The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2483
  • First of all Hi @tompuss! I'll be in touch soon I promise but it's so lovely to see you and your vids back! Where on earth do you find them?! Loved them all (especially the kitties obviously) I take it you've seen the new Simons cat? Hmmmmm not the best but still funny ;)
    @bernersenn What a terrible situation to be in:( All animal lovers would've done the same. I loved how you said no matter what,at least the dogs were ok :) Thankfully you don't need surgery so I hope the anti bios do the trick and you heal soon.
    @kathy....Ohhhh...My.....G! That's just astounding. Wow! I know it must be Hell but it's just beautiful. Hubby is wondering if that lump in your garden/drive is a car! You're not going anywhere soon.....sorry :( I've got 2 weeks before I'm heading to the East Coast so it better improve soon ;)
  • it is beautiful @Jlz666 , I wish i took a pic last night of the trees they were absolutely picturd perfect with the snow lining each branch. and nope that's the snowbank right next to our front porch railing, but the car next door hasn't moved all season so it's barely distinguishable i don't think he'll be moving it till August lol.
    i don't mind it so much cuz i don't have to go anywhere till Tuesday but i tell ya getting out of the driveway is hit or miss luckily I've been missed , you can't see to go out and cars coming around that corner cant see you either:/
  • Blimey @kathy that snow is 6ft deep by the road side. Surely people will use common sense and slow down,especially with the icy temps? But hey.....who are we kidding? Idiots are idiots so please take care when you do eventually get on the road. I can just imagine a still melting ice cube next door in August! Let us know when he eventually gets out lol! Btw awesome flinging WTG! X
  • lol @Jlz666 I'll be sure to send pics when he gets that car out! aand yeppers people are idiots mostly then they are shocked when they go sliding sideways around the corner...We just sit on the step and watch lol.
    for the most part though peeople have been good about stopping and letting us out of the driveway;)
    Your doing pretty darn good flinging yourself there! ! wtg
    OB a drink for myself and jlz 666 * clink*
  • Night Pa
  • @bernresenn
    happy to hear that you don't need a surgery. hope that you get well soon.

    snow huh ? I remember seeing snow in a trip, a long time ago.....
    maybe they should dump some snow in our place, not in the ocean ;)
  • Night Ma
  • I'll take "The color of snow" for $600 @Aryamoitra
  • @rat9
    Ha ha ! Then I am taking back my words :D
  • Sorry @aryamoitra. I watched the fortieth year celebration show of SNL last night. I couldn't resist.
  • @BirdWatcher My heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of your great-gran, I know how much you will miss her. . while celebrating her wonderful life. Hope all goes well for you.

    @bernersenn Commiserations, that was awful bad luck, I'm so so sorry your vacation was hexed. But glad you don't need surgery after all - get well soon!

    @kathy Lovely pix, isn't snow beautiful?

    @mvnla2 Glad you liked the videos! Iphigenia is the the third movie in a trilogy; Theodorakis composed the music for it, but I think the song "Marina" was written separately, and that it was added to the clip by the person who posted it.
    Nice you discovered TED talks! This is one of my favourites (for all astronomy/space fans):

    "Catching sunlight" by Alan Friedman:

    More on his site:

    @JLZ666 Hi demon lady! I didn't really like that new Simon's Cat either - a bit gross. . but here are two new "Dear Kitten" ads for you and all @cat_lovers:

    "Regarding the Big Game":

    "The disappearing humans":

    @hunnybunny Loved the photo of Toffee, and thanks for your story, it was very touching. Thanks also for the "Buzzcocks" tip-off - I'd never heard of it!

    Hey @fenikus, I knew you'd like that one best!
    The chant in "The power of X" is by Yasmine Hamdan. It's in Arabic and means "My hand and your hand towards creativity".

