a week ago, our side of the city was hit hard. Then Wimberly and San Marcos this weekend, Austin and much more of Houston over the past few days. The creek near us is over full and not receding yet.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your friends. Their dog was found alive several miles away, so there may still be some hope. So much loss..... It's devastating.
  • @all @everyone Thanks for your thoughts.
    @ABcrazy More is on the way. Stay safe!
  • Happy Birthday Mumsie!!!!! Cheers!!!!
  • Testing to see if I can comment here (having trouble posting on walkthroughs)
  • @stocktoad I have a walkthrough page bookmarked that you commented on, and I received the email. No problem on my end. I hope life is treating you well!! :)
  • @ZeBung My heart goes out to you on this terrible, tragic loss, you must be devastated. . I wasn't even aware of the floods, the news we get being very selective. . But the TV footage leaves us in no doubt as to the extent of this disaster.
    @ABcrazy Hang in there and please, keep safe.
  • @mvnla2 Which Mahler song is that? Is it from the Kindertotenlieder?
  • @mumsie Happy Birthday
    @zebung dreadful news, I'm so sorry you lost friends. Nothing I can say will make you feel better, other than remember the good times
    @sunshine lovely to see you back in the BP
    @stocktoad I see you, I pm'd you
    @rat polly purebred is my puppy winning avatar, donated to me by a certain American male friend of a certain age...
  • oh dear, that is devastating news @zebung !! Have to admit I am not of the praying kind, but I do believe in good vibes , so I am sending you and all the people affected by this a large dose of Dutchie Star Good vibes!
  • @Sunshine you always brighten up the place when you pop in, [[hugggs]]]
  • @mumsie I hope you are enjoying your birthday and wish you nothing but the best of everything! Looks like there are a lot of yummies and treats in the BP waiting for you.. do you mind? Really in the mood for a piece of cake, so I am going to pinch the cupcake in @tompuss her cake, that way I won't really destroy the design :p

  • I have FINALLY finished the On Finn Ice levels and videos, yeahhh edited, uploaded and commented and all. Off to either Tropigal or the Pig Days... think I will at least get the Pig Days up to speed again and move on to Tropigal after that. I played it to 3* and for the sake of lowering the average for a wee while I have entered those atrocious scores... but it hurts hahahah seeing those under average scores.

    OB can I have a glass of bubbly to go with the cupcake please? Thanks!
  • Oh my word!! OB texted me to hurry down to look at my rocking chair!!! Wow so many goodies (thanks @Kathy) , a beautiful banner (thanks @estar) and all those good wishes from all my friends Thank you all so much
    @Tompuss just love the videos - specially the obsession one!!!
    @Sunshine Mwahhh ! Lovely to see you!
    @jlz66 I had the 'healthy' breakfast - well it is my birthday! Love the scooter BTW,
    @rat - life is beginning to settle back towards an even keel I have been flinging again for a start, nearly through my second pass on Tropigal though the dreaded Candy Crush still has me in its clutches (level 934!) every time I think I can't do this anymore I'm going to delete it off the iPad I pass onto the next level but I couldn't care less if I only have one star - not like AB!
    So hopefully I will soon dust off the knitting needles and get OB to lug the rocking chair out!
    Thanks again one and all!

  • @zebung - what can I say, words cannot express what I'm feeling in my heart for those families - such sadness - be assured you, and they, are in my thoughts and prayers.
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