The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2258
  • @mvnla2 Yes, TV is in my basement. It weighs around 125lb and I'm around 165lb, but the brake slipped as the line tensioned, so the TV fell a few inches, which was apparently enough to briefly negate my weight advantage. If I was on a see-saw, and a kel-clone jumped on the other side, I'd bounce :)
  • Glad your safe from the t.v @Kelani :)
  • Lol I got that 'in God we trust one before' lol o.k gonna finish reading;)
  • Roflmao I got the 'Tioday will be better one too hee hee..the others i haven't but they are funny:)
  • @Kathy Funny and MEAN! :) There's companies that sell joke cookies with fortunes like those, I suspect a few on my list were from friends using those to prank me.
  • @kalani -- These fortunes must be an east-cost thing. The ones here are pretty innocuous.
  • Lol @mvnla2 was that a mix of Kathy/kelani ? Or just a typo?ashamed to admit idk what's innocuous ? *hangs head* kicks floor* dumas
  • @mvnla2 Some of my weird ones are from LA, Bakersfield, Fresno and SF, and also Albuquerque, NM, Flagstaff, AZ, Medford, OR and Seattle. There's only two or three suppliers in the US, and they change their messages pretty often.

    @Kathy That's Mr. Dumas to you. :P re: innocuous. think of another word that starts with 'innoc'. same thing ;)

    edit: kalani is another spelling. It's either more female or more male. I can't remember.
  • Today is a day for weird cookies. I just ate two from last night.

    1. An empty stomach is not a good political advisor.
    2. The time is right to make new life.
  • Innocent, innocence
  • You say you like fortune cookies @Kelani. But I think the quality of the fortune cookie disappeared decades ago. They had flavor at one time. I find them unappealing now.
  • Thanks @Pa ;) @Mr. DuMas ;; P
  • @Rat agreed. The only flavoring is vanilla and sometimes a bit of lemon or orange. They probably cut the vanilla back to save money. I always wanted to try some of the little fresh-baked ones before they get folded and harden. Bet that'd taste good.
  • @Ma I'm having one of those bad days you hear about. You know, a day when you should have stayed in bed. If it could go wrong, it did today. Nothing serious. Just a lot of little irritating annoyances. I'm surprised I didn't get a mailbox full of new sheriff notifications or bumped out of first in Beak Impact with the day I had/am having. I hope it's over soon.

    They used to be fairly good @Kelani. But they are too cheap nowadays.
  • @Ma Did I get my luck back from you after your trip? Or do you still have it? Send it back please.
  • yucky weather's setting in again.
  • *sending back luck @Pa*!♧♧☆☆☆♧♧♧☆☆☆
    Sorry bout that :/
  • @Kathy your reply to my post at the bottom of TT15 ended up waaaaay up at the top of the page :) Check @fenikus video on how to do the level. Both shots are easily aimable by aligning with the background. A few mins practice, and the level doesn't suck so bad.. except for that bouncy on-deck bird.
  • Sorry @Pa so lste I didn't get ding://
  • Kk thanks @kelani I'll try again my notifications messed up
  • *Must Stop Flinging* *Must Go To Sleep*
    Danger Will Robinson Danger ....
    Night @Pa
    @kelani your much too young to remember that one ; P
  • Night Ma
  • @Kathy no need to post it again. I obviously found it, if I told ya about it.

    You're right, kel's too young to know Lost in Space.
  • Uhmm your right @Kelani I was just asking her to move it so it wasnt out of context.I also asked to have it removed it it couldn't be moved. . Anyway night l
  • Ah okie. And if @abeggertoo shows up, we'll make him feel welcome round the 'ol campfire.
  • Good morning guys, new day has come to us.
    @hunnybunny, @mvnla2, @rat, @kathy thanks for the support. This is so harsh, so unfair
  • Mumsie comes in humming a catchy tune - she's going out for lunch with her oldest friend- they started school together in September 59 years ago! So just popping in before she goes off to catch the train.
  • Good evening/morning @all! Just catching up a bit after spending time with sister in-law and niece visiting for a couple weeks. It's the start of a major heatwave here in Southern California, and it was miserable today! As I was driving through a nearby suburb at 3:00pm, I looked at the thermometer readout and the outside temp was 110°F!! I'm dreading tomorrow, which is supposed to be hotter! Hmm...good excuse to go to the air conditioned mall!

    Ahh @Mumsie42, enjoy your lunch, and have a wonderful time catching up!

    Thanks @fenikus, I guess flinging in TT and HH have been a nice refreshing change for me. Quite a lot of the levels requires more skill and less fling, rinse, pray. It also allows me to create my own strategies before reading the walkthroughs. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I've never been a decent flinger before, and with the hours no, days, erm WEEKS of constant practice, I now feel worthy of tagging along with you and the other super flingers.

