The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2321
  • OK, I just cleared the level, got 5th place. 4th-2nd are 20-600 points ahead. That's plausible. But #1 is 1,080 points ahead. I'm not buying it :)
  • @fenikus hi there. I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, nice to know there are some people from this region on this site.
  • @Brony I understand a lot of reasons to stop flinging or leave the nest. There are a million of them. Everything from I hate the other flingers to I'm just plain bored with it. But becoming a "My Little Pony" fan is too much for me to wrap my brain around. ha ha You will be missed Nimh. All the best.

    Princess Starlight Twinkles REALLY?????
  • @rat I'd say that @brony is either kidding with folks here or is still kid, in which case is not old enough to be member of this site. I can0t believe anyone older then six y/o girl to be mega fan of My Little Pony.
  • But they're sooo cute @cosmo2503. How can you resist the pretty colors? ha ha
  • Good morning all! Seriously @FBB not My little Pony ? Maybe not just for girls but definitley for very young kids? I thought you were in your teens , or has someone hijacked your account?
    Not making fun but i don't i understand.
  • Off to work have a fantabulous flinging day everyone !!
  • But I really am fbb, I could prove it to you
  • OK @Brony. What color is your character? And you're right FBB. The bottom left picture is scary. How can such a cute pony blow away the dark pony with a confetti cannon and still have that devious smile on her face while she does it. That pony has issues!!
    Death by a thousand cuts (of confetti).
  • Black and orange color, his power is explode, appears in AB Space
  • And that is Pinkie Pie, the craziest and most hyperactive pony in the show, she laughs almost at everything
  • I'm afraid we've lost FBB. He's run away from the dark side and into the light of the cute colorful ponies. May your cute little pony run fast, jump high, and kill his fellow ponies with great efficiency @Brony. Long live the colorful ponies, death to the dark ponies.
    Wait a this a racist game? Are all the bad ponies dark colored?

    .........................................................*INAPPROPRIATE TOPIC ALERT*............................................................

    Over here, I can't even enjoy an old classic good guy/bad guy Western movie any more. The NAACP decided that the white hat wearing good guy was a social statement about keeping down the black hat wearing bad guy. Give me a break. And while you're at it, how about changing that name. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? Really! How is that not offensive? lol It's OK because it's old and established you say? Tell that to the Washington Redskins. I hope I live long enough to see people just called people. Not black, white, red, yellow, brown or rainbow colored people...just people. In the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can we all just get along?".

    *The preceding message is the opinion of Rat and does not represent the views of, nor is it endorsed by, the ABN.*
  • Well bye, you guys have fun flinging the birds while I enjoy the fandom's fanarts, musics, comics, fanfictions, animations, etc :v
  • @rat good news, I agree with you, why can't people just be people?
    Bad news, you're #2
  • @Rat You should also CC: your rant to the United Negro College Fund. Thye could use that memo as well.

    edit: I can't remember the official name, but there is an actual charity org. in Saudia Arabia that translates to "Charity for Women and other Troublemakers".

    @All I don't watch My Little Pony, but there is a sizable adult fan club. Look around, and you will find photos of morbidly obese and disheveled older men wearing MLP accessories. You can google it, but I wouldn't recommend it.
  • Dobar dan @cosmo2503, fancy meeting you here and welcome to BP :-) Where in BiH do you hail from? I was born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia but I actually live in United States now, came here loooong time ago when it was still good ol' YU.
  • @Kelani, actually not all bronies looked like that, we have many different kinds of people, those are just stereotypical images of brony that made by the haters. We are not the "fat 30 years old man who lives with their parents and horribly obsessed with ponies" type. The ones you see that dress as ponies are the cosplayer, they do that at Comic-Con and conventions.
  • Good evening to you all. First of all congrats to @kathy, very good flinging.
    I think I got myself a present last Monday brought from the mountains. Abdominal pain, constipation, fever. Physician: virus. Argh
  • @FBB I know, bronies exist in all shapes, sizes and ages. My point was the ones that seem to do the most pic uploading are 60+ yr old men who look like drunken redneck Santa Clauses. It's not unique to MLP. Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon also have their fair share.
  • @bernersenn You must've gotten ahold of a bad Swiss Miss! (I meant the cocoa. Really! ;D ) I'm kidding, Sorry to hear that, man. :( Are you back home yet? I'm glad it didn't show up at the start of your vacation.
  • @kelani next saturday we are heading home. They told me here that it has to do with the radiation of the sun on high altitude. The temperature is much lower, so you don't feel the heat of the sun. This combination reduces your immune system. Within 2-3 days it should be passed. Perhaps tomorrow.
  • @kelani I think the culture in eastern countries is so different to our own that sometimes we just don't understand it. I watched a programme on Japan the other night. Seeing grown women dressed as Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty, et al, was weird, but when they started to make little animal gestures with their hands and go "ee, ee, ee," I was seriously disturbed. Here they'd be off to the nut house, there they were revered for their ingenuity in costumes, etc.

    End of lecture

    TT is calling, all chores done for today! And us female flingers need to lead the BP pack to further glory lol ;-)
  • @bernersenn sorry to hear that. Try to enjoy the rest of your holiday as much as you can. Even sitting around looking at the glorious views and patting your fabulous dogs sounds pretty good to most of us
  • @hunnybunny you're right and that is what we do. Still hope tomorrow is all gone.
  • @bernersenn I never thought of that. Makes sense. Hope it passes quickly. :)

    @hunnybunny I get what you're saying, but these grungy men I speak of were quite American :P It's all stupid learned behavior. For us, MLP, HK and the color pink are for girls, cos society says so. But in 1900, baby boys wore pink, and baby girls wore blue. :)
  • @kathy @rat I got all nostalgic for a moment, remembering the kids that used to come in here. Bubbleslover, TAS, AngerManagement, the guy from Bangladesh who loved cricket, and FBB, and I expect you'll remember others.
    I expect, like FBB, they grew out of their AB addiction, whereas we seem to be stuck with it.

    Am I avoiding TT #7 and TT #10 ?
    You bet I am!
    Be strong, Bunny, face your demons.......
  • @kelani I'm a blue girl. I hate pink, always have done. And I know what you're saying. Equally weird.......
  • @Hunnybunny Dunno about the others, but @Bubbles was here 3 weeks ago. She didn't have much net access where she was, or something. I like her, she made me my very own Spambot:

    Yep, cultural norms are silly things. :) They make ordinarily rational people like @funikus refer to my old car as girly.
  • Kel, I must have missed Bubbles, love the SpamBot
  • PS @kelani he used to drive a YUGO for goodness sake
  • Wahahahahaha…YUGO was a gender neutral car. It was just a metal box on wheels.
  • @fenikus it was gender neutral because no gender wanted to be associated with it :P
  • @fenikus so what gender is your Audi? A1 or R8 spider? A little boy car, or big girly fast car?
  • I'm back. #7 and #10 have done me in
  • According to Forbes, more women buy Audis.
  • She's an A6. Fairly big, dependable car for people that like luxury and occasional good handling in curves :-)
  • Sorry folks, gotta run. @Kathy gets to keep her HH crown for another day.
  • @fenikus enjoy wherever your running to :-)
  • Hee hee haven't tried HTML for ages.....
  • *gold star* A+ :)
  • @kelani failed on a colourful one :-(
  • @kelani AM must be about 18 now, he knew everything about everything. Remind you of a little Kel?

    And what do we do? Poach elephants? Behead journalists and Sri Lankan maids? Progress? Certainly there's evidence the crime rate has decreased since we stopped putting lead in petrol. And have you never been camping? That field is a pretty big toilet!

    Blue, please :-)
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