The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2298
  • Sweet Dreams @TomPuss and @Jlz666 :)
  • Awww Man....
    *gone flinging* BBFNIMCBLIDKBPW ;)
  • Roflmao love the 'oprah' @ Jlz666 hee hooo it does look like her I see the confusion haha
    And great anagrams @kelani I specially like 'sup Toms ' heeehee..
    I'm having Absolutely Nooo luck in HH..I think i dont want another 'bunny pep talk' also i better get my butt moving! !
  • @Kathy Glad you got your charger fixed. I must've missed something. Why is a bunny pep talk a bad thing? Does she hop up and down on your head or something?

    My HH luck lasted one day. I'm getting to where if stuff's not falling right in one episode, I just go play another. Sometimes it seems to work better.

    edit: correction #12 just threw me a bone
  • @Kelani, I don't think I'm an AB savant but what you see in my videos is how I play all the time -- not much time spent on precise aiming (there are some rare levels that are exceptions). But I always play 100% focused on the game -- no watching TV, no multitasking, and if I'm not able to keep focus I stop playing. That's probably why I was flabbergasted when you mentioned that you played HH 8 level at least 3,000 times…I'd say I played it maybe 300 times so far.
  • Uhmmm Yep @Kelani that's a close description of a bunny pep talk lol!! Just kidding she's actually a great motivational speaker :)
  • @fenikus well, a lot of those attempts were about 5 seconds long. I'd miss the first or second shot and reset. Normally I get used to making a certain shot and don't need to aim, but when #1 needs good aim and precise timing, and #2 needs precise aim, that process sometimes screws up :)
  • Think I'm gonna take a nap..:/
  • @fenikus @kelani -- Fenikus -- What did Tesla have to do with the Niagara Falls power plant?
    Kelani -- Was going to ask why you don't like Edison, but you explained. Very interesting.
  • @all -- Back from vacation. Need to work on photos and report. Just caught up with the last couple of days; probably have missed a few.
    Got through all the available levels of Epic, maybe not all 3*
  • @mvnla2 welcome back, hope you had a great time. :) Yeah, I'm not an Edison fan. He did a lot of unsavory things, but public electrocutions of dogs, cats and an elephant was a deal breaker for me.
  • @Sweetp if you pop in can you check out the #1 score on Hdden Harbor i don't think 96000 is possible?
  • Welcome back @mvnla2 :) looking forward to pics and report..
    Nice job on Epic.I still haven't quite figure it out .I really didn't give it much of a chance.
  • @Kathy I don't think 96k is possible either. That guy has four #1 or #2 scores on HH.
  • Ya @kelani ? I hadn't checked his other scores must be using PU's :/
  • @Kathy only those 4 are high. The rest are 26th-106th place. btw, did you see your nap/road sign link about 10 posts up? :)

    ok, sleepytime here. Dog had issues last night, so I only got 3 hrs sleep.
  • No I saw the link @kelani I thought it was just blue by mistake lol.
    Hope Pattycakes has a better night tonight and kelanicakes gets some rest. .
    Sweet Dreams nightly night. .
  • Hello @all, how are you doing?
    For myself, I'm not doing so good. Rather frustrated and angry (like an angry bird)!
  • What's wrong @Sweetp ?
  • That is a good series @fenikus can't say I've caught all the episodes but they have a series on the History Channel on Comcast. I've seen a few good ones:)
  • @fenikus I thought i saw somewhere you had tips on level #5 HH ? I can't find where i saw them and i don't see in walkthrough? Help..
    Ooohh and a it's Tuesday !!
    *sets baskets of earplugs on the bar and booths., and the table at the entrance *
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee away everyone !!
    OB I'll have a quick nightcap then . .. bedtime ireally wish I didn't take that nap:(
  • Thanks for putting out the earplugs @Kathy. Everyone please use them, now.



    Whew! That made me feel a little bit better.
  • People can be such a$$holes! My mailbox was broken into and stole all my mail today! Grrrr!

    A freakin' LOCKING mailbox and now it's unusable because some $%*(&@+ low-life decided that they wanted to steal MY mail, and probably a couple of the neighbors' too.

    I was taking my dog for a walk, and started towards the mailboxes then noticed that two of the doors on them were open, mine and a neighbor's. When I got there, not only was the door open, but the jerk yanked open the locking panel.
  • Awww @Sweetp ((((hugs))))))♡♡
  • No way! ! @Sweetp didn't that Happen once before? Or maybe it was ssomeone else m
    Hey maybe it was a good samaritan Who will pay all the bills for you ...:/ sorry trying to find spark of reason for such a thing; (
  • Yes, it happened around Christmas time, remember? That's why we went and got a locking mailbox. Well, that didn't deter them at all! Crap, I am SOOOO mad!
  • That really sux @sweetp ; ( I'm sorry you have to deal with that headache Again:(
  • Haha, @Kathy. Thanks for the (((hugs))) and the good thought. Although, I think someone wants to steal our identities! I reported it to the sheriff's dept. but I don't know if anyone is going to bother to call me back. I've also made a report to the US Postal Service, and hopefully someone will contact me.

