The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2485
  • Thanks @mvnla2 good to know:)
  • a haha haha The Princess is back! !
    Ob i think she's thirsty..llol a SpacePig Killer please:)
  • Brrrr It's still cold outside. Where's that groundhog?
  • Night Pa;)
  • Night Ma
  • @jlz nice work in space!!!! :D
  • @mumsie Lol lol !! Electrifying!
  • Mumsieeeeeeee

    Welcome back from wherever.
    Poor puppy. All he wants is love.
  • @Mumsie -- Welcome back! Hope you will be able to pop around once in a while now.
  • @TomPuss, as amazing as that "Snowpiercer" video was in terms of the train going through that much snow, I found it even more amazing that the crossing lights and bells started alerting traffic mere 20 seconds before the train came through the road! Those crazy Canadians love living dangerously ;-)
  • Good observation on the 20 second warning @Fenikus. Too bad you don't use that skill in Angry Birds. He he he...Ha ha ha ha ha...HO HO HO HO HO!
    eewww...I'm in trouble now.
  • @Rat, glad to see you're old self again. The other day I saw a @mention from you that sounded awfully close to a compliment, so I thought you were not feeling well or something, lol.

    BTW, another astute observation on that snowpiercer video: I think the guy filming it had a death wish for sure. Let's just say I wouldn't be standing feet away from the exact spot where that train had the highest chance of derailing (i.e. hitting the snow bank compacted by the road plows)...
  • @bernersenn, glad to hear you didn't need surgery after all. Just curious, did the German doctor think you had a ripped tendon that needed repair or something?

    I'm also very curious how the health insurance works in Holland…I mean would they cover costs for procedures done in Germany?
  • Yet another astute observation @Fenikus. I did get some sleep last night and feel a little better for it. Thanks for noticing.
  • Night Pa.
    *ffall aleep in chair
  • @fenikus I'm married to a keen railway photographer. . . there's nothing these nutty guys won't do to get a good shot, believe me!

    Airplane spotters too. . not sure who's most at risk here, the spectators or the pilot:

    Health insurance here in Europe: We have a special card covering treatment in other EU member countries, plus Switzerland.

    @rat Good to see you back on form!

    And congRATs to you both and also to @burpie, @JLZ666, @Sglouk, @mvnla2 and @kathy for awesome scores in Space 9-30 - seven BP patrons in the top ten says something for those PigKillers-:)
  • @fenikus we also wondered about the differences between Germany and Holand. In Germany they wanted to do surgery including staying in the hospital. In Holland they act more defensiv. I like the dutch approach. Progress is going steady but slowly, too slow in my opinion. Still taking AB (not the birds!) got today 7 more days to take these pills (3 each day). Medical costs? These will be huge. Our dutch insurance will pay all or a part. The part they don't pay will be taken over by our travel insurance. So, there will be no financial suffer.
    See that you are all playing in Space, at this moment I cannot enjoy, I am playing Ham Dunk (Seasons) - the game I prefer the most, next to Rio.
    Anyway, want to wish you @all a good day, keep those bacon butts kicked.
  • @rat
    I finally got a 90k+ score on CC 7-5. Not quite as high as yours, but I am getting closer.
  • @Sglouk I hate that Rovio tweaked CC 7-5. I saw no problem the way it was. It was harder but you could score higher. I liked repeatable challenges. I see you used the older version to get your score. Congratulations! It wasn't easy was it?

