The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2457
  • @SweetP, he's a handsome fella and now he'll be a hit with the ladies since he'll be winking at them all the time ;-)
  • LOL, Buddy page changer.
  • Buddy says "thank you" for the compliment (he gave me kisses just now)! You're killin' me @fenikus! Heehee, he'll be too busy keeping our other three dogs in line! He's the Alpha around here, and always flexing his erm...muscles. He's put an adult German Shepherd and a Pittie into submission before. Too sassy and bossy!
  • Happy Birdday @Birdleader :)
  • @sweetp sorry to hear about the eye of your dog. I can tell you that I know two dogs in our neighborhood who are missing an eye. When the owners didn't tell me I didn't know it.
  • Good evening to you all. New AB level has landed (30 new games). They have to wait till the next year.
  • Awesome @kelani! Congrats.
  • Hello @bernersenn, good to see you again. I don't know if that's the reason why those dogs are missing an eye, because the vet said the problem is common in terrier breeds. If those two dogs you mentioned are terriers, then it probably is.

    OB, I'd like a large mug of hot chocolate please.
  • @sweetp actually no. The one is a german shepperd, the other an Entlebucher Mountain Dog.
  • Hello @TomPuss! So good to hear you're getting better. Thank you for the videos, loved them both! And who woulda thunk it would be played by an orchestra!
    Heeheee! A Veronica Lake do - you're crackin' me UP! But kidding aside, she was beautiful, and too young to have her life turn in the wrong direction.
  • Oh, I forgot to mention an interesting connection between the special lady and you guys. She likes cake decorating, and has made some AB cakes, so I'm pretty sure one of those thousands of cake pics you guys have posted in here was one of hers. :)
  • Ooh, @kelani you MUST introduce her to us soon! What an awesome talent she has.
  • @SweetP She said she would stop by, so, I'll drag her here during my visit (so I can supervise). So, get your most embarrassing kelstories ready. I've already explained Princess, so, no getting me with *that* one! :)

    Many talents, indeed. Also, she says she's undefeated at Boggle, so I'll be putting that to the test very soon.
  • Well @kelani, we wouldn't want to scare her away on the first visit, you'll have our heads! So I'll keep my yapper shut on those most embarrassing moments...until her second visit. But I'm not sure you-know-who would be on their best behavior. Sooo, you should warn her beforehand. Heehee!
    Sounds like you've got some tough Boggle competition ahead, so I wouldn't put it past her.
  • @SweetP I don't think you guys could scare her away. From the BP, anyway. Now, from me, that may be another story! :P
  • You? Scare her away, hah! You couldn't scare a flea.
  • Anyone here got the Stella update on Android? I'm not seeing it available in Google Play Store.
  • @all Just in - flashmob from Paris shopping centre:

    Nighty night xoxo
  • Hi everyone :)
    What wonderful birthday wishes @Bird-watcher that , I'm sure @birdleader appreciate those words.
    OB please give @Sweetp The Peppermint Hot Chocolate :) sorry to hear Buddy had to lose an eye Dogs adapt very quickly I've heard so I hope he will♡
    @Kelani don't worry i won't give your lady any scary Kelstories lol..not that there are any to tell you've always been pleasant and upbeat and I'm sure your sense of humour won her over .have you met in person yet? Sorry if you've said and i missed it is been a rough couple days
    Still playing catch up lol so don't mind if anyone thinks I've skipped..
    OB a PigKiller please while i read up;)
  • @E-Star rushes in just before she walks the walk of the pillow... I have had an amazing time in Cologne, had to work today :( so not a lot of time to enjoy the festivities of the BirdDay release. Huge congratulations to @sal9 btw for getting his level into the AB game! It got my vote from the moment I saw it (but Rovio didn't ask LOL), well thought out and so Escher! Well done!
  • *clink * Cheers for Birdleader *
    Sweet Dreams @Estar ♡♡♡♡
    Awesome Banner as always ;)
  • Eat some grapes ??
  • [[[hugggs]]]] @kathy!! Sorry I need to pop in and out... but love that we crossed paths before I turn in.

