The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2473
  • thanks @Estar im sorry i wasn't trying to rush the walkthrough videos more or less wondering if there was a walkthrough pages for the mirror levels just to have a place to connect with other nembers for discussion of the level for some sort of help. totally understand how overwhelming this update must be for the Whole ABN team and it is amazing how quickly you've all got so much together already;)
    soo on that note lol paging @justpast40 ding ding.. how did you manage mirror level Cosmic Crystal 7-4 ? i got it for a mission and i can't figure it out:( any help you can offer is appreciated and be sure to ask OB for a drink and a meal or snack or meal and snack on the house; )
  • lol The power of the post wo r ks even from the pub!!
    mission accomplished! !
  • @Ma You found the explody button, didn't you?
  • uhmmm no @Pa what explody button ? °°¿
  • @mvnla2 I always say don't look at the ingredients as it tends to turn people's stomach but really,in all honesty,a well made Haggis is a hell of a lot better than some so called "convenience foods" who knows what's in those? Bleughhhhh :(
    @Fenikus @kathy stay safe,stay warm. Mum has been keeping me updated and it sounds awful. I can't imagine that much snow! We always get your left overs albeit in a much reduced form so I expect we'll get some snow in the next few days/week.
    @fenikus thank you for reminding us Candy crushers we could do the same time travel trick. Never even gave it a thought! I'm not in a rush to get through it but it's good to know I can!
    Hey hey hey @estar! You've got one hell of a task in front of you on this release. Thank you for your precious time,we appreciate it XX
    @kathy check your mail X
    @karen68 really? Mirror looks better on iPad? I wish you could see my view!! Oh wait..hang on.
  • @Ma CC 7-4 On the back side of the bottom left planet. Shoot Red bird wide in the gravity field.
  • Thanks @Pa I'll give it a try:)
    hey @Jlz666 thanks for the caring words;) of to check the mail..
  • @kathy & all other East coast folks I hope you are all safe through the storm, it sounds just crazy. I hope you don't have to go to work tomorrow.

    @jlz666 this is what my Mirror World looks like -
  • thanks @Karen68 I'm snug as a bug in a rug lol..i just hope we dont lose power is getting pretty windy out there.
    Thanks for the link @Estar and the understanding♡
  • @kathy I'm trying to find a channel that will tell me what's going on but I'm assuming it's not properly hit yet? Mum isn't answering phone but it's only 7pm over there.
    @estar I guess we just get used to squinting! Maybe the top scorers have it easy and the iPhone fingers really do rule :D
  • Sorry,forgot to thank @karen68 That looks like my normal space level!?!
  • It's all over our news ststions6 @Jlz666 but of course not yours ..I wouldn't even think you could maybe download Fox 25 Weather or News app on your phone for our local weather
    but you are right its barely beginning a dusting on the ground now but coming down quickly with gusty wind. . I'll keep my eye on the Weather and update you if i see any thing to report in your Mums area..
    you know the saying 'no news is good news' i was just about to type that but jeez in the Nest that just doesn't hold true:(
    but I'm sure your Mum will be fine We are used to these little nuisance storms;)
  • @kathy It says it all when I'm awake 1am ;) Trust me I've checked all channels. Mum has just been in touch and for some bizarre reason there's no snow! WTH? I thought my country had mad weather She's expecting it soon but I'll be in bed by then so I'll find out in the morning.
    Sorry to be boring but keep safe Kathy X
  • lol You Boring @Jlz666 That's a funny! ! heehee.
    happy to hear your Mum hasn't got the storm yet maybe she be lucky and it will blow right past
    i was joking when i said 'nuisance weather' is a helluva lot more than that. . the wind is howling up i just went for a smoke and brrrrr. .as Estar put it;)
    Sweet Dreams my friend♡
  • Just about to go to bed @kathy. I'm watching CNN and wow Boston is gonna get hit :( Can you stay at home tomorrow? Please do. Mother Nature has been a bitch recently so don't play with her.
  • Sorry @kathy,I was blabbing over you! Yep I'm off to bawbaws. Nighty night X
  • yeppers @Jlz666 we are gonna get hit hard .. no work tomorrow they called it off maybe Wednesday too:)
  • Sweet nighty bawbaws ♡
  • It feels like it's been over a year since I've been in here...
  • @blahalb09 Welcome Back !!!!!! it's been a while for sure how are things?
  • @Kathy Things are going well, hoping for snow tonight. I heard you're supposed to get over 2ft of snow over the next couple of days
  • happy to hear things are well with you @blahalb09 :)
    yep 2-3 feet overnight and gusty winds. .probably lose power i hope not but...
  • Wow, that sounds awful. We were originally going to get 3-6 inches of snow down here from a clipper but that storm literally stole all the moisture and we ended up with a tenth of an inch of snow. Right now the forecast is 1-2 inches from the back end of the storm.
  • We've been pretty lucky so far this season @blahalb09 i guess it's got to break sometime lol; )
    not long to spring couple months:)
  • @kathy Lucky means an entirely different thing down here, we wouldn't mind a foot of snow right about now
  • @Karen68, you must be using iPad 2 or earlier -- on my iPad Air, colors look washed out like for @jlz but on my iPad 2, the colors are more vivid like on your pic.
  • Hey i got the Same mission i completed yesterday! ! Red Planet Mirror world 5-3?? sure i had that one already. .hmmm.
    OB is getting lateb but i have No work tomorrow soooo.. I'll have a SpacePigKiller please:)
  • I'll join you in that drink Ma. I'm having no luck at all getting top scores in a few levels of Brass Hogs. Maybe alcohol will help.