    Hello @rat9 Thanks to you, I just discovered SNL! More time to spend on YouTube -:)

  • thank you for kind words @tompuss

    hope that you enjoyed the show !
  • @rat9 or anyone!!!! Help! I'm desperate!! My daily mission is to top my best score on level 6 Red Planet. My start score is 129070, and I can't get anywhere near that score today. I've been using @dougwo suggestion and @crazy-riders video. No luck! Please help!!! Anyone!!!! Does anyone know what happens if you delete your mission? I know it says you will get a new one in 30 minutes, but is it worse then the one you already have?
  • @sunshine Deeep breathee.. there now .. hold oon.
  • @kathy I can't hold on any longer! I've been playing this stupid level since 8:00a.m. Help!
  • @sunshine yes you get q new mission after 30 minutes not usually worse but the thing isb the ' beat your own' is worth 10 points you may get a replacement that is only 2 or 3 points.
    give me a few minutes to look at the level for you and see if i can help
  • @kathy it's one of those all luck level!!! You just keep shooting the same one or two shot over and over until the AB gods give you a wink.
  • ahhh :( sorry to say @sunshine that is one tough level.. I'll keep at it for you .. in the meantime you can advance in brass hogs by failing the last level you have unlocked then using the double green forward arrow. I'm not sure where your at..
    I'll be back in 5 min. sorry real life needs me fir a few .mm
  • Thanks @kathy..... :(
  • I'm back @sunshine I'll trt some more for you but don't hold your breath :(
  • @kathy I wish your trying would help, but as you can see from your post on that level, it pure luck! Thanks for your support and kindness!! ;)
  • your welcome @sunshine i wish my helping could help to lol
    maybe a kindly person wirh a high score like mr. @rat9 would be willing to give a few tips?
  • @sunshine i really believe this update has made All space harder to improve score in every episode:/ i can't even get 3 stars on that level now:( using @crazy-rider video or the walkthrough video:(
  • @kathy you may be right. You have a nice score on that level. Congrats. Everyone with high scores has left the same strat. Just the L factor. :(
  • @sushine and i hate levels like that that depends on ' L ' factor only
    Ob can we have 2 strong SpacePigKiller please with an extra shot of @s@sunshine secret super seed;)
  • Thanks @kathy! I could really use both right now! Lol ;)
  • Yw @sunshine lol me too!!
  • Actually there's repeatable strategy (sweet spot) on that level @Sunshine. I don't remember where it is, but it's there. I assume you've moved on by now. It would take a lot of effort for me to find the spot and power and even more frustration trying to tell you how to do it. I'd forfeit the ten points if I were you. The only ten point missions I got credit for were Brass Hogs levels.
  • @kathy you drink for free tonight!!!! Thank! Drinks for everyone !!!!!! I just got 133990 on level 6 red planet!!!! Thanks @kathy
  • @rat9 have a drink on me!!!!! I got it!!! :D
  • Sorry I wasn't here for ya @Sunshine. It's too cold to go to my flingin' space.
  • @rat9 I had not moved on. I'm a bit tenacious!!! Lol ;D
  • @rat9 it's 9F here now. It was -13F when I started this project!
  • Ha ha ha Good for you @Sunshine. I'm made from the same mold.
  • It's warmed up here @Sunshine. 44F atm. It's the only reason I saw your message.
  • Wooot Woot!! Wtg @sunshine atta girl !! ty for the drink:)
  • Thanks @rat9 !!!!! Cheers!
  • i knew she wasn't done @rat9 lol..i know her like she know me haha! thanks for answering the cry for help:)
  • @kathy enjoy!!! Cheers!!
  • a sunny 13° here
  • Are you going to let @Sunshine beat you by a paltry 50 points @Ma?
  • Brrrr
  • @rat9 I was happy with my original score, not trying to knock anyone out of their spot, just complete my daily missions! Lol ;D
  • yep @pa lol :) @sunshine worked hard and long for her victory i have no desire to try and best her;) not to mention when i was trying to help i couldn't even get 3 stars!!
    *clink* cheers @sunshine ;)
  • Good thing you have a snow blower, huh @Ma?
  • @Sunshine I still haven't completed my missions. I go in through the back door for the last two levels. Btw, Great score. WTG
  • Hello, anybody here? Hmmm...I guess it's a ghost town today.

    OB, I'd like a SpacePigKiller, please. I'll be glad when tomorrow gets here then I can whinnnneee!

    Back to Space, hope everyone has a great day/evening!

    edit: dang it, @kathy don'cha hate when the snowplow comes AFTER you just cleared the driveway!?! They sure have the worst timing :(
  • @sunshine
    I understand your problem. My daily 10pt missions for today ask me to beat my score on levels where I am currently ranked #9, #6 and #9. I am unsure I will even succeed for one.
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