The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2154
  • @all this is the authority here on ALL THINGS WELSH
    you can google, wiki, whatever, bring in jokes, quotes, et al, I've heard them all before
    In Wales it is called a WELSH RAREBIT

    ac mae'n flasus iawn
  • Hi good evening everyone
    Sorry I'm not stopping but quickly wanted to ask,did something happen to our scores when I was away? I've been skimming through the BP pages and thought there've been references to scores disappearing or something? Should I be checking anything? Sorry it's prob old news and nothing to worry about but it just popped back into my head to ask.
    Hope spider woman is doing ok? Anything for some extra power eh @kathy? ;D
    @estar you lucky,privileged girl! Guess all us other poor,lowly hyphened names with have to make do with lurking! I'd like to think you'd turn your yellow star off now but knowing you you'll keep it on ;)
    @kelani at least it's only trash cans you're taking it out on ;) Trust in karma and be assured that guy will now be having a seriously bad day ;)
  • @Rat The meaning of sleeping with the fishes I had in my head was right, but I do not see the connection to my comment, did I say that?! If so, my bad :(
  • I could see if I could pull some strings for ya JLZ... asking never hurt anyone right? But it will only count for the old forum. But I see the big boss is currently busy, so I will have to await my time, ya know us ladies do know when to ask something and when not LOL.
    As for the yellow star ahhahahahah DUHHHHH of course not, it stays on, now I just have the option to only read the @mentions first and get to the rest later :)
  • But please let me make myself clear... I believe if @kelani can he should! And do it with such a virus/bug that every other telemarketer is hit within seconds :)
    I will make a medal especially for him! I was just talking about the real world and how screwed it can be sometimes.
  • @fenikus the reason why I'm Hunnybunny... with the three dots is because my name was also taken in GC. Wish I'd been brave enough to use my real name like Kathy. If of course that is her real name................
  • @estar In the last 10 years, I have half the computers, I'm not familiar with any changes in VoIP, or code/hardware changes to any new PBXes, Switches, Muxes, DXCs or Routers used in routing data internationally. I've also forgotten most of my evil Unix skills. Oh, and I don't know a word of Mandarin. :P

    As far as laws, I don't think any law forbids hacking an illegal Chinese shadow business that's racking up thousands of violations of US law to scam Americans. If the company ever complained, our Federal Trade Commission would just have them arrested. Even if there is a law, in prison there's NO MORE TELEMARKETER CALLS :D As of right now, it almost seems worth it. So, clearly I am 100% nuts at the moment :P

    @mvnla2 You read my mind. I've been trying to find something useful to post on a few High Dive levels. :)
  • Ach no @estar,it's ok! I'm used to it now ;) It just gets complicated! Proof being I had to give @kathy a shake in the walkthrough today as she forgot my hyphen and I didn't get notified! If I could go back in time I'd leave the bloody thing out in the first place ;) I have to agree that those damn telesales peeps are beyond a nuisance. We've had 2 this evening already. We just don't answer the landline if it's no caller id. At work it's more of an issue and I've had some real ding dongs with them ;)
    @hunnybunny is right of course. It's rarebit.....and dang yummy it is to!
    Jeez I said I wasn't stopping..........
    Back to real life
  • @estar As much as I hate them on principle, I wouldn't spank any telemarketer that plays by the rules. If they obey our federal 'Do Not Call' list, they provide lots of jobs, and I have no problem with that.
  • @JLZ The Chinese ones have caller ID, but it's fake. Also, they've started calling mobile phones too, which is a big no-no here.
  • @estar @kelani My poor old mum, before she died, was in what is known, at least in the UK, as the "sucker list" and she couldn't help but be drawn in. I have no idea how much money she lost, and don't want to know. We tried everything, the phone calls stopped, but I still get "charity" letters addressed to her two years after she died.
    Kelani I'll support the badge idea, and send you cakes to eat in your prison cell (though I'm sure Kel won't get caught) if you could just take down one of these evil *******
  • Ah @kelani I was once in charge of the police e crime unit. The money spent on new equipment and courses to use the stuff (oddly it was cheaper to send them to the US than train here) just blew my mind. Same on this side of the pond as yours, I expect, the crims have more money than the law enforcement agencies.
  • ah so just brush up on all those skills, should take what a couple of days? whahaha ermmm... but then you are back in the game @kelani and you can knock those insulting telemarketers (okay I get your point, but still hate them all, I am just fortunate enough not to need to resort to such a job, I would suck big time and I hate doing the things I hate myself, hence the NO adds on my own YouTube. Sure it could create a revenue, but I am doing fine like I am now, so why bother others with something I hate getting on YouTube myself)
  • @HunnyBunny Grrrr that's the stuff that creates the violence in me. All they ever do is hope to come across an easy target (of which unfortunately the elderly are a big part). Sorry to hear you mom was one and even more sorry you have to relive it every so often.
  • @kelani and all others similarly plagued - maybe we should try this
  • Oops sorry @Hunnybunny you posted about your Mum when I was searching for the link. I actually think that when they prey on the vulnerable they should be hung, drawn & quartered!
  • Oh it's Tuesday - Wwwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeee! Beak 2 is so much trickier than Beak 1!
  • Whahahahahahah @mumsie that is hilarious!!!
  • @Mumsie -- That was great! Even better than something similar that someone posted a week or so ago!
    @kelani -- I'm on the "Do Not Call List", but I can't imagine that anyone is paying attention to it, and I don't think it is enforced.
    @E-Star -- I wouldn't seriously suggest hacking even a scammer's call list, but it sure sounds appropriate. : D
  • @hunnybunny -- You'll be lucky if you aren't still getting sucker mail for your mother 10 years from now. I put my mother on all the "no direct mail marketing and telemarketing" lists, but I still got mail for her years later. You may actually get someone off all the current lists for a while, but then someone sells and old list, and it starts all over again. I still get a least one marketing letter per year for my father (with our address on it), and he died in 1990. Not to mention that his mail was never forwarded to my house while he was alive, and not after he died either.
  • About whining? Anyone tried the challenge today? Awful - 999999 ways to go wrong, just one left. Argh. No, wait whiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiieeeeee
  • @estar You are such a kindred spirit. :) When I ran my old website. I had so much traffic, I was getting offers from advertisers that would cover the $500/mo colocated server/bandwidth fees and given me a very nice profit. I always said NO ADS. People think you're nuts, but they just don't get it. Ads would completely ruin the artistic effect you worked so hard to create.

