The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2412
  • @kelani -- Just finished listening on hubby's stereo. Great! I agree with AEX10, I think part 3 is the best.
    Hope you post more.
  • @kelani -- I don't know about weighted vs unweighted keys. I hope you have, or will get a real piano. IMO it's much better than the best keyboard. When I retired, I got an old Steinway baby grand. Can't explain how marvelous it is. Now all my hubby's pianist friends want to come to our house to play it, instead of insisting that he come to their house.
  • Oooo that must have hurt
  • Good luck on your level @mvnla2 hope to play some nesters
    Levels ;D
  • @AEX10 yep i see how that could work. As @ mvnla2 said submit the written strat with the drawing :) good job! I wish i could draw and submit something.
  • Nothing like a real piano @mvnla2 I agree I miss mine:(
  • :D @kelani is a great mix I like them All back to movie
  • One of my aunts has a huge Steinway Model D in her house as room decor. She can't play a note. Every time I visit, that's where I go.
  • Oopsy Hi Karen68 sorry i missed you:(
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Pig Bang level 1-11 I cannot get 53 k
    I think many of these levels the scores are not possible anymore:/
    OB I'll take another SpacePigKiller please ;)
  • Well got to go dream about birds and pigs
    Night BP
  • Hi @kathy - had to wish pop in & wish Sunshine a Happy Birthday!
    So you're flinging in Space. I haven't been in Pig Bang in ages.. except for the Challenge the other day. Good luck :)
  • Thanks @Karen68 I could use your help lol.. I'll be calling on you ;)
    Nice to see you hope all is well:)
  • Tee hee. I just blew someone's mind. :D I was playing Plunder Pirates, and one of the guys in BL's guild said this:

    Scuba*****: My last name is huge. 12 letters long and starts with a K
    Kel: You must be Greek or Eastern Euro
    Scuba*****: Wow! Kel is a smart one. I am Greek.
    Kel: Naw...
    Scuba*****: Impressive.
    Kel: That's nothing. I can guess your last name in three tries or less.
    Scuba*****: No way! Go for it! :)
    (10 seconds later...)
    Kel: It's Konstantinou
    Scuba*****: OMG!!! How in the hell did you know that??
    Kel: Well, you said it. I'z a smart one. :)
    Scuba*****: I know! but really man, how did you know that?
    Kel: There's only one 12-letter Greek surname I know of that starts with K.
    Scuba*****: that's (blanking) amazing.
    Kel: Well, I dated a girl with that last name once. That helped.
  • Huh ! @kelani ? So you didn't even know this guy and you guess his name ? That would freak me out to lol.. and my initials are KK also haha and both 8 letters long:/

    Hint : obviously you know my first name. ...last name is Finnish :)
  • Argghhh I give up on PB 1-11 I'll never get it:( moving on
    OB another please;
  • @Kathy I don't have to guess. I know your last name :) It was in that news interview you posted awhile back :P
  • That guy hasn't been back. hehe. Whoops?
  • It was @Kelani ? !! Guess i should have read it more carefully:/
  • I knew a girl in high school who was Greek, her last name started with K & had 16 letters.
    @kathy ha ha I'm hardly the Space expert. I'm just starting Beak Impact.
  • S' ok @Karen68 I have @rat9 to guide my space walk:)
  • @Kathy Yep! it had your first & last name.. and AGE! :)

    @karen68 That'd have to be Kalogeropoulos or Konstantopoulos right?
  • or not. I can't count today.
  • Whoa I just got 53 k without looking lol:)

    Edit: never mind wrong level:/
  • Apparently, the longest Greek surname is Hadzikyriakoupapakonstantinogeorganopanadinopoulos.

    I'd love to see their drivers' license.
  • Ahhhaha @Kelani lol so they believed me on the AGE thing heehee
    * reporters they believe anything*
  • Ok @kelani, that's kinda creepy. The 2nd one.
  • @karen68 that was right? It's only 15 letters :)

    @Kathy ah, sneaky. Good job fooling reporters. :)
  • @kelani yeah the 2nd name. And "only" 15 letters.. are those names the Smilth & Jones of Greece or something?
    I'm really impressed with how you guys just killed Beak Impact. I'm stuck trying to get above average on level 4. Already having trouble & it's only level 4.
    Thanks for driving those averages waaaayy up lol ;)
  • Sorry brb bl
  • @karen68 Yeah, you nailed it. Those were the Smith and Jones :) Greek surnames are all drawn from a pretty small list of names relative to other countries, and over half of them end in "opolous" So, they're easy to piece together. be easier if I knew Greek, though :)

    The Beak thing was definitely a BP effort. Turns out it didn't help that much, since romo came in and blew all of us out of the water :)
  • @Karen68 I really think some of these levels the score has become unattainable (wow can't believe my phone didn't mess up that word) lol ;)
  • Agreed @Kelani I definitely think the group effort has alot to do with it:) we done good !!

    Edit: darn that Romo lol;)
  • Well at least you guys left lots of breadcrumbs along the way, I have a feeling I'll need them.
    Off to check out the challenge. Looks like one of those old levels I haven't played in years.
  • Good luck @Karen68 :) maybe we can fling together again someday get the FF together again
  • @karen68 it's another "fun" one with impossible high scores :) At least I'm #1 so far.
  • Really am i reading right @Kelani the challenge today is Big setup?
  • Thanks Kel I may have to try that one, )
  • @kelani yeah some high scores, although there are some reputable names near the top. And no comments from the really high scores. That's the problem with some of the older ones, but I still like revisiting them. Usually.
    @kathy just say the word when the FF can reunite I'll be there :)
  • :) @will work on it @Karen68 I know @Sweetp is ready just need to round up t he other P & K :)
    Sorty falling asleep DWF lol
    Night all

    Night @Pa
  • this challenge is a hard one. I'm away from my kitties so they can't help, and I have just enough pain medication to make my aim fuzzy but not enough to let me go to sleep. can't even get to average on the challenge but at least ABN gives me something to focus on and keeps the games interesting. definitely my favorite web site
  • wow, visiting here worked! I just added 14k to my score. I'm a bit higher than average but not ready to quit yet. time to see if I can recreate and improve upon the last one.
  • Night @kathy. I'm off too, I'm in danger of face-planting on my ipad.
    Good night all.
    @jkhab69 good luck on the Challenge :)
  • @karen68 , thanks! pleasant dreams.
  • I think I'll post another mediocre video. At least the first shot shows the sweet spot.
  • @kelani , nice video!
  • @jkhab69 really? or is that sarcasm? :P The first one didn't play at all, and I had to replace it. Also, not a great score.
  • @kelani it's a two-bird clear, with a three star score, I wasn't being sarcastic.
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