    Tomorrow I'm going to the post office and ask that they hold all our mail so that I can go and pick it up there daily. What a FREAKIN' HASSLE this is! UGH, I hate people that can't do something better with their lives.
  • Ikr that is a hassle having to go pick it up everyday I Can't believe they actualy broke into your Locked mailbox. .I hope they catch that succer is a Federal Offense..!! Bye bye succer...jeez what the heck do these type of people hope to find. You really think they are trying tovsteal your identity? That's scary.
    I always say 'hey if they want MY identity they can have it'lol I got nothing they wouldgain.. at all just apile of bills :/
  • Don't know what to do about that mailbox. I can't keep going to the post office everyday to pick up the mail. And I don't want to spend more money on another one!

    Why, oh whyyy??? I'm so frustrated I can't see straight...maybe from the tears that's blurred my vision.

    Sorry to take it out on you @Kathy. OB, you can stop hiding behind @Mumsie42's rocking chair. I'm not mad at you, just foot-stomping frustrated and angry someone would want to do this! Here, take my hand and give me a hug. Sorry I scared you.
  • I'm just glad my hubby got his new driver's license last week, and a vacation pay check the other day.
  • No, don't want our ID to get stolen. It could cause a lot of damage, especially getting a hold of our credit card info. They could use the numbers that appear on the statement to make charges online or on the phone, apply for more credit, and basically wipe us out, while damaging our good credit.
  • :(:(so sad for you v@Sweetp I know how it must b frustrating as hell. To have this Happen again.maybe just get another locking mailboxb and secure it more tight idk I wish i could help.. how about installing a surveilance camera so you coulsd at least catch these thieves?
    I'm sorry i really got to go to bed. .I gotta work tomorrow and is already after 1a.m. :(
    Night @Sweetp hope OB can cheer you up ♡♡♡
  • Hope thintgs work out.mi feel so bad leaving a @Sweetp but it's soo late:(
  • @SweetP, I'm sure a mailbox could be rigged to do all kinds of nasty things to intruders. Not sure if *that* would be a federal offense though…probably not, I think it's only stealing mail that is under federal jurisdiction.

    Edit: Hm, found a government site that says mailboxes are federal property. How so when you have to buy them yourself? I'd buy into it if they were just handing them out.
  • Night @sweetp
    Good thinking @fenikus night. .
  • Night @Pa
    *Hands flashlight to OB.*
  • Good night @Kathy. Sweet dreams my friend.

    IKR, @fenikus! It would be sooo nice to booby trap that mailbox, but then that would blow the whole thing up along with the other mailboxes! And the risk of the mailman getting hurt would not be worth it.
  • OB, please bring @Kathy's flashlight over with a tall Tanqueray and tonic. I feel like getting tipsy tonight.

    *disassembles Kathy's flashlight and gives it a good cleaning and polish. Replaces the old batteries, re-assembles it and one final wipe with the cloth. Places it under Kathy's pillow, turns on the Scentsy wax warmer that sees her safely to dreamland.*
  • Night Ma

    Is the mailbox in an area that's secluded @SweetP? Is the thief brazen or is he concealed while he breaks in?
  • Oh such terribe news:( I'm genuinely shocked and saddened at the loss of this brilliant man. As a little girl I adored him as Mork and from then on everything he did. His stand up routines were pure genius! I hope he is now free from his demons and at peace.
    I wish I could post his brilliant skit about "golf and the Scots" but it's not for younger ears! Check it out on YouTube if you're of age :D
    RIP funny man.
  • Oohh so sad about Robinb Williams :( I used to have kitties name Mork and Mindy :(
    RIP Robin :(
    Have a good day everyone.
  • Nanu nanu old friend.
  • @sweetp I'm sorry,I didn't look up and read your story. That's just awful :( I remember you telling us about the first time so to have it happen again is shocking! I hope you can get some help from the postal service today. It's rare that we get anything official i.e with our card details etc sent to us these days as all our utilities and cards etc are paid on line but that's certainly not without it's problems. I'm so sorry this pathetic excuse for a human being has upset you again and I really do hope there's some solution and that he or she gets what they deserve. Just keep believing in karma ;) I'm not making light of your situation but I just had to say that we have nothing like your little row of mailboxes over here and every time I see them I just think of "Close encounters"!!! Hey maybe that's the answer! Rig the boxes to shake like crazy and have a huge spotlight shine down from above whenever they tamper with it! That'll scare the bejeez out of them!! Sorry I'm of no help but if I could virtually sort them out,I would.
    @kelani Oh no! I look nothing like her lol!!! I have been known to take the odd hissy fit like Veruca but I certainly don't resemble Oprah! Haahaaaaa! I can understand your feelings over the wire,especially if you've had first hand experience...yikes,I can only imagine. Hubby was hooked from the start but I'll admit to being upset and uncomfortable on quite a few occasions. Especially when the young kids were involved in the drugs and violence. Hearing that kind of language come out of an 8yr olds mouth was hard to take. Especially when I learned that the majority of the extras were locals and this was pretty much them acting out their day to day lives. It was incredibly powerful stuff though and *shhhhhh* hubby actually shed a tear when it ended ;) I think we've watched it 2 or 3 times now over the years. Are you saying you haven't watched it all the way through or not at all? The shield was a heck of a lot lighter and that says something! We both really enjoyed it,again,him more than me but that was because I couldn't get attached to any of the characters,I don't know why? I'd watch the whole thing again in a heartbeat though.
    Well that's my pre work things in order,chores and grocery shopping done so going to make a pot of coffee and put on the news I've been dreading to watch on the TV. I've only read the news on the app on my phone about Williams as I've not had the heart to watch live coverage :(
    See ya'll later
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