    Since I'm not in my 20s anymore, and since so much has changed, 'Brushing up' on those skills is more like 'Learning all over again'. It would take 2-3 years.

    @hunnybunny Oh yes, they're stinking rich. Many telemarketer scams are just a new revenue stream for identity theft/credit card fraud/drug & human trafficking organizations operating out of Eastern Europe. Hopefully when the US finally adopts the new microchipped credit cards in 2015, some of that will go away.

    Grr. If I'd known your mom back then, I'd have gladly unleashed hell on any scam artist that targeted her. I have a huge soft spot for the elderly, and I especially admire those who remain generous to their own detriment even after a lifetime of seeing how much humanity can suck.

    Sometime (not now) when you're all bored and want to hear a lovely story about Kel-assisted elderly revenge. Ask me about Dorothy Goode. :>
  • @mvnla2 US telemarketers all abide by it. If they don't, they can get fined $10,000 per call. The problem is the offshore fly-by-night guys. They're responsible for most calls nowadays. I read somewhere If you've been on the DNC list for over a year, any call not from an exempted political group or charity, is probably an offshore scam.
  • You computer savvy types will never believe the difficulty I went through posting those pics
    Sad, old, bunny, get a grip girl :P
  • @kelani you got that right, I too got lots of raised eyebrows, but I just don't do stuff to others I do not want to have done to me and I hate adds, they are ugly, always in the way and definitely mucking up a great design :))) Now of course I can understand in some situations there is no way out. Like ABN, it is not selling anything, but maintaining such a success does need to have some revenue to keep it afloat. That is one of the reasons I paid for my Uncagement here at ABN, to hopefully get more people to pay for it too, so the ads won't be that necessary. And of course to get rid of them ;)

    And duuuuuuh tell me about it, I once tried to stick a toe in the waters of building a website and before I knew a couple of things, stuff changed. It drove me bonkers and I stopped. I will stick to what I know (illustrator/photoshop/indesign) and leave the other stuff to those who can still keep up.
  • Nice one @mumsie! Much needed giggle! Thanks for that :D
    @kelani I should've said we answer the phone to no-one. Every friend and family name pops up so if its a number we don't know the answering machine picks up. If it's someone we don't know but it's important they'll leave a message. We use our mobiles for everything these days anyway so I'm happy in the knowledge that I'm not missing anything. BTW you're scarily knowledgable about phone scams..........;D
    So @all I'm guessing there was nothing wrong with the scores? Or are you going to make me go back through 5 days of pages?
  • @hunnybunny WOW that view indeed is spectacular! And I still love your stampsize garden, small but very serene looking!
  • @bernersenn Just checking... do you get a notification now???
  • @hunnybunny pffft. It can't be tiny when a lovely water view is one of the walls! It's absolutely beautiful, and I like it a lot. Anyone who needs more than a cozy, private nook with a nice view should enter therapy. :)
  • @JLZ I am not sure, I haven't been in the Leaderboards for a long while and reading the troubles, I was scared to check as I have no clue if and what my scores should be. Sorry
  • @estar, it's working, thanks a lot
  • :D yeahhh glad I could be of help @bernersenn !
  • @hunnybunny - WOW!!! if only the sun shone all the time !
  • @hunnybunny now i'll have to post my huge, dirty, washed-away, waste-of-space garden sometime. It'll make yours look even more heavenly.

