The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2361
  • @Rat, yes! - I couldn't remember exactly what they're called. Manzanilla olives are the best for this purpose.
  • @fenikus I don't have any experience with Plex Media Server.

    @Kelani That ancient PC version won't help you with S-15. If you update it to include Pig Dipper you'll bypass the release you're interested in. Ah, I'm sure you'll figure something out and otherwise just PM me. I have a backup.
    added: I don't think it's against the law to share a backup with someone who also already has a legal version of the same game for the same platform, but if I'm mistaken let's pretend I never extended the offer.
  • @burpie, pool up a stool and have a drink. We're having a dirty vodka martini party ;-)
  • @fenikus Tempting, but it's 2 AM here and I have to get up in four hours. Another time!
  • @Burpie, have a good one. Another time indeed!
  • My sister's "vodka martini" recipe: Take a martini glass, splash some vermouth in it, pour vermouth out in the sink. Fill the glass full with crushed ice so it cools. Pour out ice into the sink. Pour some vodka in a shaker and fill with ice. Shake, shake, shake. Pour into the martini glass. Peel a sliver of lemon rhind and drop it into the drink. WTH!?

    My alternative: Pour some vodka that stayed in a freezer overnight into a shot glass and drink! No discernible difference.
  • @fenikus -- I wasn't aware that asking for a martini now got you a vodka martini. Is that maybe an east-coast thing? Of course, I don't normally order any kind of martini, just white wine.
  • @Rat the nasty, purple olives I was thinking of are Kalamata. bleh.

    @burpie Trying to earn a stay in whichever prison replaced Het Arresthuis? :) Thanks for reminding me PD isn't in 1.0.0. I'll see if I have PC 1.4.0 around here somewhere. If not, I think I still have the Android 1.6.x demo from last time. I'll let ya know.

    @fenikus pool up a stool? lol. You're funny when drunk :)
  • The quiet came early tonight. No fun lurking when no one is here.
  • No one's here 'cos no one is here :)
  • I asked mpg973 what version of Space he used to get AA, and he said *drumroll*


    Lucky me, Google Translate doesn't do Farsi.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • @Kelani those Charter program descriptions are hilarious! I think I would stay with Charter just for the laughs!

    I am thinking of ending my Dish Network Satellite TV and going back to Comcast. Dish has a wonderful DVR, but I just don't need that many channels. Comcast also has a stripped down HD package they didn't used to have, just what I am looking for.

    A while back, in our area, we could not use Tivo with Comcast, but I learned recently that is no longer the case. As good as the Dish Network Hopper is, I still long for a Tivo box. Their program information was always superior, plus they gave you two weeks of programming, where most other DVRs only give you 7, maybe 10 days if you're lucky. I just wish the Tivo didn't need one of those blasted cable cards.
  • @BPC It's less funny when all the descriptions are spoilers :( Also, on Charter's non-HD box, you were lucky to get the next 36 hours of program info. HD box does 2 weeks like Tivo, but only about a week have any info.

    Any idea why you couldn't use Tivo w/Comcast before? It's been required by law since 1996. For awhile Dish and others provided Tivo boxes, but now you buy one, and they give you a cablecard for it.

    edit: the blasted card should be free, and I wish I had one. When I record on Tivo, the Charter box covers half the screen with its opaque program info box, and half the time, it never goes away. Blasted card shouldn't have that, all it does is allow you to view the channels.
  • Crap, I just read that law has been overturned. They won't have to provide cablecards anymore, and can force you to use their boxes. :( But Tivo's working with Comcast to find some kind of compromise.
  • @Kelani, my memory on the Comcast/Tivo issue in my area is fuzzy now. I just remember one day my Tivo box no longer worked and the local Comcast office said I couldn't use the TIVO box. I gave up and switched to Dish, who at the time also did not support Tivo, but they're DVR wasn't horrible like Comcast's.

    For a few years, I checked in with Comcast, and it was the same story "NO TIVO! But, we will rent you a really lame DVR!". So I stayed with Dish, who I was quite happy with anyway (plus, no cable where I lived for a few years). Now that I am back in the land of cable, and I now have Comcast Internet, it seems like the time to try Comcast TV again. But, ugh, I don't feel like the bother right now. Or forking over hundreds of dollars upfront for a new Tivo. Maybe next spring.
  • @BPC It definitely is a bother. Apparently the way it works now, if you get a Tivo Premiere, Comcast will give you a multi-tuner card to stick in the back of it. May cost $2-8 a month to rent.

    Dish's DVR wasn't bad. Never seen Charter's or Comcast's, but the set top boxes are so awful, I don't want to see them :)
  • @Kelani I have to rent a cablecard? $8 fee from Comcast plus $16 monthly service fee from Tivo, that's $24 dollars a month! I think I am paying $14 a month for Dish's DVR service and the Hopper DVR comes with the subscription. I will stay with Dish! I have little to complain about the Hopper, but it's search feature is terrible. The filters don't work at all, my main reason for wanting a Tivo again.
  • @BPC, @Kelani, if you're looking to save a few bucks on a TiVo, you can get a used one on eBay with lifetime subscription for probably around $200. I paid mine $150 and very happy with it. No monthly fees, no nothing.

    Also, Comcast does not charge for the 1st cablecard, only additional ones.
  • When did TV get so complicated. The hardest TV decision we had when I was young was who had to go to the TV to change the channel. And channel surfing was easier. We only had three channels to choose from. lol

    Edit: And it was free too!!!
  • TV is free today as well. And over the air broadcasts are now in their purest form of High Def. Depending on where you live, you can get about 20 OTA channels.

    It's the people that got more complicated.
  • @BPC If you go with any cable co. you have to rent a cablecard or set-top box. The boxes are usually more expensive per month than the cards. If I had the funds, a Tivo Premiers with multi-stream (tuner) card would be what I'd use.