  • Hi Guys,
    Just read an article that robots can play AB. Interesting:
  • You're right @rat9 about the poor quality in fortune cookies. Just recently, hubby and I went to a Chinese restaurant and of course, the complimentary fortune cookie with the tab appeared. I hadn't had one in such a long time, I decided to take a bite. Boy, was I disappointed! It had a taste - like cardboard - and the texture was just nasty. There are others, however that are still pretty good. I guess it's just a matter of what fortune cookie company the restaurant buys from.
  • WOO HOO!!
    Just became the "hunted" not the "hunter"
    But not for long I expect.....

    Edit: Down to second!
  • Hi @all Can't join in the Hogan's Heroes or the fortune cookie chat, all Greek to me!

    @kelani Yes, I said somewhere that I'm a big Dolly Parton fan. She's a true poet.
    Best ever song on falling in love: Dreams Do Come True
    Best ever song on love betrayed: What a Heartache

    Law & Order fan too. And specially of Vincent d'Onofrio in Criminal Intent.

    And of THIS (for a change of gear....):

  • @tompuss Ohhhhh yeaaaaaaaah....come to mama! I'd just be happy with the alloys! They're gorg! Now increasing my work hours to 24/7 ;D
    Hubby's fave advert at the moment.....turn up the volume ;)
  • @hunnybunny I went to bed the King of the Forest, and awoke covered in rabbit fur, with bunny paw trax across my forehead. You know anything about that? Congrats ;)

    @TomPuss hold that thought, I have replies within two hours. Expect paragraphs. :P If it gets too long, I'll just PM it.

    @bernersenn Very Neat article :) Georgia Tech has some sharp people. I dated a girl from there, but she wasn't one of them. btw, my AB TestBox is like that robot's limbless dumber brother. Next time I test a level, I'm going to program it to play a happy song if it gets a new high score.
  • Afternoon all!
    Nice wheels @TomPuss they'll beat @fenikus YUGO however much he 'soups it up'
    @kelani but Tiffin has now overtaken me :-(
  • @jlz666 nice too! Seem to remember you like Audi
  • @Hunnybunny not to worry, we'll fix him presently. Ipad's coming home any minute now.. I hope.
  • @jlz666 Nice! "Va va voom!" (Free drinks for whoever can name the movie that phrase first appeared in!)

    More vids back on page 2255 that might have been forgotten in the rush of new updates!
  • @kelani Yes, I did see the story about the stray dog! Bless her, she's lovely.
    I was mesmerized by Vincent d'Onofrio right from the first episode. Unbelievable actor and drop-dead gorgeous with it!
    Out to resto for a little while, BBL all agog to see story!
  • @TomPuss, good thing those guys were solid drivers. You see a lot of videos of these muscle cars going straight on a good road and all of the sudden, poof! -- they just start swerving and crash. I've driven an early '70s vette which was nowhere as souped up as ZR1 and felt *very* uncomfortable…those things fishtail like crazy!

    p.s. your page 2255 videos did not go unnoticed, at least by me. You're well on your way to make even me a "cat" video lover ;-)

    p.p.s. Vincent D'Onofrio is the man, he's an actor's actor. Very well respected in acting community.
  • @JLZ, now I'll have to upgrade my Audi! 2014 Audi R8 V10…PLUS, lol. As if all that stuff before "plus" wasn't enough! I just wonder if there'd be enough space in the back seats for dogs with that huge engine taking up half of the car? Of course I assume model girlfriend in the passenger front seat would be included ;-)
  • @TomPuss A little backstory: On July 4, a local personality named Willard Blevins died. He was famous for walking around town dressed in amazingly detailed costumes, Indians, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc.. usually with his pet snake or iguana on his shoulder. Supposedly he died at 68, but my mom's 67, and saw him as a little girl. The big local mystery was how he afforded these expensive costumes, having no job other than occasional appearances at a store opening.

    The friend I ate dinner with on Tues. knew him (he knows everyone) and officiated at his funeral. He said long ago, Willard was hired to appear at a nearby old-west theme park. At some point, young Dolly was there with a dance group. Somehow, she met Willard and really liked him. Nobody knows if they kept in touch or ever met again, but people now think she's the secret behind his costume collection. Somehow, Dolly heard of his death, and was flying here when a family emergency made her cancel. From the plane, she ordered tons of flowers and paid for the funeral. At the funeral, it got weirder. In the middle of the service, a limo arrived. A man got out and stood by the limo watching the service. After it was over, my friend went to thank him for attending. It was Hank Williams Jr. He said "Dolly heard I was coming, so she asked me to send her regrets. She really wanted to attend".

    My little town is highly confused now. :)
  • Aim high @fenikus. Aim high!
  • Grr... TT3 & 5 are still kicking my butt.

    edit: 130 points from the whinygrowl. Yay. :(

    edit2: YAY. whinygrowl paid off. 7k boost to 115k, and 50 points below Tiffin. Sorry @hunnybunny I've gotta demoralize him a bit, then that'll create an opening for you :)
  • I wanna play...ouch...ow...aah...OUCH! Nope, not today.
  • That would explain it @Kelani. They were quite tasty a long time a galaxy far far away...

    Edit: Oops! Got carried away there.
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