The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2288
  • @fenikus That sentence is correct. Sometimes he rolls to the left, and will fall off the hollow block if you don't detonate quickly.

    edit: In the above reply was thinking of shot #1, but the sentence is still correct. He can roll slightly left on shot #2, which weakens the blast to those bottom supporting stones
  • Shrugs…ok. If the bird doesn't drop into the pocket you have zero chance of getting a good result.
  • @fenikus You don't say? ;o) If Bomb hits the end of that horiz. plank before falling into pocket, (or clips the one below it during the fall) he'll roll toward the left pocket wall. That tiny distance prevents the leftmost thin stone leg from breaking, which screws up the collapse.
  • @Kelani, I misread that second sentence, sorry. I thought the first sentence was implying that if the bird is in the pocket, you're good. Then I thought the second sentence was referring to the scenario like in the actual video where the bird was sent short and started rolling to the right, away from the pocket. That definitely doesn't work because the base of the right structure survives.
  • I went back to HH for a few flings today. Level 8 is confounding -- I don't see where those extra 5K I'm trailing the top score by are hiding.
  • Oh the noble power of whine…187,190 like 2 minutes after the above post.
  • @fenikus you have to completely destroy the right side w/first bird, then take out the entire raft with the collapsing bridge. I've only gotten 181k+ twice in all the attempts.

    edit: well damn. that didn't work for me. :p nice job.
  • {whine} I can't believe I'm the only PC-er who's not gonna get a puppy on PE 3-2, and missing by 80 points, too.
  • @Kelani, you have to do a graceful whine, i.e. where it's not obvious you're whining but in fact you are ;-)
  • BTW @Kelani…are you saying that PC users have an advantage on PE 3-2?
  • @fenikus crivit said it's PC friendly :P It is, but only because aiming w/finger is really hard on it. The only way I could do it on ipad involved playing upside down. justpast40 did it looking at ipad sideways. MUCH easier on PC.

    edit: 4 of 5 puppies on it today were PC. 5th was Android
  • So in general, did you find any MDCLs or only PCCLs?
  • All PCCL. Only remotely possible iOSCL is Beak2 #38 cos of my PC score. :P Now that I sent messages out, I'm getting a decent list of possibles. Testing will
  • Hey, check out High Dive Star #3 (50 stars) level…are you able to get the sequence like in video walkthrough on PC? I think they definitely changed the code on this level, at least on iOS.

    Edit: By sequence, I mean how those stop sign looking TNTs fall.
  • Gotta do something, but I'll check it in 15min.
  • Phone batttery dead.. trying to charge.. can't very slow m went to order new.
  • @fenikus the sequence seems the same to me on PC and ipad, aside from the fact that it's an identical shot that plays out differently every 5-6 attempts.
  • @Kelani, but when you compare it to walkthrough video, it's just not playing out the same anymore. It makes the 1-birder extremely hard.
  • @fenikus It's always been hard. At least it was for me when I got 84k on Feb 24.

    Are you saying it's harder since today's bugfix update, or..?
  • Nope, I didn't update yet. IIRC, originally you'd get a 1-birder almost every time you manage to trigger the fuse and the only question was what kind of score you'd get. The TNTs are just not falling the same anymore.
  • I wonder if there's an ABN forum that keeps track of these subtle level changes?
  • @fenikus I think there was an old one that discussed it. When I make my PCCL forum, you're welcome to toss that stuff in there :P

    I dunno, I'm not seeing any difference, other then before I'd get a midair collision between TNTs about every other attempt. Haven't gotten one yet.

    edit: just got 3 1-birders in a row.
    edit2: This may be a RSL and I think it's a PCCL. crivit's the highest PC score, in 28th w/83k. My 84k was on ipad.
  • Yeah, I'm seeing some differences in patterns tonight. I swear I played it like 50 times last night and it was always the same outcome.

    LOL, you know that little tuft of grass that always bounces up and down like crazy? Check out this video, it went really crazy here:

    Edit: Hm, I did reboot my iPad a couple of times today. That kind of goes with the RSL theory.

    Edit2: Hm, I wonder how many more falls onto the hard floor can this iPad take…the glass is already cracked.
  • My phone is on the fritz….lol like that’s news.. but long story short it’s not holdin charge. .the charger port is loose. I’m duev for upgrade . Went to sprint store ttonight and ordered new phones BUT.gotta cancel them tomorrow cuz there only 3G sooo I may be without phone for a week :(:( I …I. uhmm..crap I’m gonna miss a lot to say the least .I can’t even keep up now so I’ll try to get more familiar with my tablet but i don’t always have a connection on it. So if I’m MIA for a bit please don’t think I’m not paying attention..I will bve just can’t answer. .will see. ..
    OB quickly a Case of Marmoset killer. .ty
  • I hope you get all charged up Ma. I'm running on fumes.
  • The Sprint store had to order a phone? Why didn't they have one in stock?
  • Thanks @Pa
    Long story @kelani my bayttey can't tell. .lol. needd alarm. .
  • @kelani it was a difference betweenprivatey ownwd(my regular store) small versus cooperate went to both.. corporate wanted 249.00 for phone not understand. They change the whole "free upgrade" thing. So basically gonna use my insurance for new (probably refurbished again) phone rather than take the frreev3G and wait till Christmas when they have the deals.
  • Night Ma
  • Night Pa :)
  • Btw @Ma, by the grace of the Flinging Gods, I got extremely lucky and improved my score in Beak Impact Part One just enough to barely push the great flinger Mr. O God into second place. I'm sure his great skill in Space will make my visit to the number one position short lived. I shall enjoy it while it lasts. Surely I'm not even worthy to compete with someone with his awesome flinging abilities.

