The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2363
  • @Rat I posted a link in the forum, may help you get your GC scores reinstated. Apparently, Rovio can delete scores, so they may have done the recent cleanout.
  • Good evening my fellow flingers. I have been trying out Stella, but I can not say that I am in love with the game :/ Other than that I have been busy with real life stuff and frankly a bit gloomy due to the never ending annoyance of the mysterious pita. Sorry OB.... hope you didn't really think your paycheck depends on how chatty @Kelani is. We will always keep the doors open and there always needs to be someone to greet them and who better for the job than you? Hope to stop by more often, but can not promise much.
  • Hi @Estar.

    *********************************************************Warning Warning*******************************************************

    Look out your front door.

    *This has been a test of @Estar Emergency Hiding System. Had this been an actual emergency, you'd have been too late!!!*
  • @Estar SWDNF is getting restless. She wants to swing by the Netherlands for a week after her Cologne trip.
  • Whahahaha... I wondered what the lights and alarm were for hahahaha, but I can not blame her for wanting pop over... if you are already on the other side of the pond you must take advantage of that right and by your explanation of distances, even Paris will be a short road trip for you both :)
    But So great to see you pop in mister @Rat missed ya (don't see you pop in that much in the BP or PM) hope all is as well as can be my dear friend! )--[hugs]--(
  • (((((((Estar)))))) nice to see you as well:)
    Hi Pa:)
  • @fenikus I've finally had a chance to read about the battery saving tips you were kind enough to look for Thank you so much I just implemented all of there tips so will see what happens. If not I'll try the calibrating part. Thank again:)
  • Hi @kathy huggggs! Great to see you as well. Going into lurking mode, sorry ... Feeling lazy today, so marathon watching StarGate for the rest of the evening (lol already past 10, so not a lot of evening left hihi)
  • @estar aw, no gloomystar :( Sounds like you should PM someone *cough* to cheer up! :) I'd start a Down With PITA campaign for you, but I'm afraid I might get chased by an army of Greeks and PETA members who can't spell so good.

    Stella is growing on me. I guess I like it more than I don't, or something. The new targeting is fun, but playing zoomed out on tinyscreen isn't something I ever like to do. Also, this is the first game I've ever played with the sound almost on mute. There's only so much of those sound effects a guy can take. :)

    edit: Wow, perfectly timed with lurkymode. Ok starlet, enjoy your StarGate :P
  • She do like to travel @Estar. Me, not as much. But what's a man to do?
  • Thanks @Kelani. I sent Rovio a message. We'll see.
  • Kk @Estar sorry I'm inn lurk mode myself. .trying to fling in South Hamerica it's kinda tough:/
    Have a good night♡
  • Huh @Pa I missed something you sent Rovio an email about what?
    Hi @Kelani thanks for keeping the place in business lol;)
  • Lurk mode, Burp mode. I'm in Dark mode. All my fluorescent tubes decided to stop working right after I got back from the store.

    edit: @Kathy all those ginger ales add up. The BP's ready to open a second location.
  • What fluorescent tubes @Kelani ? Light bulbs?
  • And what do you mean by 'tiny screen'thought you didn't have a phone. .your iPad isn't tiny ? Me confused:/
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please; )
  • @Kathy yeah, I have 6 fluorescent lights down here, each with four 48" tubes. The three lights that died are in this half of the basement where my computer spot is.

    Yes, tiny screen. For me, normal screen is 15" laptop. Compared to that, 8" ipad is tiny. Phone screen is just ridiculous. If that's what I had to use, I probably wouldn't play.
  • Ohhhh!! Uhmmm why is your computer in the basement? And ya I guess laptop screen is bigger lol;)
  • @Kathy because it's a huge basement, and where all my fun stuff is. computers, power tools, recording studio, instruments, chemistry lab, wood stove, fridge w/ginger ale. In the summer, it stays nice & cool down here. Not so much upstairs. Also animals would be all over everything.
  • It's a geeky man cave!
  • Hahaha @Kelani I can imagine .. so the animals not allowed?
  • Hahaha @kelani I think my husband would love to have such a cave LOL
    As to the PM... Did you check your inbox @kelani hahahaha

    Mister @rat ehhhh nothing a man can do :p speaking as a woman hahaha... But I am sure if you are not up for an extra trip She wouldn't make you right?
  • @kathy happy flinging in southhamerica !!
  • Thanks @Estar I'm finding it difficult:(lots of R&R (and I don't mean rest and relaxation) lol
  • @Kathy Swipe sneaks down whenever I leave the door open. he also used to be able to open it himself. Patty can't do the stairs cos of her little stubby legs.

    edit: last thing I need is a cat playing on a table saw, or knocking a bottle of sulfuric acid onto a jar of potassium permanganate.

    @estar It's filled with junk, and everything gets covered in sawdust, but it's not bad :) And I sure did check my inbox. Did you? :)
  • And another episode that ended with a happy end :))
    @kelani ermm nope I didn't but i gonna hop over there in a minute, workweek is due so bedtime for me... Night night my friends!
  • nighty night sleepystar :)
  • @Kathy I sent a message to Rovio about the removal of it's top flingers from Game Center. I'm not going to hold my breathe waiting on an answer.
  • Ooohh I see @Pa ya that was really a suc I wonder why they did that?
    I can't get on gamecenter I guess it's just for apple devices:(
    I'm having a tough time in South Hamerica !! I don't know how @bernersenn did so well!
  • To answer your earlier question @Estar, Yes she would. She wants to see the world but won't go without me. So I occasionally get dragged, kicking and screaming, to the four corners of the World. Hard to believe we once thought the world was flat and had four corners. ha ha
  • Lol @Pa ! Hope you really do get to meet the star someday:)
    My notification not working ..:( I must have shut something off in the implementation Of 'save battery' gotta check !
  • @Rat did you explain to Rovio why your score was so high on Dipper?
  • @Kelani Not in any great depth, but yes.
  • @Ma The wife wants me to meet her in Amsterdam on her way back from a work trip to Germany the first part of October. Looking into the logistics of it now.
    *knock, knock, anybody home?*
  • Just a screaming Dutchman.
  • Hee hee @Pa 'surprise' @Estar ;)
  • @Kathy your S.Ham 1-6 post had some @ errors in it.

    edit: I bet that's one @Rat she wouldn't mind seeing at her front door.
  • Ty @kelani uhmm what do you mean 'all fixed' ?
  • Something wrong with my phone..t keeps saying 'touchwiz home' has stopped working? I check apps and its on ? Iscrewed something up with the battery save thinng :/
  • @Kathy whoops. typo. That last part should've gone in another window. Ignore that.
  • .ahhh Estar must be waking up and waved her magic sorry I'm half asleep:/
  • @Kathy I just read it, refreshed the page and saw it change. btw you have a PM.
  • Arghh SA is tough!!
  • It does look like it. Some of these Stella levels aren't easy, either.
  • I haven't installed Stella yet @Kelani. .I tried doing a backup today but something went wrong.
  • Ya know whats weird is now that I'm ' uncaged' I cant see how many comments are on the page or the total of bp comments. .
  • I've never been able to see how many comments are on a BP page, just the total in the peach-colored bar up top. (118148)

    edit: weird. It was 118147. I posted one comment and it went to 118150.
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