The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2459
  • sorry for the late reply @mvnla2 and @sweetp
    In india, Christmas is not just a religious holiday too. It is a social ceremony as you said. I thought that I have already given the example, It is me and my parents. We are not Christian but yet we involve in it completely. The other peoples of india also think like us. Everyone get together and have fun from their hearts.
  • You may like to go here if you want to know more about Chirstmas in india. It is about our state capital Kolkata's Chirstmas.
  • @EStar, @all That was a fantastic lovebird video, Dutchess! Isn't nature wonderful! By sheer coincidence, I happened upon this fascinating vid of a puffer fish making an intricate pattern on the sea-bed in order to attract the attention of lady puffers! The lady inspects his work and decides if it's good enough:

    As do bower-birds:

    Never thought of DIY as sexy, obviously I was wrong -:)
  • @TomPuss, enjoyed all the earlier videos, hex nut animation being the favorite :-)

    The last two I'm not sold on…I mean the first one doesn't show the fish actually making the circle just messing about in it? And the most interesting thing about the second video was hearing a computer generated voice with a British accent, that's a first!
  • Mrs. Bunny! I was wondering where you were, you were the only one missing from the old gang since I've returned to BP.

    Thanks for the accolades for Finn Ice, but I know my first place isn't going to last -- ernor and couple other flingers are beating me in almost every level released so far. I will be very happy if I end up in top 5 but I really doubt it…top 10 maybe. Tough crowd in Seasons, many very detailed oriented flingers.

    cc: @Hunnybunny
  • Hello @fenikus
    Good informative videos @tompuss , even the fishes are not clear, it is interesting.
  • @Bird_Watcher Enjoyed that info and video, thanks! You have beautiful cats in your region too, I think?

    @Jkhab69 You got the right idea! Guns for roses, lucky lady! Bon appétit to both!

    @SweetP Only "slightly" demented??

    @fenikus Great to see you! And congrats on Finn Ice! I love playing it every day but it is sooo difficult. . will post scores when my eyes can stand the strain.
    Yes, the puffer does make the circle. .the reason I like this is that I'm fascinated by patterns in nature e.g. the Fibonacci spiral in sunflowers.

    Have a super evening, @all
  • Hlo all.

    Getting ready to leave on my trip tomorrow. Unless I'm kelnapped, I should be back on the 23rd. I'll stop in and say hi, check PMs, post pics, etc. at some point, if my downtime coincides with wifi access. Hope all of you have a great holiday, and I shall see you soon. :)
  • Hi @all
    Still haven't caught up, but
    Thanks @TomPuss for the Bunny videos
    Nice to see you @Fenikus
    And whoever invented the "advent" Seasons must have been a single man, whose mum did all things Christmas. I'm in my normal tinsel torrent, with the house looking like a cross between Widow Twanky's laundry and Santa's grotto, unfortunately without the little elf helpers
    Good flinging all xx
  • Hello everyone!!
    Sorry ! No pets in the house ! But in my grandpa's house my grandma has some pet cats.
    Have a great trip :)
    pleased to see you !
  • @Kelani -- Have a great time! I didn't realize it was such a long (very long) weekend. See you before Christmas then.
  • @all -- Been playing the new release of Stella off and on today -- Haven't figured out what the objective is, except to spend lots of time flinging.
  • Whiinnee Tuesday
    Whiinnee comcast has taken over my wifi !! I can't sign in so i cant open level 16 in Finn!!arghhhh
  • @all I'm sorry for my outburst after being absent for a weem5:(
    Things have been hectic at home and bf not holding up well but off and on trying to return to work with services still up in the air. Emotions are mixed and I'm just trying to hear it all.but flinging away my free //down breathe time
    My apologies to all for not keeping /catching up :(
  • Night Pa ♢
  • Night Ma
  • Haha @TomPuss! Good point but we don't want to scare her away just yet!

    @kathy, it may take a long time to heal, and I hope your love and understanding will bring him some peace and comfort through this difficult time. ((((Hugz))))

    I guess you're on your way to the beach @kelani, if not already there! Have a most enjoyable vacation with your new lady!

