The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2501
  • @ABcrazy yay!

    Mine says 125001....
  • @ABcrazy Was that the best you could do? Swoop in here for the 125k comment and say "???".
  • @Sglouk Now that you have that fantastic score, you can afford to let it run to fruition next time. Who knows how high this thing can go?
    @Hunnybunny What? No Bunny boat? Do you at least have a dartboard?
  • @rat Yes, given my lurky, occasionally participatory status. I knew it was lame, but I also couldn't resist. The lack of celebration reinforces the insignificance. Cheers!
  • Huh? @Abcrazy?
    Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @ABcrazy ha ha ha It has been slow in here. But it's a comfort to know you're still lurking.
  • Really slow.i guess huh!
    * places baskets of earplugs on the bar aand all the booths *
    Its Tuesday somewhere right lol..
    Whhinne away! !
  • Nattinat..
    Night Pa ♡
  • Buenas noches Ma.
  • Hey @all! Stayed away for a few days to cope with real-life issues. . and missed reaching Page 2500 and 125k comments! Congrats (congRATs) to all you chatterboxes!

    @ZeBung Perhaps I should change my name lol -:) And I think you should write that book - it'd be much funnier than "Parlez-vous Franglais"!

    Chatterbox birdie:

    R2-D2 goes in search of love:

    Rescue piggy is soothed by lullaby - have Kleenex at the ready. .

  • Give me a soft fluffy kitty cat every time @TomPuss. I love pork fat too much to let a pig wiggle his way into my heart. I don't need the conflict. Plus, they're ugly creatures. But to each his own. Me...I'm makin' bacon.
  • @tompuss Thanks for the awesome website with the videos! !
    The power of lullaby is amazing!! i found the piggie one (aaww it brought tears) amazing
    i spent months in the hospital with my nephew who was 'hhurt ' when he was a baby and I sang to him and sang and sang. .it was comforting to him as well as healing! and the good feeling it gave me was wonderful.
    yes Pa i love snuggly kitties too but have you ever tried to snuggle and sing lullaby to a cat? uhmm likely to lose an eye lol..
    Yep @Abcrazy maybe we haven't been celebrating these monumental page changes and comments like we used to Its nice to know we still have 'lurkers ' but if more lurkers jumped in then it wouldn't be so slow right?
    In the meanwhile OB I'd like a glass of WWhhiine! ! I've done not so bad in Mirror Space but somehow I'm missing 4k in BI 2 level 30 ? so a big Goblet of Whiine would be nice ty:)
  • Wwwhhiiiinnnneeees I just improved 3k and still in 6th place! !!
    OB please put something stonger /magical in my next Goblet of Whine!
  • Night PA
  • What? No little heart?

    nite ma
  • i did a little heart it mists not work
  • That's better Ma.
  • Hi All, I've finally been able to make the "old" forum mobile friendly. Of course, if you don't prefer this view simply click the, "Switch to Desktop" link in the footer or permanently disable it via your profile (on your profile hit the "Profile" tab then look for "Disable the Mobile Theme" and check the box).
  • Thanks @Birdleader for the notice :) always nice to see you pop in And to see the nest improvements!
  • Hi @Tompuss somehow i missed notification of your post! thanks for the links I'll check em' out
    always a pleasure:)
  • @kathy Unfortunately I'll have to stay in lurk mode for 8 more weeks. (Who's counting?) I'm going to Prom this weekend! (To work) My Zero-G team flies their experiment on the 'vomit comet' in 2 weeks. (No stress) Just trying to keep students focused and on task until finals at the end of May. Then, graduation since many of mine are seniors. My mantra to myself... Hang in there, summer is almost here.
  • totally understand @Abcrazy is nice to know your here/ there lol..
    best of luck with the project 'Vomit Comet? ' lol sounds ermm..interesting to say the least lol.
    hang in there Summers on the way;)
  • @TomPuss Must be the feline influence; comfort and dexterity! Nice tulips, here in Michigan there are only tulip greens so far. But soon......
  • Same here in Mass @catsnbirds But i Do have one lily (i think its a lily) in the front garden and some purple things (crocus?) you see I'm not a garderener lol ;)
  • @Kathy The crocus here are pretty much done. It was a good year for them though! Weather today was totally beautiful. I spent the day washing windows and screens and spreading mulch. I know, doesn't sound exactly like fun, but I was playing outside in a T-shirt without a coat!!!
  • Sounds absolutely heavenly @catsnbirds's getting warm here finally but not quite t-shirt weather yet. still need a jacket we have quite a steady sea breeze still.
    I'm off to bed shortly..good to see you; )
  • Night Pa♡
  • Woot! Woot! Drinks all around on me OB.
    I just became a self appointed member of the "Top Two Club".
    After being released months ago, all my scores in Beak Impact #2 Mirror are 1st's and 2nd's. Next stop...the Tippy Top Club. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    (now that is badge worthy)
  • Where is everyone??

