The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2484
  • just had a confrontation with Plow Driver , in regards to pic i posted in BP earlier at the end of our driveway that we've been trying to keep clear.
    i called the cop useless. .aanyway i diffused the situation and all remains the same, futile efforts to remove snow and now an angry plow driver who will deliberately plow us in:(
  • Ah, a first one that I succeeded, 136530 vs. 134720
  • The plow drivers have it tough getting the roads passible @Ma. I know it's inconsiderate of them to defile your clean driveway, but without the roads it does you no good anyway. Play nice. They're probably working overtime in cold weather.

    I wish I could beat my scores @Sglouk and get those 10 pointers. I set the bar a little too high on most of them. lol

  • @rat9 lol ;) thank!!!! Good luck, and lock the door behind you! :)
    @sglouk thanks! Have a drink on me! Cheers! And thank you so much for all of your help so far on my travels through Brass Hog! You have been most helpful!!! Your strat are extremely detailed! :D congrats on helping held, but I do hope you get Share The Wealth soon!!!! :)
    Best of luck on your mission!!! Sending good vibes!
    @sweetp drinks are on me tonight! Cheers! What's your poison? :)
  • @rat
    But what about the Mirror World levels? If you finish, say half of them, you can have 10pts Mirror World missions at a reasonnable rate.
  • i know @Pa but this guy was a total #$$* I simply stood atop the pile of snow at the end of my drive and put my arms up in a pleading motion, he laughed and gave me the finger then swung back around and scooped up the whole snowbank with his plow turned to where i stood in front of the drive we just cleared, hence a standoff where neither would give and a line of traffic, rather than the plow guy and bf going head to toe i called the cop mostly to diffuse the situation . i knew what the outcome would be, but better than a fight where you know who would ultimately lolose.m that's why i did the talking futile as it was:/
  • arghhh @sunshine @sglouk doesn't have share the wealth?
    *runs to B &R * which I'm sorry I've so neglected *hangs head in shame*
  • @Sglouk I only had one ten point mission from the mirror world. But I didn't complete all of them. That would have been too smart. lol

    Well that was just rude of him @Ma. Forget what I said about playing nice.
  • Is @Comex666 sick? He hasn't beaten my Space score yet in the daily challenge.
  • yep @pa no playing nice. .and worse i knew when the cop pulled up passed me, pulled up to the tractor and said " what's up Boss" to the plow driver Then backed up to get my side of the story you know how that goes.. now I'm sure we will be plowed in in the morning.:(
  • @kathy thanks for running over to B&R. I don't have the keys anymore, but nominated him for that a bit ago, and again today. He really needs that badge!! ;)
  • yes @sunshine np he definitley needs , deserves, earned that one!. .i wasn't sure who had the keys so i just @mentioned all lol;)
  • @sweetp did we lose you in the page shuffle? thought i saw a notification from you?
  • @rat
    It would be interesting to see what would happen if instead of participatig to the daily challenge, comex666 decided to play one ABSp level a day. You might run into trouble after a few months.
  • @sunshine @rat @sweetp @kathy
    And many thanks for the badge votes.
  • @sglouk Your very Welcome and thank you for always answering my call for help and for the great explanation a n d strats; )
  • @kathy
    It may be my turn to request your help since you are ahead of me in one of my Brass Hogs mission. But I'll try again finding my own way before so.
  • np @sglouk if you need me help send out a shout.. I'll do what i can:) and be very happy if i can return the help you've given me:)
  • @sglouk your welcome, but thank you!!! :)
  • Night @sunshine @sglouk happy flingjng Nice Teamwork today that's what the nest is all about right; )
  • Night @Pa
  • Night Ma
  • Hello guys, short update: inflammations are getting less. Then I still do have a bruised hand. Beautiful colors - yellow, green, pink, red.
    @jlz666 @tompuss, all the others, thank you for the good wishes. Flinging is possible again - slowly
  • @bernersenn, @all_playing_Mirror_Levels

    It sure helps to be ambidextrous! Don't miss this, it's awesome!