    Since the new Stella update has been released, I've been doing a good time flinging there. Geez, it's been so long I forgot what their powers are! Hmmm...this is going to be interesting! Has anyone else been flinging on Golden Island?

  • @SweetP Had a minor delay, but I should be there by this evening. I'm going to catch up the new ranks in B&R before I head out, so you'll have a clean slate :)
  • Thanks @kelani, but if you're too busy, don't worry about it. I'll get them done today so don't worry about it. Get yourself going and have a safe drive!
  • Hello @BirdWatcher, nice meeting you here.

    @Hunnybunny, I thought you were a fan of Seasons advent calendar (you even called me a cheater for paying extra to get all the levels at once!)? I don't see the appeal, but it's different for sure so I can see why some folks like it.
  • @Kathy -- i'm sure this is a very stressful time for all. We're here for you if you need to vent, but totally understand why you're not here that much.
    @SweetP -- I've been flinging some in Stella. May have finally figured out how to use the birds, but I suspect there's a few things I still haven't remembered.
  • Happy Beach time @kelani :) hope all goes well and most important you have fun , smile and enjoy.
    Thanks mvnla2 for the understanding thoughts and @sweetp I'll be back in the swing of things soon i hope..g'nite fir now just wanted to pop in and say hallo
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @kelani how in the world change this url into a link? Forgot it
  • @bernersenn
    just put a ' http:// 'before the url.
  • @all -- Wow! Another quiet day! Everyone must be doing Christmas or Hanukka things. Hope everyone is having fun.
  • @kathy
    It is a sad time indeed. No words to aid it. Hope that time will help to erase it.

    glad to see you @mvnla2
  • Good morning to you all.
    @Birdaddict thanks for the tip, I will give it a try:
  • @bernersenn, it seems like if you add "http" and remove "www", it will show as link:

    Edit: If you put both http and www, it shows as a big youtube window like you have above.
  • @fenikus thanks. Repaired it, now it works fine.
  • @bernersenn
    I don't think @birdaddict gave you the first tip :D
  • @bernersenn Beautiful Santa video - thank you!

    @fenikus Lol, love that foto! No place now for the poor cat to be comfy except on a lap. . or a lap-top keyboard, or any keyboard:

    Night-night, @all
  • @birdwatcher, I'm so sorry. My mind is one great mess at the moment. Thank you for the tip
    @tompuss glad you liked the video
  • Still not caught up, but two of my favourite Christmas tunes, and so different
  • Hi @all -- Hope you are enjoying the holidays, and not too stressed out. I think Rovio is releasing way too many updates at once. However, many of them are not that interesting to me, and I suspect they aren't that interesting to other adults. Yes, there is always a new level to play, but no end objective.
  • Night Pa
  • Night Ma
  • Night Pa♡
  • Don't let the bed bugs bite.
  • LOL @tompuss love the yellow swimsuit you just gave @kelani in my minds eye with that pict hahahaha

    been crazy busy with work, real life obligations and I have been trying to clear out some of the extra stuff we had cramped in the cupboards. Always seem to feel closed in the winter, must be because the doors to the garden are closed and it's dark very early in the evening. don't get me wrong, I love the cosy evenings with lots of candles in the winter, but missing the light and 'open' feeling the summer gives. Just two more days of work and yippie!!! One and a half week of free time, maybe I will finally have some time to dig in to Finn Ice.

    @all that are so ready for the holidays but have to work just a couple of days, hang in there... Santa is almost here :-)

  • @all More importantly 2014 is almost gone. I, for one, will relish turning the page on my calendar to January, 2015.
  • Cheer to that @Pa !!
    OB a PigKiller please and a *clink* and boot in the arse to 2014 cant be soon enough! !
    We should have a going away party!!
  • @EStar, @kathy, @rat9
    @kelani came to mind too!
    Yes, I'll drink to the demise of 2014, the year with a jinx on it. . . OB! A White Christmas Dream please! No, make that a double while you're at it! *clink* *clink*

    @Princess More for the jukebox - Jim Reeves with 12 Christmas Carols:

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