The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2455
  • Fantabulous Birthday Wishes to our very own @birdaddict!
  • Happy Birthday @BirdAddict.
    Your birthday is early enough in the month that it doesn't get lost in the Holidays. My wife always has a party, but it's rarely for her. She was born on 31 Dec. It's also hard to get her a pressy. She's just got most of what she wanted under the X-mas tree.

    Where's @Kelani?
  • Happy Birthday @Bird-Addict !!
    OB a bottle of Cristal please
    Cheers to a fabulous friend hope you have a great day *clink *
  • @Jlz666 Thank You !! That was diving me nutters!! I switched to desktop. Much better!
  • Happy BirdDay @BirdAddict! Hope you stop by to help us celebrate your birthday! Have a great day!
  • @All -- A puzzle to keep the mind working when you're not flinging:
    Does anyone know what day will be celebrated for the last icon on the current page of Pig Days? It looks like a windmill. It would also seem that this day is a day to a couple of weeks after Jan 28. (List of likely celebrations is in the On Finn Ice announcement page; don't ask me why.)
  • @All -- Hoping someone here can help me with a couple of levels of On Finn Ice. Was away for the weekend and had some free time, so played all the On Finn Ice levels. Haven't been able to get 3* on FI-16 or the feather on FI-20.
    If not, I can always try to get above average on the ones that have walkthroughs, or I guess the rest of them for that matter. Haven't done that well with above average so far.
  • HaPpY BiRdDaY @BirdAddict! Wishing you a fun-filled celebration on this special day!

    @Kathy, if you still can't see the gold bar, you can change it to your normal desktop view. Just scroll all the way to the bottom of any page except in the BP, and click on "Switch to Desktop" you'll see it above the RocketPond logo.

    Edit: oops never mind. I see @JLZ-666 already helped you. Thanks @JLZ, I didn't want @kathy to start choking the life outta her Android, either! :-D
  • Hello everybody, wanna with you all a nice sunday evening.
    And, just in time for a birdday. I know the word is wrong, but liked it.
    @birdAddict happy birthday, enjoy your day.
  • @mvnla2 #16, #20 ? Not played them yet. Yes, got them all open, but don't want to look at them before the day the entire community is playing them.
    Anyone heard of our pal Kel?
  • @bernersenn, me thinks @Kel is spending his free time with his new honey. ;)
    Also has to deal with some family matters lately. Hope he's doing well in the meantime.
  • @sweetp about that family deal: didn't know. Let's indeed hope that he is fine.
  • I guess I'm just an Old School type, not wanting to open all levels in On Finn Ice, and keeping with the Advent tradition. Good luck @mvnla2, what I've played so far is a bit tough! Lots of rinse and repeat, with L-factor seems to be the strategy. Aaahhhhhh!
  • Hi everyone please forgive my lurking and quietness , my bf Father passed away yesterday early morning so i am in and out with my divided attention.
    Hope all are having a Fantabulous relaxing Sunday afternoon :)
  • @Kathy -- So sorry to hear about your bf's father's death. Please pass along my condolences to bf and his family.
  • Thank You @Estar and @mvnla2 for the condolences i will pass them on
    And ty @Estar for the link i will share my thoughts with BL, i know he and you all are doing the best to make the site user friendly . Enjoy you vacation :)
  • Arghhhh Wwwhhiinnee !! Red Planet 5-16 is Impossible !!! I know its not Tuesday but tough I'm Whhhing! !
    OB something strong please anything! !
  • Ok OB, I think @kathy needs a double shot of Baileys in a hot mug of coffee...on my tab, please? Go get those nasty swine @Kathy, show 'em who's boss!
  • Thanks @sweetp :) *takes a sip ..mmm soothing*
  • Here's an a capella group that's amazing and really got me into the Christmas spirit!
    Carol of the Bells - Pentatonix:

    Little Drummer Boy - Pentatonix:
  • happy birthday (or birdday !) @birdaddict.
    many many happy returns of the day.

    so sad. wishing peace for his soul.
  • Night Pa
  • @EStar, @JLZ666, @Kathy, @Mumsie, @rat, @tompuss, @birdwatcher, @bernersenn, & @sweetp - THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! Hope I didn't leave anyone out. Just got home. It's been a long day. @JLZ666, your card brought big smiles!!! Last year I was a party girl, this year I'm a party girl wanna be, lol. Thanks. @EStar the banner is fabulous - not only because it's the thought that counts - but because your banners are always so amazing and my imagination put the biggest banner yet on the page for me. Wish I were with you in Christmas paradise. Enjoy! @kathy, tears for you - and hugs. I was going to say a special thanks to each of you but I'm literally nodding off and need to say night night. Merry Christmas everyone!
  • Night Ma
    Congratz! You got three stars on Red Planet-16 much quicker than I did. Very frustrating level.