    @estar Yeah, that's the problem. We're idiots! :D We know ads can pay the bills, but suffer anyway because of ideals. I do believe in the user-supported idea. If I could work, I'd gladly pay the uncaged fee. That concept how I kept my site alive all those years. My one problem: 80% of my users were 12-25, so most of them had zero money. Here, most of the users are older, so that has a better chance of working. Heh, I remember lots of times, I'd get an envelope fille with hundreds of coins. All my site users in a high school would send in their leftover lunch money. :) I wonder if BL would appreciate getting a few dozen jars full of pennies in his mailbox every week? ;)
  • Ok @estar thanks. I'm sure everything must be ok as there would be more of a kerfuffle in here. Just thought I'd seen some talk of it.
    Who cares about the size with a view like that but weren't you worried over the past winter flooding @hunnybunny?
  • @jlz666 -- If you didn't enter any scores the first day of BI, you should be fine (I think), check the "All Things Nest" forum. I did enter scores the first day, and I've checked several times; mine were OK. I did not enter scores the first morning, probably not until late afternoon CA time.
    @fenikus -- A lot of the telemarketing calls we get really seem to be local, or at least from people who speak English with an American accent. They only get fined $10K per call if they get reported and prosecuted, and probably neither of those happens often enough. And they are mostly real people, although I got a call from a computerized voice system recently -- Sort of like Siri, who responds to what you say. I asked the "guy" if he was a real person or a computer, and "he" said of course he was real. But after another sentence, I was convince it was a computer and hung up.
  • @mumsie just checking... ;)
  • Yes that worked! Thanks
  • Thanks for replying @mvnla. No I didn't enter scores till Sunday so I'll be fine. I'll check out the forum to be sure though.
  • Wow @kelani! My day at work tomorrow is looking duller by the second! If you didn't screw around with the lights then shame on you! ;D
  • @kelani I am so sorry, I can not seem to remember all the real life situations and they all are jumbled... so in between jobs at the moment? Due to bad economics?
    as for the pennies, LOL that is so cute! We have a dutch saying, "liefdewerk oud papier" (litterally work of love, old paper... IK very strange...) a reference (or so I have been told) to a catholic workgroup that was founded for the purpose of helping those around us, by collecting old papier. The money they collected from that all went to the different projects in the area. So basically providing a unpaid services and doing it out of love. That's basically my life's motto... get paid enough to get around and the rest is all in the name of "Liefdewerk, Oud Papier". Which I believe gives a much more valuable gift than money... love, appreciation and seeing the other shine and feel happy. No money can ever replace that feeling.
    And yes I too have a soft spot for the elderly and try to help out as much as I can. I enlarged the weekly puzzle (and send it with the regular mail with stamp) for my granny to a size she could still read with her deteriorating eyesight. For 10 years I recreated the puzzle and typed in the questions, just so it was sharp enough for her to make out the letters. Unfortunately 2 years ago even with an extra screen enlarging the enlarged print wasn't doing it anymore and I had to stop :(
    Now at almost 93 she is rapidly deteriorating. So heartbreaking to watch and not being able to much about it.
  • @jlz666 although some of the town we live in (estate agent speak "a beautiful Victorian seaside town") gets flooded, it's mainly on The Esplanade with its award winning pier - will post pic soon - but we actually live on a converted dock, built to take the coal from South Wales to the rest of the world. No chance of flooding here. The industrialists knew how to build to protect their profits!
  • @kelani please make Chanel cheaper, millions of women will send you a dollar ;-))))))
  • @kelani @mvnla2

    You are awarded 5 points for a comment on a page, with a maximum of 5 points per page. So essentially, you get "credit" for your first post only.

    Yes, we go back and remove the 3-star hunting after things have been confirmed. Removing of comments does not remove the points associated to them (though we can do that manually to combat "spam artists").
  • WOW @hunnybunny that looks scary! Hope that doesn't happen too often.

    Gotto pop out again, I have a couple of things to do before needing to turn in for the night. All have a fab afternoon/evening!
  • @AMslimfordy Thank you for clarifying that. Has there ever been a discussion on making the 'Submitting an alternate strategy?' checkbox a one-time exception?
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