    Edit: I haven't been back since @Burpie took my high score on that one. And since they changed it, I never will.
  • @rat
    I think they never changed that level on iOS. There was always 6 pairs of maces. So your score should be repeatable, in principle. And you probably deserve more credit to have gotten 92k with six pairs only.
  • Woo Hoo! BP patrons take the top seven places in Brass Hogs! Well done @all
    And when the secretive @Fenikus finally posts ALL his scores, I'm sure we'll have eight places. Albeit I'll surely be booted down :-(
  • @hunnybunny
    Sigrid would be ranked 5th, should he have entered his score on level 9-29. But, well, he did not, so here we are.
  • @sglouk he didn't, Fenikus hasn't, so let's be happy, now! OB the best champagne (or whatever takes anyone's fancy) on my tab.
    I have really enjoyed Brass Hogs, like I enjoyed those Rio levels and Beak (although I was awful in Beak 2) with the BP gang taking the leader boards by storm.
  • I'm off to get the Slam Dunk badge, excuse me Brass Hogs, I love badges.......
  • @Estar @SweetP -- Not sure you got my plea for help above.
  • @mvnla2 that badge won't be mine tonight. Two glasses of white wine and my flinging finger is all of a faff!
    Good night all....
  • Sorry, forgot to add, welcome back @Mumsie xx
  • Overall I enjoyed Brass Hogs as well @HunnyBunny. But there were still too many luck levels such as 9-8 that require you to wait for a score. Not a fan of those. I did have fun watching the explosion on 9-30 though. Big fun.
  • @Sglouk I'm not positive about CC 7-5 but I remember eight pairs of maces. This gave you more point potential. But I'm not positive. ????
  • Night Pa ♡
  • my keyboard giving me trouble
    night all
  • I lost Internet Explorer. I lose. You win.
    Night Ma
  • @comex666 I've got top score in the daily challenge. It should be an easy puppy for someone with your skill. Enjoy! lol
  • @sglouk there definitely used to be eight pairs of maces on CC7-5 now there are only six. It is now impossible to get a high score. Thanks Rovio!

    @rat I too enjoyed that huge explosion

    I just announced to HWDNF that I'd got a new badge (Slam Dunk), he asked was it The Nerd Badge? I think we all deserve that one.....
  • Oh, and @rat I definitely won't be playing today's challenge. It's a level I'd rather forget about. Forever. Ugh.
  • Me too Mrs. Bunny, me too!
  • @TomPuss, does the special health insurance card allow you to have optional treatments anywhere in EU? For example, say you know you need a heart surgery and you like a particular surgeon in, say, Italy -- could you get surgery there if you wanted and be covered? Or does it cover only emergency treatments?
  • Does anyone have a good recipe to cook a hat? I said I'd eat my hat if @comex666 beat my score for a puppy today and I'll be ...... if he isn't trying to do it.
    ha ha
  • i just watched @tompuss train video ?? i must have the wrong link idk didnt see any snow. .oor anything but very cool train!!
    Love the dog video @mumsie lol!! it's so dry here I'm having troubles at work with my test equipment the meters are clicking like crazy with just the wave of my hand haha.
    @hunnybunny .hmm forget what i was gonna say lol brb gotta read up
    oh yeah *clink* to team BP strikes again! I'm still trying to hold my #5 position but I'm sure once @fenikus posts The Rest of his scores I'll be knocked out!
  • Pa Pleeeeeeeaaasse Take a video This we gotta see haha
    good find @fenikus ! since weve lost Keloogle I guess you'll be Fenoogle! hee hee or ....
  • @Funikus Who knew there were so many hat recipes? I've got it narrowed down to the Hattenburg cake or the Plan Z edible beret.
  • Pa !!!! You Have to pick Eggs in the Nest really !! and where the heck you gonna get ostrich milk and 17 goats anyway! !
  • ooh sorry i thought you picked Hatatoille hee hee..
  • Speaking of videos @Ma. I sure wish someone with record capabilities would capture 9-30 exploding. I'd love to know what sets off the main structure. I don't think it's the TNT. I think one or both of the lights materialize inside the structure causing it to go crazy. ????
  • Let's just hope @comex666 isn't capable of getting a puppy today. It's a skill/luck level. So even though he's a good flinger, that only gets him halfway there. And @Ma, I'm not Hatatoille hungry. That recipe makes too much. And I hate to waste food.
  • lol @Pa soo you don't have the 'share your gameplay' button ?
    I'll try to do it when i get there but I'll need @E-star help to upload it in the walkthrough or here..
  • Level #15 is frustrating the heck out of me !! keep getting 136040 and get get above it!
    OB I'll have something please idk something with a good kick+!
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