The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2322
  • @hunnybunny honestly? I didn't become an annoying noitall until my late 20s. For some reason, my brain gained the ability to remember anything, so long as it's inane or useless.
  • @kelani annoying? You? Never!
  • I did a "half Rat" last night. No sleep, but unfortunately no amazing flinging to go with it. So early to bed for me

    Goodnight Kel, OB, and any lurkers.
  • @kelani if you annoyed me I wouldn't waste my time talking to you ;-)
  • @hunnybunny or you could secretly be a masochist :P

    'nightybunny. Don't forget your html snippet on the previous page :)
  • Hi @cosmo53 longgg time no see ((((hugs)))))
    Pa I totally agree with the whole 'inappropriate Topic' lol 'nuff said'
    @hunnybunny real subtle haha good news..bad news you kick a man when he's down even..!
    Nice flinging congrats! !
    Thanks @bernersenn:)sorry your not feeling well..hope it passes soon:(
  • @Kathy I dunno about glittery ponies, but cartoons definitely aren't just for kids anymore. Cartoon Network has a program block at night called Adult Swim. Some of it's cutesy anime, but the shows definitely aren't littlekid-friendly, even though they still watch 'em.
  • Skipped the car talk. . And the html stuff
    @hunnybunny waaayyy back in the day we had a lot of teens. .so many we created their own BP junior forum. .but a alas that got out of control quickly. .
    Thanks @fenikus .. only 7 thousand left to find !!
    OB I'll have a Double Flyin' Marmoset with a ginger ale chaser..(to hold them down)
  • I know @kelani I haven't watched CN for a long time.. actually never lol. But old fat men watching mlp and dressing up? Very strange..very strange. Makes me worry for innocent teens ya know m
  • @Kathy I think it's the ponies who should be worried. :P
  • Hello the BP.
    I had the weirdest dream. It was about a bunny that kept going and going and going....almost like a blue energizer bunny commercial. It kept pounding on my head saying "Nothing beats the Energizer Bunny". More of a nightmare really. Thank goodness it was only a dream.
  • Roflmao !! Hi @Pa :)
  • Ackkkkkk !! @kelani you gotta Warn me before posting a link like that! !!
    Warning Very Disturbing don't click on kel's link above! !
  • I see @fenikus has picked up a couple points ;)
  • Ohoh that parlson is creeping up.. did we get verification of his scores?
    This should be the leaderboards guardian forum. .lol..
    Hey That's an idea @kelani! ! Start a forum for leaderboard guardian. .anyone who has questions on Any scores can post there. .that way admin can check in there also. .easy for them quicker for members !!
  • @Kathy Aw, it's just a smiley bunny. :D I'm kidding, Frank scares me too.

    re: qcparlons or whatever his name is, I've never seen any verification of his scores, or anyone even ask.

    I think a forum for that would be a train wreck. With all the games and scores that'd be funneled there, I could see each new score questioning post landing in the middle of lots of arguments. :)
  • Yikes! It wasn't a dream. She's baaaa...cck!
    I thought y'all were basically through with TT before I started. Ha! I just came over because y'all wanted more BP representation at the top. Now Mrs. Bunny wants to play again. That's OK. Y'all left lots of points laying around.
    What's your end game goal Mrs. Bunny? "Three point nine million" you say? I don't think I can do that.

    @Kathy You've almost joined a very very VERY elite AB club with your scores in HH. All levels in the top ten. You're so close. WTG
  • Your right @kelani. Lol I thought the same thing right after i posted it!! Can you imagine! !
    But maybe a structured forum somehow. .idk..
    Anyway ya fair warning on scaryv things before my bedtime would be appreciated:)
  • @Pa thanks. .I still got a couple above the top 10... I'm working on them... unfortunate my tablet acting up again. .low on Battery.. I've ordered a new charger. .(the original one that came With it) will arrive tomorrow so hopefully I'll be flinging again in full force:)
    For tonight . I'm going to bed early. M
  • @Rat I was in that club on Beak1 & 2 for the first three days :P
  • @Kathy, it sounds like cosmo is a BP old-timer? When I said hi back to him/her this morning, I said "welcome to BP"…how presumptuous of me. Oh well, some extra hospitality never hurt nobody.
  • No @fenikus that's o.k Cosmo only been in here once or twice so aWelcome is good:) not abp regular. .no worries. I really just know her from around the site and the seniors forum; )
  • Yes I think that we need to question Parlson qc scores.. all of a sudden up the boards with a couple#1 scores. .check #6
    Night night
  • Night Ma
    That club has a stipulation attached to it @Kelani. The episode has to have been out for at least a month to allow flingers to complete it and enter their scores. Sorry.

    Those restrictions were identified when we broached the idea for a top 25, 10, even 5 badge.
  • There's a seniors forum on ABN? @Kelani, we should crash that place, lol.
  • ParlonsQC is a solid Rio flinger that often contributes great strategies.
  • Btw @Kelani. I've never succeeded in getting all levels into the top five. I had one lone six holdout that kept me from attaining that honor.
  • @fenikus I think we already have :P

    @Rat Once PC TT/HH comes out, I may have a shot. Beak'll take a year.
  • The seniors forum is a hoot @fenikus. A lot of jokes get passed around in there. Or at least they used to. I haven't been there in a while.

    @Mumsie loves to tell jokes.
  • Ha, I see cosmo actually started that forum. It says you need to be over 40 so I guess I qualify to pass some jokes around. Sorry @Kelani, you'll have to wait a year.
  • @fenikus oh...darn :P
  • Except for that TNT, ball, little box and stone in the water, you cleared the level.

    That hard as heck part makes me wonder how so many people have gotten it.
  • @Kelani, when some of the stones fall to the left side life preservers, they bounce around and rack up like 1K per bounce. So it's theoretically possible but on my TD run all of the stones fell straight down and destroyed each other.
  • p.s. did you ever get that aftershave puppy?
  • @fenikus I also think it's possible, just unusual when the only 5 people who got that elusive perfect shot are all new/unknown people.

    Also, dkey/Doreen only has two scores entered in all of Rio. One is #1 in HH 15. Her other score is a #2 in GB 5.
  • @fenikus No :( It's kinda hard when the top score's freakin impossible :) A few people came close, using my posted strategy, of course :P

    edit: I know that one's impossible. Most of SW doesn't have the crumble factor. Gravity is too low.
  • Not gonna get one on today's challenge either. Using the best strategy, I almost cleared the level, got 125k. Top scores are 137k.
  • @Kelani, do you know how does that work…like DKey posted on HH 15 as Doreen and the score is not showing next to the name? But if you look at DKey activity, it shows that post. Weird.
  • @fenikus that is weird, unless posts are tracked by IP and assigned to the matching profile, or when you're logged out it reads a cookie or something.

    edit: The Doreen post means she was logged out at the time.
    edit2: Doreen is a female name :P
  • I think I know…when you're not signed in, ABN asks you for Name and Email Address when you comment in walkthroughs. So she probably entered her email address associated with her ABN username.
  • Sounds good to me. I guess it also doesn't show the score because the name used wasn't dkey.
  • {whine}GRR HH3. Today I tied my current score twice in a row, then a few mins later, I missed it by 10 points. {endwhine}
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