    @sweetp Sorry to hear about Buddy, I wish him a speedy recovery, I am sure with or without he will steal your heart just by looking at you :D

    @TomPuss you are always such a shining presence in the BP, I wanna know how you are doing, but skimming the pages didn't reveal much, so PM will be on it's way soon (hopefully this weekend). kiss kiss my friend!

    @kelani *huge smile* so happy you are going to take some KelTime on the beach and spend it with the new lady friend. I probably missed it, but first time in real life?? Anyway ENJOY!

    And to everyone else, enjoy a free drink on the house, it's @birdleaders birthday!!!
  • LOL @Kathy... grapes are healthy (also a little inside joke) :)
  • Lol @Estar i figured was an inside joke haha but thought maybe a typo lol
    Nighty night ☆☆☆
  • thank you @Kathy, yummmm! That hit the "spot" on this chilly day! yes, he's been asleep most of the day, I guess from the effects of the pain killer I gave him this morning. He took a short walk outside this morning, but pretty content just curling up next to me on the sofa.

    Always love your banners @estar! Sweet dreams and (((hugs))) to you.
    edit: thank you for your thoughts. Buddy has always been a sweetheart, and stole my heart ever since the day we got him from the rescue shelter. Everyone at the vet's loves seeing him because he always gives them kisses.
  • @Kathy @estar Yep, we met in person the Sunday before last. She was driving back home from Chicago and actually took the long way through Kentucky/Tennessee just to hang out with me for a few hours. :P That day went very well, so we thought, "why not try it for a week?". She lives near the beach, and walks her lil doggie there, so I'm sure I'll get lots of beach time in. It'll be pretty damn cold unless the sun's out, so there will probably be no Kel running like a crackhead and diving into the ocean. Or maybe there will. Ya never know. :) I'll post some pics at some point.

    E*: You've got a special vacation coming up soon also, no? :o)
  • @SweetP Is the Stella update even out yet? I've not seen one for iOS yet.
  • @TomPuss -- Wow! I thought I was the oldest BP frequenter, but you've got me beat! Got to say that you don't look older than me, unless the photos you've posted are all from years ago. Hope you feel
    @SweetP -- Hope Buddy is back to himself soon!
    @all -- Been playing the AB Birdday levels today. Still have I left to 3*. Most of them require more than 1 bird for 3*. Think those levels submitted by ABN members are the hardest.
  • @BirdLeader -- Happy BirdDay! Hope you had time to celebrate with family and friends.
  • @Kelani you've no desire to join 'The L street Brownies' ?
    Search Results
    "L Street Brownies" to Swim Again New Year's Day | City of Boston

    Darn how to copy and paste a link I'll never get :(
  • @SweetP Wow.. Android first is kind of unusual. I'm jealous :)

    @Kathy Nope, no desire :) Hmm, isn't copy/paste the same for everyone? Double tap on it, copy, then double tap to paste?
  • I trie that Kel i highlighted hit 'copy' then paste but doesn't work on links i guess:/
    Back to my book bbfn
  • Thank you @mvnla2. He's already feeling better after sleeping all day. Running around outside just now! Amazing how quickly our pets heal and get back to normal.
  • @TomPuss -- Finally looked at the flash mob. -- Fantastic! Hope everyone takes a look.
  • The flash mob was precious @TomPuss. I wonder why they disabled the comments. ??
  • Night Pa
    Lol funny i woke up this morning on Finn Ice 11 walkthrough and in my post area i had typed 'night pa' apparently i fell asleep before i hit send. . Good thing hee hee
  • Night Ma
  • Hello! @tompuss !
    good morning to you.
    have a nice day !
    Oh yes, I loved the video so much. It was really great. :)
    Wish that you will be cured soon.
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