    Edit: I know you're aware I'm kidding Ma. But for the benefit of the other flingers, I'm still on the first pass. I haven't started to clean up my mistakes yet.
  • @Pa * clink* :) ifeel like I'm spending more time on missions than actual game:/
  • Ma The missions are no problem for me unless they ask me to improve a Space score. Then it's reset time. lol
  • Whoo hoo!! Three top scores in a row. that will survive the night. Ha ha ha
    Whatever's in that pigkiller Ma, it works.
  • hee hee Pa there's a method to my madness! ! nice going! !
    speaking of going. .i gotta go ..
    Night Pa♡
  • I have a plan too. I'm keeping all my mirror levels low so I can beat them on new missions. It's given me a previously accepted mission twice already.
    Night Ma
  • @rat
    That's definitely the thing to do. In the meantime, this keeps you busy and leaves to others the possibility to beat your scores on the Brass Hogs levels.
  • @Sglouk All my scores in Brass Hogs are beatable. It's still early.
    Please forgive me if you've already told me, but I can't remember where you're from.
  • @rat
    All score can be beaten, but it is easier when you are not around, of course. However, I remember at least one Pig Dipper level where you had some doubt that your score could be beaten. Sometimes, when I grab a top score, I wonder how much time it would take to you to get back to 1st position, should you really want to. But of course, in the end, I don't challenge you, because I have too few top scores to take the risk to see you claim them back from me.

    I did not tell you, I live close to Paris.

  • Hey ya'll Good afternoon. Hope everyone in winter wonderland are safe and cosy. I have a favour to ask. Could someone go to Brass Hogs level 12 walkthrough page and tell me what they see on the thumbnail for the video? I see the background for level 11 with the words level 12 across it. When I click it,it plays 12,it's just the picture that's wrong. Sal told me to clear my data history which I did but it's still the same. He doesn't see it so I'd like to know if I'm on my own!!
  • @jlz-666
    I have opened it on another browser, and it has been corrected (I see level 12).
  • Thanks for checking for me @sglouk. It took longer for me. It's only just went back to normal. Bird leader said it had to do with YouTubes cache but I've no clue how to do that or if it was an issue with YouTubes cache within the nest. It was just weird that sal couldn't see it but I could.'s sorted now.
  • That's a novel cop-out @Sglouk. You don't want to beat me because I might beat you? Interesting to say the least. The world didn't end when @JLZ666 beat my top score in Brass Hogs last night. Quite the contrary. It didn't bother me at all that I spent hours using trigonometry, statistics, and physics developing a viable strategy only to be beat by another skilled flinger. I'm very happy you were able to skillfully fling and get an awesome score. So as you see, it didn't bother me at all when she got her just rewards @Sglouk. I can take it. No skin off my nose. Yep...soooo happy for you @JLZ666.
    BTW, Great score on level 12 JLZ's.
  • What makes you think it was just a lucky fling @rat? I fired God knows how many birds at the one spot as I could see it had the potential. Sometimes "just" flinging works.
  • Did I say lucky @JLZ666? I thought I said skilled. Maybe subconsciously I wasn't as happy as I thought.

    I edited out my subconscious bias.
  • @rat
    I am always happy to get a better score than you on a level, and I often try to do so, even when it seems out of reach (FMTTM 3-10, for example). But this does not mean that when I finally get a hard fought top score, I am in the mood of challenging you immediately after. But maybe I should.

    So, let us time travel 6 months back, and let us assume that I then said you this: "Hey Rat, how come that you are more than THREE THOUSAND POINTS behind me on Pig Dipper 6-26? This cannot be! I have given a detailed explanation of a one-birder that would have given me 138k should I have openend the clamshells. Will you be able to do it?"
  • hee hee;)
    OB I'll have a SpacePigKiller while i wait for BH 9-8 glitch to complete; )
    I cant believe the 1 lone blue is hanging in the middle after almost an hour time!
    3'of snow as of now and stilll coming and gusty wind
  • Hello all of you Spaced-out birdies! I haven't been keeping up too well with the new Space update, only did the first two looks like I've got a lot of reading and flinging to do!

    Hope you all are having a great WHINE TUESDAY!

    Which reminds me, please use those earplugs for a minute...ready?

    Wwwwhhhhiiiinnnnnneeee! Wwwwhhhhhiiiiinnneeeeeeeeeeee!
  • Whew, that feels a little bit better. I've been revisiting ABo Bad Piggies and just can't get that one-birder in 12-6! Probably on my +100th-ish reset and not having any luck. Yucky!
  • Oohh Hi @sweetp lol i totally forgot it was Tuesday good thing i put the earplugs out on Sunday. . that was one helluva Whinne;) i haven't even played bad piggies i tried it once but not to my liking. Good luck;)
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