The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2454
  • @rat that is nice to know and also nice for @kelani. But, again, more details please. This is like the news, very vague.
    Let's come to the point, @kelani, pal, tell us, need a PM?
  • @Kelani needs to bring her to dinner at the BP for his next date. Then she can meet his AB family and more importantly, we can meet her.
  • Oohh darn i missed a whole page!! Will catch up in a bit as I've only a few minutes.
    @bernersenn nice to see you my friend:) happy you have some time to pop in
    Hi @Pa @Jlz666 @Estar @sweetp ;)
  • Sounds like the pressure is on @kelani ??? Now fess up! Will she join Abn is she a member?
  • Nice to see you again @jkhab69 :) you can whine anytime.
    @all i haven't installed the Seasons update yet need backup first but jeez sounds like everyone having troubles with level 2 ..will see when i get there i guess:/
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please
  • @sweetp are you having trouble with videos too? I get no message about flash player. .but if you go directly to YouTube you should be able to play them. So i don't think its an android issue maybe something in abn settings
  • @bernersenn, pal, how are you? All the details we know about @Kelani's romantic interest are contained here:

    Note that he didn't say "I have a great story about meeting a cute girl" but rather "I have a cute story about meeting a great girl"…the devil is in the details ;-)
  • *sniffs herself* * look in mirror* i did shower and i dont look tooo bad :/ hmm scared everyone away:(
  • Lol @fenikus good catch on that use of Kelani story..i didn't catch that hmmmm
  • Re: Seasons on Finn Ice…my first seasons episode but so far I really like it. Different physics than in Rio but still fun. And a little bit of boasting: I paid 99 cents so that I can play all levels and I'm currently in top 5! For now only 22 players completed all the levels but I'll take it ;-)
  • @jlz666. Yes, the grass is too greener in places that get a lot of rain. :D
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma

    And I'm still waiting for the results from all that trash talk in Beak Impact/Space @Funikus. I seem to remember you were going to decimate me in my own playground. ha ha ha
    In truth, you didn't do too bad. Keep on flingin'.
  • whoa !!!!
    hello everyone !
    just passed a tensed week !!
    at last my examination has come to an end.That's why I am free from my studies for a month.what
    a relief! now I can fling as much as I want :) :)
    and also I think have done good at my exam.but the night before the history exam was really terrifying.
    however, I am not remembering the time again ( and don't want to remember also !!), just enjoying the holidays.
  • Remember what @BirdWatcher? The Holidays are here!! School doesn't exist.
    Ironically, you'll look back years from now and say things like, I sure had it easy when I was in school and I wish I knew then what I know now. I could have enjoyed it more. But that day hasn't come yet. So just enjoy your stress free holiday in your ignorance.
    Btw, Congratulations for doing well on your exam.
  • @rat9
    no no . I did not mean that I hate school. everybody know that , high school life is the best time of life . I never hated school and never will. I have just a little fear in history , and that's all .
    and also if there was no school , the memories didn't exist too.
  • Good morning to you all.
    @kathy I'm glad to have finally some time to pop in. Today I will continue this.
    @sweetp @kathy the 'fresh' IOS8 gave the same troubles you had with the videos. Temporarily solved this by using Chrome. Nowadays, with IOS8.1 I don't have troubles with the videos anymore.
    @fenikus thanks pal, I'm doing very well. I have lots of energy - and lots of work. Some better time management gave me time for AB again.
  • @fenikus that comment that you are pointing at, was all that we know. That is pretty wee. And @kel is covered in silence - where he was posting lots of comments here.
  • Maybe it's my medication, but I feel particularly childish this morning.

    @Kelani and a Birdie
    sitting in a tree,
    First comes love,
    then comes marriage,
    then comes Kel
    pushing a baby carriage.

    Thanks @Kelani. You shaved at least FIFTY years off my age by hiding your new relationship.
  • Good Morning everyone :)
    @Bird-watcher nice to see you again Congrats on your exam. I don't blame you about not caring for History i never did either. Enjoy your holiday and time off from school Happy Flinging
    @bernersenn i use Chrome also and just updated it yesterday and so far no problem with videos *knocks on wood*
    Mornin Pa you funny guy lol
  • Wow i never get tired of reading the comnents on page 1 !
    OB can i please have a Peppermint Hot Chocolate :)
  • @rat I loved your poem. And with the 50 years is also right.
    @kathy great that it works for you.
    @birdwatcher nice to meet you here.
    Time to celebrate, got my first top 10 position in the Advent thing. OB, drinks for everyone
  • I can't take credit for the poem @bernersenn. It's a playground song young children sing in the USA to taunt a friend when he thinks he's in love. We're talking 8, 9, 10 year olds.
    Congratz on the top ten score. Now if you'll get all of them into the top ten you can join our elite underground "Top Ten Club". @Ma is a member.
  • O.k wishh me luck I've just backup tablet and updated seasons *cross fingers* I've heard people have trouble when installing cause of cloud thing anyone have issues?
    @bernersenn @Estar ?
  • @Rat I'm pretty sure I never said I would *decimate* you in your own playground…as you cannot decimate a person, maybe just his fingers, hahahaha. Besides, I thought @Romo did the decimation for me?

