The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2200
  • @kelani, stupid browser? Settings? On my Ipads there is Safari (standard) and Chrome - both showing the screen as in the picture. Come on 2200
  • oh never mind i see what @bernersenn means I have that also; )
    @kelani are you uncaged member? maybe that's the difference. .
  • Wahhooo!! Page 2200 !! you did it @bernersenn :)
    drinks on the house! ! OB get everyone what they like :)
  • @kathy, thanks for the drink. Just saw a extreme ugly match. As swiss fan (they were extreme underdog) against the big Argentina, yak, about 5 minutes before the end they scored 1-0. On the other hand, now they may go home to their beautiful country (sorry @fenikus )
  • the power of the WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee not working today:(
  • @kathy didn't I tell you? That doesn't work. Tried it myself, than took a few shots on S-22. I know, I really have a idea about how to it, but my handling speed is tear jerking
  • @bernersenn just a quick pop in, OB please give my friend whatever he wants to drink, to celebrate!!! Wildly!!!
    I was jumping around the house on my first puppy
  • @hunnybunny guess what? I did the same. Especially on that Short Fuse. Once started that level, had to quit it, new game in Rio. Then continued, again quit it, december version of Seasons. Ok, continued, what ya think? New Rio (BR). Ok, done - argh, new space. That SF will get its intention that it deserves. Unless Rovio ....
  • @Kathy How'd the gold bar get involved? :P We were talking about the 'Latest News, Articles & More' table. In the pics bern & I just posted, His is at the top right, mine's at the bottom left. It's just a side-effect of a browser tweak I'm using.

    edit: Nope, I'm too po' to be uncaged. :)

    @Bernersenn yeah, my stupid browser. :) I'm using Chrome with a few plugins that tend to move page elements around. I don't think those plugins are available on ipad Chrome.
  • @hunnybunny, btw, thanks to you for the drink - I get drunk tonight @kathy offered me also a drink ;-)
  • Dam you Rovio. You wait all this time for a Seasons update, and what do they do? Release it when I'm not even close to finishing Beak :-((((((
  • gotta run to the store..BBFNMCBLIDKBPW ;)
  • @bernersenn if the weather in The Netherlands is anywhere as good as it is here, may I invite you, virtually, into my little courtyard garden, for a cool glass of Sauvignon Blanc?
  • @hunnybunny, really? Seasons is my first love, when, what? Then even BI has to wait - and SF also
  • @hunnybunny, just saw it, next thursday. Can't wait
  • Just read a quote from @wrw01:
    My vote is on the Bird Cup Championship. A promo to support the Friend’s game.

    But….it would be great if Rio had a device game update release in the championship week of the real soccer games. Wishful thinking

    I can remember the last wave of new games from Rovio, actually never recovered from them
  • @estar already making video's for us?
  • @bernersenn, sorry bud, but I was rooting hard for Argentina and am glad they won. Swiss can go back to skiing now.
  • And now it's Estados Unidos vs. Belgica. People here are boycotting Belgian Waffles today (for real).
  • @fenikus, that's not wise - they are delicous. But really, I think the US will win - due to better condition. The condition determines most of the result of the games, don't you think?
  • Whoops, reports of the whine power depletion were premature. Just stumbled across a potential 6-8k higher scoring strategy for #5.
  • @hunnybunny, yes, the weather here is also good. Not that warm this summer - heath and dogs aren't friends - love it to enjoy you in your virtual garden
  • But for now, closing the Ipad - watching the USA game, then go to bed, good night to you all
  • @estar see you there. Can't resist.....
  • @ kelani #5 explain
  • @kelani mine is inn the top right also I think cause of uncaged. but i mentioned the gold bar cuz you can find the link there also. .
  • ackkk is so hot out! ! @ Estar i see you but I'm typinginn the sun

    can't see very well lol..bbiam
  • heee hee A Dancing Star !! awesome are you a little excited @estar hee hee!!
  • @hunnybunny just came across a different shot that has potential to clear the screen, but so far it's being a finicky little PITA to nail down.
  • @kelani @kathy @bernersenn -- I am using Safari on both my MacBook Air and iPad. The news link is on the upper right, as bernersenn showed, on both devices. There is also a photo-feed on the site's main page, which I rarely visit. I think you can get to the main page by clicking the ABN logo at the top of the page.
    Edit: Just checked, and clicking the logo does work.
    Hmm! Going to be a busy Thurs! Hooray for Seasons!
  • thanks @mvnla2 :) I didn't know that either lol.. that clicking on the logo !
  • @mvnla2 yeah it should be up there for everyone -except me. :) My browser moves it to the bottom. Kinda hands for seeing the latest news all the time, rather than only when we're at the start of a new BP page.

    @Kathy shame on you! You've been here so long, you should know all the little secret clickable spots. ;)
  • @mvnla2 MacBook Air and iPad? Why on earth do you need the two?
  • nah @kelani lol.. you would think right. . ask anyone i am the worst at navigating the nest..I bookmark all the pages I need haha..I get lost in here easily.
    opposite in real world I have seen excellent sense of direction. .I could be in the middle of nowhere and find my way to somewhere haha
  • Ha ha @kathy me too, I can navigate anywhere in the world, other than a darned web site.....
  • Nighty night @kathy @kelani @mvnla2 @estar
    Off to fling (badly, I expect)
  • Whoo hoo @Kelani. That's some awesome surrogacy flingin' you did there today. But you messed up. It looks like you put the scores in your leaderboard. You were working for me remember? I'd hate to think I needed to catch those scores.
  • Hey @HunnyBunny I know right... who can resist a new update of Seasons... except @Kelani of course ;)

    Sorry I had to dash, but the daily Wii Fit was scheduled and all done now. I like to work out in the evening so I am more beat when I turn in for the night. And truth be told I also have this weird idea of working of the biggest meal of the day. That way it can not go into storage (sort of speak) and will be used right away LOL hahahahah I know I am weird.
  • Ow and ermmm @HunnyBunny There is always a need for an extra Apple device hee hee. I could not do without my iPhone, iPad and iMac, but if I should I can always snatch hubbys iPad, iMac or iPod LOL... Apple freaks, us... nahhhhh ;)
  • Hi everybody. Too hot outside to stay and chat, plus US vs Belgium on the tele. Need to support the losing team. ha ha
  • Hey Mister @Rat just poof over here, it is a chilly 50F/10C outside, that will cool you down in no time. This is the best time of the year, during the day around 72F/22C and during the night nice and cool, makes sleeping much easier. But then again we don't have or need an AC :)
  • Darned dinger keeps me coming back. I have iPad iPod (music freak) and three laptops! Don't ask about the three.
    My phone belongs in a museum, after my blackberry died slowly, app by app, I stuck my sim in my old Star Trek type flip phone, as a temporary measure. Two years later it's still there
    It's ok more money to spend on shoes lol (girly thing)
  • @hunnybunny 3 laptops!! hahahaha and you are asking @mvnla2 why she needs an iPad and Macbook hahahaha. LOL on the phone, love to see a pic of that, not sure I have seen a Star Trek flip phone before:)
  • And now GOODNIGHT all xx
  • Roflmao @hunnybunny really..hee hee a star trek flip phone? please do post apic haha
    all i have is my phone and my tablet. . is enough for me:)
    night @hunnybunny
    @Estar @Pa Sweet dreams. .
    ya the weather here is yuckk yuckk also not even worth going outside to smoke:(
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