    In other words, I kicked that Space imposter @Ollygod's butt to the curb in BI #1. Deal with it Olly! lol
  • Wtg Pa !!! Night now.. eyes are drooping. .
  • Mean 'ol Sprint. My uncle worked for them for 35 years and he's not a fan.
  • @Kelani, @fenikus...what "pocket" are you talking about? I'm looking at the right side of the boat and don't quite get what you mean.

    edit: I'm assuming this is #13 we're discussing pockets about?
  • Good morning to you all.
    @bpc that's aweful about your cat, did miss that. Apologize for this. Let us hope the treatment will work, I know the feeling about sick pets, believe me. And, be a little more careful with yourself, the falling isn't do any good.
    @kelani @fenikus read your discussion about strats. Laughs, my friend. Yesterday I started slowly playing HH. In the past I did a quick round on that. We'll see.
  • Good Morning all;) my phone seems to have done o.k overnight took a full charge:)
    Pa great flinging in Beak! !!
    @Jlz666 the reason it looks like I went off topic laughing is cuz Kelani called 'spiders r us" and i posted a spider emoticon but it was Huge so i edited it out.
    Anyhow Happpy Friday !! Sorry i missed you E*

    Oohh and @kelani the store didn't have the free upgrade phones in's privately owned.I took a drive to the cooperate store but they gave me the runaround. Bottom line is all Sprint doesn't have any good deals on free upgrades atm so I'm going to wait. Gonna use my insurance to get another replacement phone but it will take a few days. I'm waiting till Monday as this one seems to be o.k atm
    @BPC happy to hear pattycat is responding to the treatments:)
  • LOL @kelani I can assure you my priorities are in perfect order for the moment ;) Lots of pennies need to be made at this time of year to see me through the quiet winter months. Also because of the hellish working hours,friends and family can easily get neglected so extra effort needs to be made to keep in touch. I'll re-evaluate my priorities in a few weeks time,so thanks for the vote of confidence but climbing back up any episode is a no no,I swear I've got the attention span of a mosquito on speed right now!! Well done to all you guys for getting on top though. What's all this GC talk? Are you spying on each other? When did GC come into play? I haven't looked at that thing for years! Although in saying that it's been really bugging the hell out of me recently. Halfway through a game it'll pop up saying I'm not logged in and if you click it away and just try to ignore it it'll continue until you are forced to log in but then it says cannot log in!!!! It's a complete nuicance :( Maybe I should see if I'm missing any points but jeez that would be a long slog trying to figure it out surely? Nah,brain no likey. Glad puppy is feeling better but sorry she's bankrupting you. It's what we do though. Problem child No1 has been poorly again but as per usual after giving his mummy a fright he bounced back! I'm just waiting on his next drama ;)
    Sorry about the Q&A session yesterday @hunnybunny! BTW Watch what you're saying...have you seen your weather forecast? If today is nice then take advantage before you get washed or blown away! Looks like I'm going to miss it but who knows?
    @estar Woohoo! A couple more hours and you're free!!!!!! Where you're going is just so beautiful that I'm keeping everything crossed that the weather plays nice for you both.
    I missed @mumsie as well last night. Has everyone answered your questions? Y'see I did all the hard work for you!
    @bernersenn Oh yeah I absolutely want to go back but it's finding the time when there's so many new places to try. There's just simply not enough days in the year......or pennies in the pot ;)
    Ok,coffee break over,must dash
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Byeeeeeeeeeeee X
  • @SweetP Yes, HH13. Find the boat's wheelhouse (tower in the middle with a porthole and door). The pocket is the gap to the right of that tower.

    @JLZ Well, I wanted to say pennies, schmennies, but I guess not starving over the winter is a pretty good priority. :)

    Re:GC No spying. I think we go to check our rank against the 11 million non-ABN players, and recognize familiar faces (or in bern's case, large furry ears).

    Also, @I have no idea what @Kathy is talking about, in this spider thing. I was sitting here minding my own business, and she just went off. Kinda startled me! ;o)
  • Well here we go with the "get well 'patty' wishes"
    @bonneypattycat (human) I feel for you, I did much the same last week, but saved myself, other than my ankle
    @bonneypattycat (cat) well done girl, keep going
    @pattydog you may hate your cone but stop making @kelani spend so much money on you. Be grateful, get well

    Did I get it right this time?
  • Oh, and sorry, @bernersenn @kelani
    Bumped you both down in TT
    With #14
    After millions of flings, today I was busy, but about 5 o'clock I thought "one little fling"
    4.8k more on first fling
    And a little upgrade on #16
    Woo hoo

    By the way @kelani what version iPad do you fling on?
  • @hunnybunny what version do you mean?
  • @Hunnubunny, using "Odd" and "Japanese" in the same sentence seems like a pleonasm ;-)

    That band (and possibly the song) was featured in Tarantino's Kill Bill if I remember correctly.
  • @kelani sorry not very computer literate I mean iPad 1 2 3 4 or Air or whatever....
    And pleonasm? I'll learn a new word today

    I did watch Kill Bill 1 but not 2
    Tarantino is brilliant but sometimes a little violent for my tastes. I've watched Pulp Fiction a few times though, and a "little old lady"friend of mine loves Django although I've not seen it, it seems strange that she would
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