The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2344
  • @kelani odd question. How old is Grandma?
  • Btw, as mr @rat doesn't answer my question about really removing the post with the bbc article. Anyone of you an opinion to this? She isn't in yet, don't want to spoil her day eather
  • @kelani -- The orchestra cancellation works a lot better in theory than reality. There are just way to many necessary conditions. Not to mention you would need to figure out over what volume in space the cancellation occurred. Is it a plane, or does it have a 3rd dimension??? Left as an exercise for the student, who is advised to have a lot of pain-killer on standby.
    @bernersenn -- ABN has always said that you can post scores on the leaderboards without giving a strategy. You are not supposed to "post" your score (i.e., make a comment) on the walkthrough page without adding something to the discussion of strategies. If you get a top score and someone questions it, you are almost always asked to submit a screenshot.
    Although I think people should share their strategies, I agree that it should not be a requirement.
    As for being required to post a screenshot for a top score, I can imagine that the admins would be swamped trying to keep track of all of them.
  • @mvnla2 No kidding :) I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to set up that demonstration. Even if it was simplified to just two computer-controlled keyboards outputting to phase-matched reference monitors , it'd be migraine-inducing ;)

    edit @mvnla2 My thought was, the admins wouldn't need to actively police high score screenshots. If a user happened to see a high score without a screenshot, then they could notify the admins. Worst case, it's the same process as it is now.
  • @mvnla2 I know that it is this way. The last thing I want is to swamp the admins. They now already do a very good job. It's just a frustration that once in a while comes up.
    @kelani I'm just the opposite, when someone cracks my highscore with a new strat I had published I get a good feeling about my thinking.
  • @bernersenn I think @Rat was kidding. Besides, I posted a scarier wasp nest link a few posts below yours. If you're concerned, edit the post to say WARNING KATHY: Scary Picture. :)

    edit: exactly. I think all of us here enjoy helping others. :) Some people are just wired differently. Different priorities.
  • @hunnybunny followed your instructions. #2 on the level now including strats and pictures. Eureka
  • @kelani now you are kidding about the warning? I'm getting confused here. Remember, I don't wanna hurt people
  • @kelani I know I told you that before, I was telling @bernersenn what I told you before
    @mvnla sorry missed the musical comments, must try and catch up
  • Now I am really confused! What level @bernersenn ??
  • @bernersenn I'm kidding. Nobody in here is more terrified by wasps than me, and I survived. :)
  • @kelani who isn't it? It hurts tremendous, makes you sick for a few days. Every time much, much more. Who needs this creatures anyway?
  • @hunnybunny missed your post. Grandma just turned 87 in july.
  • Well, that's it for me. Nighty nighty to you all
  • @bernersenn Something about my body chemistry makes all kinds of wasps try to land on my face. Anytime I go outside in the summer, I have to carry an aerosol can so I can spray them when they come in for a landing. I'm lucky, though. There are people whose body chemistry makes any wasps within 100m attack them. That would be hell to live with.
  • @kelani That pic soooo cute, what on earth were you worried about? May I? *pat pat* and very nice too! On the other hand @Rubbermaid sounds very un-PC. . is this something kinky I don't know about?

    This is where I'm staying:

    You're welcome to join me!

    @root_beer_etc Similar in the UK is "dandelion and burdock", also made from roots, as are ginger ales/ beers. The well-known "Canada Dry" is the source of the oft-repeated joke that someone - like @rat, to pick a name at random - "is drinking Canada dry". . .

    @JLZ666 So sorry dearest that your cats have health problems. . i know the worry and anguish we feel over our pets. . .

    Busy day tomorrow, i leave you a little playlist meantime:

    Jupiter the cat answers your questions:


    Bye bye Paris, , ,

    . . . hello Wengen

    Nighty night, @all xoxo
  • OMGiraffe (is that the correct way to say G*d without offending anyone?)

    I had a busy day today. I'm confused, I'm blonde (only I can say that!), probably didn't read back properly....

