The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2359
  • I don't see Stella at the IOS store yet... oh well.

    G'night all!
  • I took back the trophy @Ma. But I've only partially got my new strategy to work. There's another 5k there if I can work out the bugs.
  • @BPC search for angry birds stella and scroll down about 10 rows. If you have 3 titles per row, it's on the right.

    @SweetP I didn't see that screen on ios
  • This game redefines the word Cute.


    edit: level 10 is a PITA to 3*
  • Good morning to you guys. Just pop in for a second. You all know my holiday is over, this means that I have hardly time to fling or enjoy the BP.
    So @Kathy, I wasn't in yesterday and I won't be today.
    Anyway, everybody have a good day
  • Time to crawl into bed and do a little bit of Stella flinging! This is gonna take awhile to get used to this game. Good night everyone!

    @kelani, I think that screen appears only for Google Play Store users. I declined it anyway. I don't need anyone knowing what I do with my time, unless I want them to. This is probably why I refuse to use Google Chrome. I usually fling in airplane mode anyway, so I don't have to see those annoying ads. anyway, have fun with the Stella game. I'm getting used to it, just hope I do better at scoring on my second time through. I'm kinda stuck at #11 for now, just need a little bit more finesse. Night-night!
  • Level 10 took me awhile to 3* too! I got 94,960 on that one. Do you need some breadcrumbs that might help?
  • Hello @all

    @rat I never mentioned I overtook you in TT (this time) you must be imagining things!
    And unless I'm mistaken, are you trying to sneak into first again? Your GC score is higher than your ABN score;-)

    No Stella for me. I have to draw the line somewhere
  • I might have missed an input last week @HunnyBunny. I'll check. Thanks for keeping my score up to date.
  • No probs @rat I like to know where the competition is!
  • Off for my walk, to see lots of NATO warships congregated in Cardiff Bay for the summit.
  • I got my strategy to work on BI-32 @Kathy. I think you'll be happy with what I did to the trophy thief. Good luck.
  • Your completion is flinging in Space for a while @HunnyBunny. Two dadgum whippersnappers have been whittling away at my lead. I'll come back once you're happy with your scores. I still think you need to get the twenty points keeping you from the top ten badge. I mean can't get 20 points? lol
  • Anyone looked at the new Stella? It's a really weird game. Birds as much as you want, no score on screen - so the last thing you want is to kill the pigs. Don't think of spending much time on it.
  • @bernersenn the unlimited birds thing is just for the first 4-5 levels.
  • @fenikus uh oh. tinostar11 just reported something that sounds very DCB-ish on Stella 3-1. I hope I just read it wrong.

    edit: crap. I didn't. Looks like the Rio DCB may have spread to wherever Stella lives.
  • @Mumsie double-counted bonus birds. It's a bug that's existed in Rio since 2012. A few months back, me, fenikus and sweetP figured out what causes it and that it can be used to get unlimited scores on any level. Been trying to get Rovio to fix it ever since, without much luck, I'm afraid.
  • I think it may be limited to the first five endless-birds levels. It's not the same DCB as Rio, but it's still a DCB. One neat twist. If you time it wrong, you don't get ANY bonus. That's different. :)
  • Boy, that didn't take long. Congratulations on breaking through the 100k barrier on level 8-32 @Burpie. Also, welcome to the 32 million club in Space. You're currently only the second member. But look out!! @Romo's hungry and coming up fast.
  • Congrats on the first place in Timber Tumble, @Hunnybunny. So have you reached all your goals there or still have some to accomplish?
  • Yeah Mrs. Bunny. Inquiring minds want to know when it will be safe to venture into the forest again.
    I've heard rumors of a "Python"esque rabbit that roams those woods.
  • @fenikus @rat
    That'll be telling......
  • @Hunnybunny, if one of your goals was to prove that actions speak louder than words -- you've succeeded :-)
  • @rat I like python-esque
    Implies I'm racing snake fit lol
  • @fenikus @rat
    I'll have to leave you wondering
    Very early to bed for me tonight. Having seen the NATO warships today, I need to be up an hour earlier than normal to walk down to the Cardiff barrage for the NATO plane fly past tomorrow morning.
    Must be done. I'll never see it again
  • Until WW3!
  • Bite your tongue @Kelani.
  • The python-esque moniker fits you @HunnyBunny. You're being very successful at squeezing every point possible out of TT. And you say I never give you a compliment. lol
    You're a silent slithering sneaky snake. Btw, have you ever heard of the white footed Rabbit-Rat? Also called the Rabbit-eared Tree-rat. I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't. They're extinct now. The snakes liked em.
  • I wanna see a Tree-eared Rat-Rabbit.
  • Being a tree-rat would make catching those Rio marmosets easier @Kelani. But some snakes already ate all my cute white-footed bunny-eared relatives.
    Me. I'm going to stick with Rabbit Stew. Not enough meat in Welsh Rabbit.
  • If you find any stew ingredients, let me have the leftovers. I could really use a pair of bunny fur/hide slippers for those cold floors in the morning. It'd give Swipe something to play with, too.
  • @all -- No Stella for me for another week and 1/2, at least. By then it should be obvious if it's worth while.
    As you may remember, I've mostly caught up on the AB episodes on which I lost progress. Unfortunately, that reminded me that there were non-AB, even non-Rovio games where I lost some progress. Quit 3 of them cold-turkey this morning (deleted entire game) to save myself from wasting too much time. Trying very hard to ignore the others, which I like better. Gaah!
  • I mostly like Stella so far You can bypass the ads within 5 seconds. Don't like that your score isn't shown, or the wall of smoke delays. But, if you play to the first wall and watch 2-3 10-second videos, you'll have enough coins to continue. That leaves plenty of coins to bypass the second wall of smoke.

