The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2198
  • @Rat No, I just want to prove myself wrong about 96k being the max on PC, and get a decent score so I never have to see this level again. My goal was 100k, but at this point, anything over 98k would be lovely.
  • Come on @Kelani. You can do better than that! Maybe I'm sadistic, but I like when people beat me with my own stRATegy. It validates it plus gives me something to shoot for.
  • Bah, got 95,400 and had a big boulder stop 1 pixel above the grav field, with all debris below it.
  • I've got a splitting migraine from a bad sleep position this morning so I'm just going to say OK without understanding a word of what you just said @Kelani.
    You're close on #13.
  • @Rat lol. Amazing how bad sleep can make you feel like you've been in a brawl. I think I have your migraine's little brother.

    I am close. Luckily, there's motivation. I can play #13 or clean out a ripe litter box. At some point, the latter will seem like a better deal.
  • You are correct @Kelani. I should have said altruistic. Although being sadistic by posting a false strategy does have it's appeal. lol
    Just can't bring myself to do it though. Maybe some day in April?
  • Great minds think alike @Kelani. We both used our brains til they hurt today and I cleaned out the litter box last night.
  • @Rat April Fools' Strat? lol. Remember, you tried that in here a few weeks ago, and it wasn't even April! :) I think doing it in a walkthrough could cause violence.

    Hopefully all your goodies were *inside* the litter box. Half of my cleanup's on the floor. Swipe has a distinctive meow for "This box is unacceptable. Henceforth, I'll pee elsewhere", but he uses the same damn sound for "Why'd you go to bed and leave me out in the hall?" so I never know. :(

    I've got an invention-in-progress for an awesome litter box system, but can't find a chemist who's a cat pee expert :P
  • Yay! 2 days failure. 1 whine, elapse 20 minutes, 98.7k.
  • @Rat wow, full-out assault on your high scores today! Two new Omar Sharifs in one hour, both using your stRategies. Rovio Gods are paying attention in here today :)
  • That South Hamerica thing has to be the tournament. No way another Rio update comes so soon.

    @Rat looks like we're both in for a tropical storm on July 4. Won't that make the cookouts fun?
  • @Kelani What?? You took two of my high scores in part one? I only had five. Greedy!!
    Well at least you can depend on my stRATz.
  • I couldn't find em @Kelani. Did you get them in part two? If you did. Was I closer than 10k to you before you got em? I thought I was already 10k behind you.
  • (Perks up ears)…Huh, what South Hamerica thing? Rio update coming out soon?
  • @Rat Not me. the two people you replied to. @BPC and @Coffeeking In #13 and #23 I think.

    edit: Oh wait, you took it back from him already. lol. That's just mean.

    @fenikus look at the latest news entry at the bottom of the page. Probably not Rio, but if it is, boy will the Seasons players will be pissed.
  • That's what you get for reading someone else's mail @Kelani.
  • You're keeping a closer eye on things than Slim @Kelani. That's saying something!!!
  • I doubt it's Rio -- the graphic shows pigs and there are no pigs in Rio.
  • Btw @kelani. I didn't steal @Kathy's great score on #32, but I bumped up against it. It's her only first place in BI. I didn't have the heart to take it.
  • Rio update!!???? What, where, when!!!?
  • @Rat I don't see how i'm keeping track more than Slim since he wrote the article. I just refreshed a leaderboard and saw a change in the news block. :P

    @fenikus very good point. You should post that on that page and calm some of the frenzy. :)
  • Hello everyone I'm finally home! ! Another crazy sister day!!
    Thanks Pa I was very surprised when i got that 8-14 #2 spot:)
    OB a PigKiller please while i try to catch up with these chatterboxes:)
  • And thanks again @Pa for only bumping against my throne in #32 but of course I would understand if you take it.. all is fair
    What's this about an update?
  • Now I know what word to type if I wanna get everyone's attention :>

  • Hi there @all, how has everyone's Monday been? I know it's not whine tuesday yet, but all of BI 1 can go do a bunch of stuff that I can't say here because we keep it pg-13.
  • @Lyrian amen. Some of these levels are gonna make me start kicking things again.
  • I hear that @kelani, I'm playing with #10 now. I was working on the early levels before, but I got tired of rinse/repeat until you get a better score doing the same darn thing you did 100 times before.
  • Oh, I forgot to say this earlier, I finally heard back from Rovio about #27, they would like my screen shot of the missing planet. @Rat, you have one of planet damage on that one too right?
  • ackk dinger not working again :( I'm soo tired..
  • . o O I wonder how a screenshot of something that doesn't exist is helpful?

    I finally got a crash on PC. S-20 Egg hit rock, Trigger. No more Space.

    @fenikus dammit. I'm posting your no pigs observation. :P
  • @kelani, I have no idea how it will help them, but I'm willing to send it along. I will also tell them that at least 2 others that I know of have encountered a similar thing.
  • @Lyrian glad they got back to you quickly about it. They've been on the ball lately.
  • @Lyrian I've got pictures of both planet destructions, 3-10 and 8-27. How do you want them?
  • hmmm.. dinger not working then everyone dissapear?
    I took a showa today. .and deodorant on. .brushed teeth..
    ah well OB I'm on vacation I'll take a SunUpper please; )
  • 4 levels down, 18 to go.
  • Hmm, sorry @rat my phone has been on vacation. It's not been giving me notifications recently. I can maybe snag the pictures out of your album, are they both there?
  • What's Up with the No Notification system! you too @Lyrian ?
  • Yepyep, I've been reading back a few pages and I see a few mentions that I never got notifications for, so I'll have to make my apologies tomorrow. It's a combination of the website and my phone, some mentions sent an email, some didnt, but my phone never beeped to let me know I had a new email.
  • Anywho, it's time for me to head off to bed, I'm super tired and I will need to be up early tomorrow to take the pup to the vet for his mange bath. Night @all!
  • @Lyrian, @Kathy, I didn't get a notification of Kelani mentioning me couple of hours ago either. Then I looked at my spam folder and there it was. I'm using Yahoo mail, and can't teach it that ABN emails are not spam -- every so often it will flag it as such.
  • @Fenikus @lyrian I usually get Every notification here weather @mention or not and I'm not. except I just got fenikus @mention..I did check my spam folder and nope nothing. .must be a site issue..@Amslimfordy ? I do have the gold star checked... just started happening today.
  • night night @lyrian sweet dreams..
  • Or maybe Yahoo just hates me? :)

    food 'n sleep time. nighty @all
  • p.s @fenikus I have gmail so usually is pretty good at knowing what's spam or not but i usually check it also when i don't get notified. hmm now seems to be working.. maybe just a glitch in the system
  • night night @kelanipie sleep tight. . sweet dreams ;)
  • They're both in my album @Lyrian. Feel free to grab em.
  • Ok @Burpie. You forced me to play S-22. Too many flingers in part two are getting serious. I'm feeling better and with the road map you guys left, it was easy. Maybe 15 minutes tops.

    BTW Burpie, you're welcome on level 40. That anchor chain destruction makes all the difference doesn't it? Great score! It won't be long before everybody has 140k on that level now.
  • Oh Ya its Tuesday !!! wooohoo..
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar , and on all bk
    ooths . Welcome to Whine Tuesday everyone ;)
    here is how its done. I'll give you all a second to place earplugs.
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