    I obviously offended @kathy yesterday with my jibe about @fenikus Sorry

    I got totally confused with @kelani @bernersenn talking about different levels

    And I failed to mention, that my challenge score, in Space, is better than Rat's 'Hee, bloody, hee'
    Sorry if I offended anyone with that (well not really @rat)

    I'll try better tomorrow, promise
  • @hunnybunny I wonder if OMGiraffe is offensive to the other ungulates? (deer, pigs, dolphins, hippos). I bet if they could talk, they'd all have something to say about a giraffe being the divine one. :o)
  • Ok not so bad only 2 pages to catch up lol!
    OB I'll have a Budight please while i do some reading:)
    *settles into @Estar favorite booth *
    Hmm I should get my own booth one of these days.. but Estar booth sooooo comfy:)
  • Oh right, it's Friday. 36 hours of talking to myself. No, wait! I heard @Kathy sneak in. :)
  • @kelani sorry I fell asleep kinda quickly and missed your Stella preview..I actually woke up at2:30 a.m sitting up with a crook in my neck:(
    That's as far as I got. .I lost my glasesbrb
  • I'm here @kelani i just can't seee atm.. for a min..
  • @kelani -- It's Labor Day Weekend, so there could well be an extra day by yourself.
    @all -- I've been trying to 3* all the episodes I lost progress on. Gaah! Don't remember some of them being so hard, especially Death Star 2! Not even trying to get above average, but still missing 3* on 2 levels. I think they must have made them harder somehow??? (I don't really believe that.) But boy, one-birders that require a lot of luck, i.e. hitting exactly the right pixel at exactly the right angle are sure a PITB (couldn't bring myself to make the last letter A).
    Still have all of Rio 2 to go, but have gotten through most of the others.
  • Found em' hi @Kelani ;) your not alone I'm trying ti catch up:/
    @bernersenn no worries about the wasps thing. .I read all my notifications from here so i was forewarned before checking in to know Not to click on your link :) but thank you for being so sweet of being so considerate as to not expose Me to such things. No Mr. Rat was not kidding things like that (idk what exactly it was) but they give me nightmare. .so ty for your consternation. Also as @Kelani said you could just post * Warning Kathy don't look here*
  • Lol @Kelani aka as Jenkins ? Soory bout that it's a new one lol..I found my glasses now lol
    @mvnla2 is right is labor day but lol to me that means a three day weekend with no work and not much else to do. So its me and you kid..
    Do you have your HiPad back?
  • @mvnla2 do you have a previous back up? Sorry if I missed it did you lose everything?
  • I've felt that also @mvnla2 with each new update it seems the levels get harder:(
  • @hunnybunny you didn't offend me about anything? Good luck with your top ten:)
  • And @mvnla2 I remember you saying about the piano lessons ; ) I took them also as a teen.

    Good for you for sticking with it.i sure wish i did.
    Good luck with the recital:) just take deep breaths and imagine your alone in your practice room! ! Bet you'll do great!
  • Hmm now I'm alone:( never alone with you OB I'll have a Marmoset killer please:)
  • I give up on the catch up.. I'll take an @Kelani recap.. if he dares lol..
  • @mvnla2 That's OK. I can use the time to finish and post the cursed levels project. :)

    @Kathy Jenkins? lol. I thought you'd invited someone else here.

    edit: Noooo way. :) I actually didn't get to pay much attention today. :(
  • No @kelani lol that's the new you. .haha sorry. .
  • darnit. I'd rather be Kenobi. Jenkins can stay associated with that Leeroy Jenkins meme from world of warcraft.
  • ooh, 10 points to Fling King
  • I'll edit @kelani idk warcraft but doesn't sound good:(
  • Get your butt to walkthrough @kelani 10 points! ! Or you could just wait till tomorrow automatic; )
  • Edited done:) no more mr. Jenkins lol..
  • yay thanks @Kathy :) I don't know WoW either. Just heard of the Leeroy thing somewhere.

    edit: ooh Tattooine #5 and #5 score is... @Kathy!
  • Np @kelani uhm. What do you mean tatoonie #5 #5 is me?
  • @Kathy #5 is the challenge today, and your score is #5th place. For now. :D
  • Ohhh ya lol for now.m there goes my overall #10 rank:(
  • All my score in SW have gone down the tubes since mev and Kimmie quest but hey we had real lot of fun!! And we did awesome. . Before all these power up happy flngers came along.
    All i care is Me and my Pahtnah had fun We conquered SW and that's a memory I'll never forget:)
    Mwahhhhhh me miisss you @Kimmiecv :(
  • @Kathy yeah I wish I'd been around for that. All of your walkthrough shenanigans cracked me up when I did Jedi.

    Hm, I just noticed my SW is still 1.5.0 The last thing released for PC was that RotC big update, but the updater says no new software. Guess i'll have to go download it again.
  • Lol @Kelani we got in *a wee bit of speaking to *duringv those days lol
    Ubmm what is RotC update? Id be careful updating anything before you complete it.m you don't want a 'bug fix'
  • I'm gonna concentrate on flinging for a bit. .but I'll be lurking kel.m
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