    In the Rovio survey about it, one of the questions was something like "Do you think the graphics are childish?" I guess they noticed that as well. It's definitely a girly game, even the only boy bird sounds like a girl, and he starts crying whenever his ABC blocks fall over.
  • Um, @Kelani. Couldn't you turn off your wi-fi to avoid those pesky ads? I was getting quite annoyed by them, when I remembered to use airplane mode on my tablet.

    edit: What first five endless birds level in Stella? How does that happen, erm, trigger it?
  • @SweetP The first 5 levels, there's only one bird. Once you fling it, another one appears in the sling. If you fling them into the ground, they keep appearing.

    On my ipad, airplane mode doesn't always turn off wifi for some reason. I turned it on so I could watch the videos and get coins.
  • @SweetP Yep, you got it. It took me forever to replicate. You and justpast40 are the only two android users who've gotten it.

    edit: I thought it was funny when I got it the other way. Only 16k. :)
  • I think those DCB bugs are out to get me. At least the normal Rio DCB doesn't seem to happen here. I tried it for an hour after seeing that glitch.
  • Grr. mpg793 just claimed to get Anchors Aweigh. On a PC no less. He has to be using an old version.
  • Aww, @kelani that's just fodder for you to go and get one, too!

    I'm enjoying this Stella game too much, I lose track of time! My poor pups, waiting for me to feed them ages ago! I haven't seen them clean out their bowls so quickly, you'd think they were starving. LOL
  • Yup, I think we're going to see some really outrageous scores, and players unaware of the glitch are going to blow up the leaderboards...again!
  • @SweetP I've never been able to get it, not for lack of trying :) Also, I've been posting since March that I think it's impossible to get now, and I still think it was fixed in the Beak release.

    Heh, my animals don't let it get that far. If they can see the bottom of their bowls, I hear about it.

    edit: At least on the first 5 levels. The real problem's gonna be people using that damn hammer.
  • mpg973 only has Space scores entered through Utopia, so he may have an old version.
  • You gotta be kidding me.

    First smoke delay: 1 hour/100 coins
    Second smoke delay: 2 hours/300 coins
    third smoke delay: 5 hours/600 coins

    Those are gonna be week-long delays before too long.
  • You're smart enough to get an older version of Pig Dipper @Kelani. But you're not going to get Anchors Aweigh with the latest version. It's just not there anymore. Just make sure to stop it before it goes too high unless you want Apple to drop your scores.

    I see you're making some headway in BI #2. You might want to take a look at 8-32. I improved my score by almost 7k last night. I left bread crumbs that @Burpie was able to follow.
  • Night Ma
  • @Rat I have an older version, just not a spare computer to install it on, and it won't work in a virtual machine. of course you can't get it anymore, I asked you to check it, remember? :P

    edit: but thanks for backing me up.

    I haven't made any points in BI2 in almost 2 months. Will check out 82, though. I could use some.
  • Smoke delay? What smoke delay do you speak of @kelani?
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