    The Most Incredible Thing About This Portrait Is The Pair Of Hands That Drew It

  • Pretty colors @bernersenn. Try and stay away from the blacks.
  • @tompuss that video. Not only the capability of using both hands in this way, but also the brain that has to control it.
  • @TomPuss -- Having lived in Buffalo, I can understand why that guy is so interested in sunlight! The last year we were there you couldn't see the sun for a couple of months.
  • @bernersenn -- There should be some pretty purple coming if it's not already come and gone.
    Hope your hand recovers soon. Are you going to do physical therapy as well?
  • @Tompuss you are the Queen of Awesome videos! ! that was really cool ambidextrous sketching!
    @bernersenn did i miss something? what's this about colors? oh never mind I see above..
    so you got the purple yet or deep bluish black? :( i so hope your not in to much pain and you heal quickly. bless you as an animal lover, the things we do for love right;) heal quickly my freind♡
  • Night Pa♡☆
  • Night Ma
  • @kathy Nice to catch you! How's the snow? Hope that rude plowman's keeping his distance! Glad you liked the videos, I love finding them, it makes up for not being a very good flinger. . well, some of us have to be average or below!

    Hello @mvnla Sun not much in evidence here either, we've had a miserable damp grey winter, no snow. . .

    Freight train undaunted by snow:

    Dreaming of really hot weather?

    Weather Man's Perfect Reaction To Map Malfunction

    Have a nice day/night!

    Edit: good night @rat9!
  • :(ssorry to run out on ya @t@tompuss I'm headed to dream land. ♡♡♡ owe ya a pm soon♡♡nnighty night
  • Ha ha ha "Steel boils at those temperatures." Funny @TomPuss.
    I wish I could draw like that with one hand. Two at the same time? I won't believe it till I see it in person.
  • @burpie Friendly advice. You might want to look at 9-30 again.
  • @rat9 hahaha! Did you blow up the mother ship?
  • @Rat9 You did!! That's an incredible find. My hat's off to you.

    I took a smoke break to follow your walkthrough. Actually, an extended smoke break. It took three cigarettes to reach 170k. But hey, it's a slow day at the office and this seemed more important.
  • @Burpie All those flingers struggling for 60k. I was one of them until I started thinking for myself. This is the reason I don't look at walkthroughs until I'm somewhat satisfied with my approach. They're are going to be some jaws drop on this one. I wish I could have seen your face when you saw my score. ha ha ha ha

    BTW, Great Score!! I'll play it again once it warms up around here.
  • Update: the doctor checked my wounds, it's going pretty well. Have to visit him this friday again.
    @mvnla2, no therapy neccessary, I can use the hand when the bandage is removed. It hurts awful when I do this. It'll come later. Thank God that it is my left hand.
    @kathy also thanks.
  • @rat @burpie
    This 9-30 leaderboard looks really fun this morning! I should be able to add my name somewhere there since it should be my last mission day to unlock in a 100% normal way this level.
  • @bernersenn Fantastic news on the hand. A big Whoo hoo to you.

    Good luck on 9-30 @Sglouk. I opened a can of worms on this one. Poor @Ma. She had top score when she went to bed. Now she's 110k behind. Whaaaaa!
  • @rat9, @burpie, @Sglouk What is this 9-30 level you're playing?
  • @tompuss
    Level 9-30 of Angry Birds Space, the last one of last month release.
  • @Sglouk Thanks! I'm nowhere near that one yet, but will keep trying. . .

    @bernersenn Glad you're getting better. Here's a superb steam loco to cheer you up -:)

  • @Kathy You have lovely eyes.
    Also @TomPuss, Yes, Rat had another flash of genius. He has them fairly often and they generally cause me to curl into a ball and cry. This time, however, the strategy is fairly simple. So far - having played 9-30 for another 40 minutes - I've had three scores in excess of 160k... an improvement of over 100k.

    @Bernersenn I'm happy to hear that your hand is healing nicely. An understandable but lousy reflex, to stick your hand between fighting dogs.
  • @burpie There is a one bird version of this approach if you're not feeling sufficiently challenged. ha ha
  • @all trying the BH-30 strat. Similar thing works in the mirror level for another score ~100K above everyone else.
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