    @fenikus Aren't those mostly non-HD single-tuner models? That's what i have upstairs, and I can either record or watch a single channel, but not record one and watch another. Who wants that?

    Thanks for the DCB heads-up. I replied to it.

    @Rat We have an interesting development. @mpg973 replied to my re-request asking which space version he used for Anchors Aweigh. He says PC v2.0.0, which is Beak. That means one of these things must have happened, in decreasing order of likelihood:

    - He found another method
    - He's wrong about his Space version
    - He got that theoretical one in a billion shot I mentioned on the walkthrough.
    - What he thinks was Yesterday was really last year, due to alien abduction.
    - We're both wrong about AA being fixed.

    Also, I'm glad I'm just old enough to remember when I had more fingers than channels. And what a typewriter and busy signal sound like. Some college did an experiment a few years ago, they took a rotary phone into a 2nd-3rd grade class and asked them to figure out how to use it to make a call. Nobody could.
  • @Kelani I think you can eliminate option five. As I said, I took another look at it and couldn't come close to setting it up anymore. I used to be very good at getting it started. I think your best bet is option four.
  • You're right @funikus. The people changed. They now think it's a right, not a privilege, to have 500 TV channels, Mega-fast internet, and unlimited use smart phones. After they finish paying for all that, they're under the poverty level and feel they have another assistance from the people who still get up to change the channel. Ha ha ha I'm pretty well off, but even I don't have a smart phone yet. I can't justify the expense.
  • @fenikus nifty. I didn't think those would be so available.

    @Rat Hey now, those people who no longer get up to change channels are who makes sure you get that beautiful brown VA envelope every month :P

    I'm with you on smartphones. If you're not small or intl business, dealing with famil/kids, or trying to juggle waaaay too many girlfriends, they're pointless.
  • @Kelani Up until a few years ago, I'd have said you were wrong. They offset my retired pay on a dollar for dollar basis. In other words, I paid for my own check from the VA.
  • I don't have my life in my smartphone as people often say they do, but I do find mine pretty handy on some occasions. For example, you can't use Skype or Viber on a regular phone to talk to your family and friends abroad.

    I got my first smartphone only couple years ago. I needed a backup internet plan for my business. If my cable internet goes out, I turn on wi-fi hot spot on my phone and voila, I'm back in business. That's also pretty handy.
  • They're a great tool @funikus. It's the people who don't need them, but think they're entitled to them, that I'm talking about. You can spend some big bucks on phones, TV, and internet.
  • And some people who use them are also great tools :D
  • I'm a bit out of touch when it comes to smart phones. What does the average individual pay monthly for his phone, carrier access, long distance access, fed fees and taxes, enough minutes or unlimited, and WiFi? Upwards of $150-$200 a month? I have the perception that it can be a few thousand dollars a year. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  • @Rat I see commercials advertising $100-150/mo for a family of four, so I'd guess $30-60/mo, except the data limits are usually set very low so they can get you on overage charges.
  • Howdy friends;) I am boooooored out of my a yacht club event with no entertainment to speak of. Ya a radio or streaming music you can't even hear..I wanna go hoooommmeeee..
  • If you're content with 2GBs of data limit (which is plenty enough in my experience), t-mobile has a $45 unlimited talk/text plan. I personally pay $75/month because I need unlimited data with hotspot capability (just as a backup internet plan, no chronic need for that much data).
  • The family plans allow 2.5GB/phone, or 10GB total. I dunno, 2GB just seems low to me, unless they're cacheing a lot of sites and not counting towards the total.
  • @Kelani, that is more than plenty. Just browsing, checking emails, etc. doesn't consume that much data. And you're mostly going to be in a situation where you can connect your phone to wi-fi. Streaming Netflix without wi-fi, for example, will eat up your monthly allotment in like 1 hour though.
  • I'm not asking what the cost they advertise is. Normally after you get everything you need/want and tack on all the extra taxes, access charges, fed required fees(?), and so on, the cost is quite a bit more than the literature or commercially advertised cost. I'm curious what the average actual bill is for somebody with everything.
  • @Rat, my advertised bill is $74.99. After all the things you said, it comes out to 81.31 ($6.32 in: T-Mobile fees and charges & Government taxes and fees).
  • @Kelani, so why don't you have even a simple cell phone? Just don't want the expense or can't get the signal in dem dere Appalachians?
  • @fenikus I guess because I just don't need one. I don't know anyone around here except family, and we see each other almost daily to work out grandma scheduling. Signal's no problem since Google built a data center on my street. They wanted to install a lot of high-capacity cell/microwave/godknowswhat towers, and are required to share with the town.

    Heh, the last cell phone I owned took 320x240 GIF(!) images and 15 sec.(!!) video clips, if that tells you anything :)
  • I've considered getting an Android phone just so I can have all the platforms covered :>
  • @Kelani, what if you get stranded on the side of a road in the middle of the night? $100 a year (to buy prepaid minutes) would get you that piece of mind.
  • @fenikus everything I need around here is 1-4 miles away. It's be quicker to push the car home than wait for an auto club to arrive :)

    edit: If I moved, or had a long commute, then I'd definitely need one.
  • Apropos, I started researching how and why to root an android phone. Planning on rooting my phone soon, sounds like a lot of fun.
  • @fenikus Linux-y things are *always* fun :D I do hate that you have to do it to enable things that should be enabled already, though.
  • Well, compared to iPhones, android phones are much more tinker friendly even without rooting. You have to jailbreak an iPhone just to bloody connect it to a laptop.
  • That's true. When Apple does market research for a product, I think they take the requested features list, trash the top 10, then add everydamnthing else.
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