    So if you want another competition: Space is your playground, Rio is mine. Let's spar in this On the Finn Ice Seasons episode -- we'd both be on "finn" ice there. Shell out 99 cents so you can play all levels and let's duke it out.
  • @kathy I don't use cloud services. Once in a while the Ipad is whining about that. Upgrading seasons has happened unattended - auto updates, that kind of stuff.
    Beside that, creating backups of your device(s) can't do any harm. It saved my butt already many times.
    @rat all games into top 10? It's not gonna work for me. No, no, never.
  • Thanks @bernersenn seems to have gone o.k :)
  • @kathy, great. Fling those guys, there is a new one.
  • Ackkk what happened to the walkthrough page!!
  • @Someone @Estar @Kelani what's up with the walkthrough page ? Its way different too big, no gold bar at the top..cant find separate level walkthroughs arghhhh help?
  • @funikus
    @Romo has tested me but bows before his master at the moment. I'm scared he isn't done yet though. And I can never take @burpie for granted. Did you realize half his scores in Cosmic Crystals are 1st's and 2nd's? Awesome flinger, as is @Romo.

    Edit: Btw @funikus, I already have you beat in one of the episodes in "your" playground. Or have you forgotten the twenty thousand point lead I have on you in Rio's Timber Tumbler? And I'm not flinging enough to join you in Finn Ice. Too bad. I was pretty good at skipping stones as a child. Same thing.
  • Has anyone else had freezing issues with the Finn ice update?
  • Can someone else please check for me.. to be sure its not my phone , icannot see the gold bar on the Rio walkthroughs nor the Seasons. .i haven't checked all episodes/worlds or whatever but it makes navigation very difficult
  • Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on lately, arghhh! holiday stress geting to me :)
    No @Kathy not having Freezing issues just some lag, as for the gold bar I see it fine,
    might be your phone.
  • @Kathy it's not just your phone, my phone does that too. Not only in the walkthroughs, but on pretty much the whole ABN page (except the forums). It's no big deal for me (I mostly use the computer anyway), but I agree it's quite annoying and uncomfortable.
  • Hi @AEX10 and Thanks @Annifrid I'm glad it's not jus me
  • Sorry i just got a very Large error message. .
    But yes i agree @Annifrid it's quite annoying and it makes it hard to navigate. I only use my phone for ABN. I guess they made some changes that are not phone friendly:(
  • hello @all
    thank you. I just want to say that, even if I am scared of history, I never gave up studing it (last year I got full marks in History !).
    nice to meet you too :D
  • That's even better @Bird-watcher not giving up is the best thing. .happy to hear you got full marks that's awesome:)
  • @BirdWatcher I used to dislike History, too. Mostly because my teacher was extremely boring and listening to her without suddenly falling asleep was incredibly difficult.
    Fortunately, I got rid of that. I'm now at college, and about 90% of what I learn is Maths.
  • @Rat You are such a poet :P

    all: btw, there's a member, Rogue (@rldoty) who's got some disabilities, and is looking for a good tablet that will let him fling and use a mouse. Guessing that means it'd have to be an Android. I may send him over here, so if any of you have any recommendations, let him know :)

    @JLZ She's not currently an ABN member, but I know she's been here. Probably more lurking than anything. I'll try to draw her out, though :)

    @Kathy Hey now, I was still here doing all the usual ABN stuff! Just spent a lot of time answering PMs. Apparently all those people that have me on their friends list realized that they could now ask me site stuff there, rather than post on the site and wait. Got awful popular for awhile there. :P
  • @BirdWatcher Hi!
    @Annifrid Nice to meet you
    @kel Good luck with those PMs ;)
    Well it's bed time :/ Night @All
  • Uhmm @kelani so i need to pm you about abn issues? What up with the walkthrough home page? New format? Not good. .imo
    And how's the great girl story we are all on the edge of our stool waiting to meet her ;)
    Seriously good to see you again; )
  • My phone is scaring me now..predicting what I'm gonna say before i type it:/
  • Night Ma
    I'll see if I can give you a little help tomorrow.
  • @kathy @annifrid The walkthroughs were giving me fits until @estar told me to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the desktop icon. The nest is trying to get mobile friendly but ATM its better the old way. I keep meaning to pop into the forum Birdleader started to comment about it. Once you click on desktop it's meant to stay that way but it doesn't. I've still got to click on it everytime I go to a walkthrough.
    @kelani We'd love to meet her! (Lamb to the slaughter springs to mind) lol!! Only joking ;)
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