    Get better @TomPuss. We've missed you.

    Speaking of missed. You missed your own birdday @birdaddict. Better late than never.
  • @Sweetp thanks for the picture. Gave me a summerholiday feeling.
    Good to have now it so cold overhere.
  • @kathy, firstly, condolences from my side as well for your and your boyfriend's loss. :( Wishes of strength to the family.

    Secondly Red Planet 5-16. I feeeel your pain!!!! An incredibly annoying level! There is no better indication of just HOW much so, than @rat9 calling a Space level frustrating.
  • It seems from the comments thus far, that the Seasons On Finn Ice levels are not that easy. That's what I was hoping to hear. What I was NOT hoping to hear, however, is that the difficulty is related to LUCK rather than the solving of a puzzle/brainteaser like Space Danger Zone or even some Star Wars Path of Jedi levels.

    I will have to see, hopefully in about 6 months' time at worst, if Finn Ice gets released on WP.
  • @kelani so sorry to hear that. It's awful and your conclusion is the right one. This will break and doesn't become good anymore. That experience I can share with you. My advice would be to handle it as long as you can and, more important, see if it's gonna work with your new flame.
    Be there for you, when needed sent me a PM.
  • @mvnla2 -Thanks for welcome on Dec 2. I have been lurking at BP and have been enjoying the interesting reads.

    @rat9 - you are older than the picture I had in mind of you. The year you got married, was the year before I was born! I actually thought you were in your early forties.
  • @kelani - Hi. Good luck with the family. It is clear to me that you won't remember 2014 as the most boring year of your life, then.
  • @all - I have been so bemused by the fact that I, at 36 years of age, am actually a youngster among our seasoned flingers. When I started playing Angry Birds, my thoughts were that the average Angry Birds Player would be from 23-30 years of age. Then I joined ABN and I realised just how wrong my estimation was. LOL.
  • @Jaydee -- Somewhere in the archives of the old forum, which is where the BP is, there is a forum called something like Seniors on ABN. @Rat just barely counts as an ABN senior. I forget how old the oldest flinger is, but it is well over 80. The forum was started by someone who thought seniors on ABN were anyone over 40! That person was almost kicked out of the club.
  • Geez, kinda sounds like my family @Kelani. I guess when they're set in their own ways, nothing is going to change their minds/hearts. Hopefully some day they'll all see how silly this behavior is. I'm always here and if you need to, just PM or IM me.

    Hello @jaydee! Yes, you'd be quite surprised how many of us are 50+! That's what I love about the AB games, it's just not for kids or young adults.
    edit: look out, some of the On Finn Ice levels are a PITA! Fling, Rinse, Repeat... Aaarrggghhhh!

    Umm @bernersenn, the picture is from @TomPuss. It sure is an unusual cloud formation but loving the mountains at the same time!

    But I do agree, that picture did make my day @TomPuss, and also the one of the parrot snuggling with the kitty! Very sweet! Please take care of yourself and get better back to bed, please.
    OB, before she goes would you brew a nice pot of tea and add some honey and a squeeze of lemon into her mug.
  • @mvnla2, do you still need help with On Finn Ice #16? It's not an easy level to give tips for (several ways you can do it) so I want to make sure first.