    Check out this cycling race - how idiotic can people be??
  • @rat9 In at the same time! CongRATs on tip top scores!
    Nattinat xoxo
  • @TomPuss The Grande Vitesse travels so fast that hitting a few of those fools wouldn't slow it a bit. lol
    I thoroughly enjoyed riding that train from the North coast to the South coast of France a few years ago. Super comfortable and smooth for a train traveling at about 170mph.
    I'm not sure I found the right Essonne. It wasn't very close to Orly.
    Still hate pork. Pork fat rules!
  • @rat I hope to be #3 overall in Mirror Levels (if I just get average on the last few Utopia levels), but who knows, there might be a few top scores out there to get me to @2! Not any chance of catching @burpie , though.

    @kathy @ABcrazy Vomit Comet is a training exercise for potential astronauts and astronauts in training. It is a plane that flies just to the edge of the atmosphere (Ithink) to temporarily create a zero-gravity environmet. It's called the Vomit Comet because almost everyone gets nauseaus on barfs their first time.

    I'm an old Air Force brat, hence the silly knowledge.

    @tompuss No need to change that name! No one you know will ever know!

    For everyone else, new Swedish word for the day: VD

    Translation: "(V)erkställande (D)irektör" = CEO for a company, almost the same in English? Hahahaha!
  • Very close @zebung Its not just for astronauts in training. It's also used for science and engineering experiments. My students are part of a program that provides flight opportunities for high school and college students to promote STEM education. The airplane does a series of parabolas back to back, so it steeply climbs to about 32,000 feet (which is in the range of typical airline cruising altitude), then pops over and steeply descends to about 24000 feet. During this descent, the passengers inside the airplane experience free fall for about 20 seconds where they 'float' inside the plane as if in space. Then the plane dips back up for the steep climb. In other words, it's like a super gigantic roller coaster ride over & over for 1-2 hours. Hence the tendency for some to get a bit motion sick. I think the article over exaggerates how many, but it does happen.

    Obviously this would not be the thing for @e*, but to me and many others, it's a BLAST! And the closest I've come to space flight. It's a thrill for me to be able to share that experience with my students. It's also stressful because getting high school students to the level of performance with a quality engineering project to be able to fly is a tad challenging. Good thing I like challenges.....

    @rat Does this make up for my lame 125K comment?
  • Much better @ABcrazy.

    I hate to be the bearer of potentially bad news @ZeBung, but @Kathy is flinging her way through Mirrors with me. And so far has taken 2nd place right behind me in everything she's played. You throw @Burpie and @Ollygod in the mix and you're starting to get fairly low in the rankings. What you need to do is shoot to beat me. I've just finished the first two episodes with no level less than third. In BI #2 Mirror, nothing below second. I'm leaving a trail of bread crumbs so you should have no problem. Good luck.
  • I don't mean to ignore any of the other postings. @hunnybunny congrats on 125001 & the ever coveted page changer!

    @tompuss I don't get the time to click through on most of your video links but I do enjoy the ones I do occasionally see. We have a good crop of Bluebonnets in Tx this year, but alas I just can't get out to the hill country now to snap any pics. If you get a chance, search on texas hill country wildflowers, we do get some spectacular blooms sometimes.

    @supremeflingers I can't even imagine all 1s &2s in an episode. WTG! I hope to fling seriously again someday. For now I lurk vicariously through you.

    New Star Wars movie trailer!!!!

    @abcrazy eyelids drooping....... Aaannnnnnnnnddd..... Out.
  • Ha ha ha ha Too funny @ABcrazy. Lurk vicariously through me????? ha ha ha ha
  • Night Pa ♡♡
  • @rat9, @all

    As a follow-up to the last video, this is a gem. . with a distinct "ouch" factor. .
    "Dumb ways to die":

  • @all Good video day! This is awesome!!

    Daughter's message to Dad in space:
  • @TomPuss -- Love the message video!
  • @TomPuss -- Did you hear the real story about the guy who was trying to get rid of bedbugs in a rental car by dousing the back seat with rubbing alcohol? Then he decided to light a cigarette while sitting in the car. The car exploded and the guy is in the hospital with major burns. This was on legitimate news channels yesterday, so I think it is real. Haven't heard why he didn't just exchange the rental car.
  • @mvnla2 No, I hadn't heard it! Found vid on YouTube, it's for real. . . I never knew there was such a problem but apparently so. . This is some good travelling advice from Forbes:

    Learning something new every day. . .
  • Hey Everyone! ! again ty for the videos @Tompuss Too funny was the dumbest ways to die roflmao. ..
    @mvnla2 Yes!! i saw that on the news also albeit breifly ,iI was busy flinging lol..But Ya is real can you imagine! ! actually a similar closer to home story
    right up the street from my work which is only 2.75 miles from my house There was a guy making Bombs in his apt!! well same thing happened he had one of the makeshift bombs in his trunk and yep he lit up a smoke ba boomm! luckily he was not badly injured and tbe cops were able to apprehend him and thus search his apt.!!
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