The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2193
  • Seriously @estar?!?!? No mac and cheese ever? I've got a homemade recipe that is super good, I will gladly share with you. My fiancé's brother had an internship at one of Morimoto's restaurants on Oahu, he made my mac and cheese for him and even he liked it!
  • Omgggggg I've just realised I'm on YouTube! I did a charity wax a few years ago and it was posted! Oh Lordy!! You'll never find it and I'll NEVER show it! Haahaaaa! Going to look it up after dinner....heck I'd forgotten about that! Anyhoooooo @estar I'll try find the one I was talking about,it's brutal and not child friendly from what I remember!
    So @kathy has joined us on the castle!! Wooohooooo! I'm actually pretty sad it's not real!
    @estar I'm embarrassed to give him such a simple recipe! NEVER eat that mac n cheese from packets :( bleughhhhhhhh:( The proper way is basically a white sauce (flour,butter,milk) then add cheese of choice and mix with pasta!!!!! Voila!!! Simple but comfort (and heart attack )in a bowl! I sometime add mustard and nutmeg,hot sausage or bacon but it's perfect in it's simplicity!!
    On that note..........
  • Mmmmm me hungry fir mac & cheese now! !
    Sorry to pop I got a phone call from daughter ♡♡
  • I'd buy @Rat a body wax for his birdday, but it's my understanding he's already mostly hairless.

    @fenikus why would it take you forever to get to a high-20s space challenge? Unless you have some "must hit top 10 to continue" compulsion, plowing through any Space episode shouldn't take you more than 5-10 minutes. :)
  • I just got a sudden bloody nose!! I never had one in my life!!
  • OMG!!!!!!!!! Anyone out there have a Barf Bag????????? I've been at this for hours! Help!!!!! Stop @jlz6666 @Kathy @estar @rat9!!!!!!!!!
  • Happy birthday, @Rat9. I went all out and got you an episode highscore to beat ;-)
  • Whoops sorry dinnertime got in the way and yes @lyrian I never ever had mac & cheese... It never crossed our borders or not to my knowledge. I know a couple who do make it, but not a big item here. Got it @JLZ never by pre made mac and cheese hee hee. @lyrian if you wanna share that recipe I am game, but after @jlz's warning of an heart attack It might take me a while before I try it, need to make sure my body is ready for the attack LOL
  • Hee hee @sunshine you look a bit green around the face, are you feeling okay? You loked like you were having a ball!
  • Ow my @kathy are you okay? I never have had a sudden bloody nose either... Strange!
  • @estar @kathy @jlz666 @rat9 which end is up??????????? Ball???? What kind of ball??????
    Oh, you mean I was having fun! Yes! But I feel like a ball....a very bouncy ball!
    @Kathy, sorry for giving you a bloody nose! I think it happened when I hit it with my head...or maybe it was my feet...
    Anyone have pain meds?????? I think I may have over done it with my shoulder.....
  • @estar you're both very lucky. I have little ones every damn day, and had a friend in school who was prone to projectile bloody noses. They made him sit at the front of the row because he kept ruining the backs of peoples' shirts. :P
  • @bernersenn right above the place where you type these messages is a 'Preview' tab. It's very useful when posting links to make sure they work :)

    For that one you just posted you can edit your post and redo it.
  • Btw, between the soccer I did some flinging in BI#2. Sniffed at #22, that game is completely crazy, actually I get crazy about it
  • I'm o.k @Estar @sunshine thanks it just scared me is all..I never had a bloody nose in my life..I thought it was just running so i wiped it and it started gushing!!

    Must have been the bouncing lol..
  • @Kathy glad it got better. You gotta remember to trim your nails before picking your nose! :o)
  • @kelani wow that sound horrible for your friend. @Kathy I am glad you are okay... sorry got to run in and out again, have to do some exercise on the Wii Fit to try and keep the PITA at 50%, every evening 40 minutes seems to keep it at that level, so maybe if I continue it will reduce it?! I know right a lady can dream.

    Ow and Hey and bye @SweetP and @hunnybunny
  • Roflmao @hunnybunny that i priceless!!
  • Kyay it worked !!
  • @kathy I seem to remember Mr Rat likes his cheesecake "unadorned" a plain simple old rodent. But it does look nice!
  • Off to fling.....
    See you later
  • Before I go, has Mr Rat revealed his age today? I have a feeling it may be a "significant" birthday ;-)
  • I know @hunnybunny but I get credit for doing it right!
    He can scrape off the strawberryies..
  • Big credit and more strawberries for us! Yum!
  • pack!!!!!!!! Wow, I really need to learn how to navigate in that bounce thing!!!! ;)
  • Lol @Sunshine !! Me too sorry my nose got your shoulder :/ hee hee as we sit in the corner with our ice packs:) OB could you please bring us both a SunUpper :)
  • @kelanini think he's the same age as my HWDNF
    And you're right!

    @kelani unfortunately just noticed my mistype created another non de plume for you
    Time for a little Kelani (hug) sorry about that, and sorry I keep hugging you, just some maternal instinct. I'm just about old enough :-(
  • @hunnybunny Aw, is ok. I'd much rather have bunnyhugs than rodenthugs. Anyway, 'about old enough' is still better than 'far too old'. :)

    *accidentally steals #24 trophy from antipope. Mmm. nummy nummy.
  • Andddd done :)
  • ? @estar done with? Ohhh the wifii thingie:) good girl! !
    Hope your pita feels better ♡
  • @Sunshine and @Kathy you pair are just too funny! Hope the SunUppers will make those booboo's go away like snow in the sunlight :)
  • Congrats on the trophy @kelani :)
  • Ow and What's with the Rodent nickname lately, I thought that was only for Beak Impact bashing?? @hunnybunny and @kelani
  • Lol thanks @estar .. maybe next time we skip the bouncy house and just have rocking Chairs hee hee.. but not to close together haha..
  • What Rodent nickname @Estar ?
  • Hee hee @kathy yup, it does take a wee kick in the PITA to get me to stick with it, but I plan on keeping it up as long as possible and every day I finish the 40 minutes I feel like I have accomplished a little goal. Still no where near long enough to really do some good, but I plan on extending the minutes next week a little and the week after I will add some weights (1 kilo/2.2 pounds) to my legs (already have weights around my wrists 0.5 kilo/1.1 pounds each)
  • Just the name Rodent instead of Rat @kathy, maybe it is just me but Rodent has an ugly ring to it imo.
  • hee hee @kathy that brought up a whole other image in my head with the rocking chairs too close to each other... OB you might want to set up a triage next week ;)
  • Hi everyone!

    Happy Birdday @Rat :)
  • Ohh @Estar I agree rodent sounds well. Ya I agree lol
    Ohmy haha me and sunshine rockin' and rollin' heee heeehoohaha1!
  • Hi @Annifrid congrats on your 'A' if i haven't said it Already :)
  • How is the driving lessons going?
  • Happy Birthday @rat!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day :)
    Hi to everyone else, sorry I can only be a popper. Just enough time for a quick drink & a few jumps round the bouncy castle - haven't been on one of these since my kids were really little, forgot how much fun they were!
    Awesome decorations, gifts & pics everyone posted!
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