    Also, does collecting feathers in Seasons work the same way as in Rio, i.e. when you collect enough, additional levels unlock?
  • @Jaydee, how's it it going mate? It's cool you found your way to BP…I used to be a regular here for a while, then took a hiatus and now I'm back.
  • @fenikus -- Yes, I still need help with 3* on FI-16 and the feather on FI-20. I don't think collecting feathers in ABS unlocks any additional levels.
    Any help much appreciated.
  • @mvnla2
    found the forum. it is:
    there is a comment of yours. here is a part :
    Been looking to see who is the oldest
    that has listed their age. Appears to
    be @Jim at 87, although there is a
    comment that says someone else is
    over 90???
    Did I miss that person?
    I created a plot of number of seniors
    vs age bracket. Thought people
    might be interested. It is in my album
    Known ABN Members over 75 as of
    CrazyBirdLady 78
    wiiwillie 78
    kpnanny's MIL 80
    Bikkit's mother 82
    Jim 87
  • @mvnla2 @birdwatcher - I am amazed and stand in awe of these amazing people. I simply admire people of that age that are doing well with technology. My mum is much younger and we had to work hard just to get her to work a normal television remote LOL! At least she works a cell phone well, now. She does not touch a computer at all! My darling wife's grandmother, though, is well over 70 and she does Facebook, Whatsapp, BBM, recently learnt MS Word. She even plays a game of cricket with the family - hilarious - you should see her running! The thing is that it is AWESOMENESS in my humble opinion, and very inspirational for me!!!

    @fenikus - Thank you - I tend to look out for your name in daily challenges, because you CAN fling!
  • @Jaydee Most, but not all, of the Space levels have a solution. Not rinse and repeat. That's why I like Space. Except for Pig Bang. It has quite a few R&R's. But level 5-16, if it has a solution, has eluded everybody. I think most of the high scores on it are just luck. So work on it and show us SENIORS how it's done. Good luck!

    "He's like @Rat9, except nice." Good one @Kelani. So happy you found time in your busy life to stop by. You went from too much time on your hands to NO free time and the only delta was a girl that smiled at you. ha ha You simply MUST bring her to the BP. We'll be nice (the first visit).
    Your evolving family dynamic is going to make the holidays a challenge in the future. Especially with everyone so close. Btw, most families have a crazy Aunt or Uncle. Except mine. Wait a minute. Maybe I don't see our crazy relation because it' me. I hope you guys can work it out. Few things are more important than family.

    I'm not old like you @Mvnla2. *snicker* I'm only 59, I think? I wonder why the young whippersnappers are always surprised us older folk can play a game that only requires a small movement of one appendage. But I forgive you @Jaydee. Even I'm amazed I do as well as I do with a fat thumb and one eye. But I'm a nobody when compared to @Wicket182 in Star Wars II. I don't play SW II. Is it an episode where you can buy your way to top scores or is he a Jedi Master? Either way, WOW!!!

    Welcome back @Funikus. Is that really you? You seem different somehow. More humble. Not the trash-talking master of Rio (and anything else you played) that we knew from before. I'm not sure I like this version as well. But I'm warped.

    Hi again @Aryamoitra. I'm glad we didn't scare you away during your first visit. Btw, cute avatar.

    My typing finger is getting tired so I'll just say Hi to @birdaddict, @TomPuss, @SweetP and @Ma.

    P.S. Get well @TomPuss and...

    Good Night Ma
  • Good morning to you all guys.
    First some corrections: @Sweetp thanks for indicating me that the pictures came from @Tompuss. I always mix names up, please forgive me. Thanks for the nice wishes.
    @Tompuss, as mentioned, thank you for the picture - it gave me a little bit of my summer holiday feeling back.
    @fenikus as far as I know I still can record videos. Didn't it for a long time but will try it this evening. I will inform you about the results. Annoying me is that I don't have video editing software, so between two recordings I have to push buttons on the pc. And that's distracting me from flinging. So, able to record yes, record any good stuff: not yet.
  • Did I miss @bernersenn? Sorry.
    H-E-L-L-O !! @Bernersenn.
  • @Rat no sorry, no offense. Hello to you.
  • The seniors' plot is still in my album at:
    @fenikus -- Thanks! I didn't think to check on YouTube for videos that weren't released on ABN yet.
  • @rat9 - I humbly have to decline. 5-16 is one of those levels that I got a poor 3 star score but simply accepted it and ran faster than the wind. (Quite similar in nature to, albeit nowhere as bad as, Seasons AbraCaBacon 2-8). Now THAT is what I call an abomination of a level! The epitome of atrocious design!

    I love Rio, because there are generally more than one way to get three stars, and you are not even necessarily limited to one option in terms of the number of birds used. That is an aspect that I can't stand about Star Wars. If the decision is to use 2 birds, THOU SHALT USE 2 BIRDS. Great destruction + 3 birds is simply not an option. And many times a 1birder in such circumstances is simply impossible or requires a miracle. I find that a bit boring, to be honest.
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